Michael Moncur wrote:

MM> > Many moons ago, I submitted this rule (from my local config) to
MM> > counteract such problems:
MM> >
MM> >   header   Q_FOR_SELLER         Subject =~ /Question for seller/
MM> >   describe Q_FOR_SELLER         Subject is eBay Question for seller
MM> >   score    Q_FOR_SELLER         -4.0
MM> >
MM> > I'd have to go back through the archives, but I thought the intent was
MM> > to test it out in the GA at some point...
MM> It was tested, apparently, but the GA gave it a score of (positive) 1.0. I
MM> think this is another one that needs to be set manually.

Well, no.  Somehow *no score* got entered for it in the scores file, and so it's
being given the default score of 1.0 -- I don't know why this is so -- probably
because the original score was in the wrong section of the scores file or
something.  I'll do some investigating to make sure it doesn't happen again.

MM> I have to assume that the GA gave it a more or less random score because
MM> there weren't many non-spam ebay questions in the corpus. There certainly
MM> isn't a single  spam message with "Question for seller" in the subject in my
MM> archive of the last 5,000 spams I've received.

There were apparently no messages triggering Q_FOR_SELLER in the entire 300k
message corpus used for 2.20 score setting.  But it should then have been the
case that the GA just left the score unchanged from the original 4.0, rather
than deleting the score.  Something went wrong somewhere between creation of the
rule and the current release.



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