Theo Van Dinter wrote:

TVD> > Note that MAIL FROM: is wholly different from From: and most end users
TVD> > never see the contents of the MAIL FROM:.
TVD> Note: Most MUAs will use the From: header to be the envelope FROM as well.

Not sure I've ever seen a MUA other than 'telnet' which allows you to set the
MAIL FROM smtp header.  Actually, I gues some MUAs might do that if you're using
SMTP auth, they might use the SMTP auth name as the MAIL FROM, but I bet they

TVD> that people are spamming.  I hate spam, but I also hate people who sign
TVD> up to get mails about something, then complain when they get their mails.
TVD> (that's why I always (and I mean _always_) make sure that I mark any
TVD> available "don't send me email, etc." option when filling out forms.)

...and hope the place that gets your email address doesn't reset all their
users' mail preferences to "opted in" -- cf Yahoo and eBay in recent months.  I
also used to always turn off the "opt in" checkbox on everything, but *still*
managed to somehow get shitloads of spam and "you opted in by giving us your
address" mail.  That's why I now use SpamAssassin.



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