I have set this up with "spam_level_stars 1" in the /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf file, but SA doesn't seem to to pick up the settings as I don't see the stars in the header of the email judged as SPAM. I'm using version 2.20 of SA.
My config file
rewrite_subject       0
# --- this is turned on by default
spam_level_stars      1
report_header         1
subject_tag           *****SPAM*****
use_terse_report      1
defang_mime           0
skip_rbl_checks       0
check_mx_attempts     3
check_mx_delay        5
Dave Strickler
DWS - "The GroupWise Integration Experts"
Boston * Austin * Belgium * Denmark
(800) 999-5412 x10

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