Just joined the list today. I had SA installed on my server last week and
am 99.9% thrilled with the results.

I manage several mailing lists thru topica.com (also thrilled with them
<gentle plug>) but am having some trouble setting a rule so none of the
mails will be marked as spam.

About 40% of the list mails coming in have been marked as spam with scores
of 3-8. What I see is almost if not all of the mails marked so far are from
AOL users (no real name) as well as other hits depending on the content.

I tired one new rule in the header_test and one in body_test neither having
any effect..

Has anyone set up a rule for topica in their SA??

Here are the 2 I tried:

in 20_header-tests:
header TOPICA                    /X-Topica-Id/
describe TOPICA                Contains word 'X-Topica-Id'

in 20_body-tests:
body TOPICA                     /T O P I C A --/
describe TOPICA                 Contains 'T O P I C A'

score TOPICA                        -100.0

A typical header from a list mail looks like:

From: [aolperson]@aol.com
Subject: NailTech:: jos nail art
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 01:40:58 EDT
X-Topica-Id: <1020231693.inmta008.28945.1000336>
X-Topica-Loop: 10005040
List-Help: <http://topica.com/lists/nailtech/>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Archive: <http://topica.com/lists/nailtech/read>
X-Mailer: AOL 7.0 for Windows US sub 118

The list name in this case is NailTech and every post's subject line is
prefixed with NailTech:: most of the other lists I mange there work the
same way, but not all, so that would be an inefficient way to set the rule
IMHO.. I would think the "X-Topica-Id:" would be the smarter way to go..

Any assistance would be appreciated.

"The power to unite is stronger than the power to divide" 
(AT&T TV commercial)
Debbie  ^v^   ///\o/\\\    ^v^  Webmaster - System Admin

WWWeb Services, Ronkonkoma, NY
631-981-1273 voice & fax
BeautyTech / SalonMart
http://beautytech.com/   http://salonmart.com


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