At 11:38 AM 3/27/02, Marc MERLIN wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 01:12:28AM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 17:20, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> > > Is  spamassassin actually  giving  a combined  3.5 score  to  any 
> mail  that
> > > originated from  a dialup  IP, even  if it was  properly 
> relayed  through an
> > > ISP's mail server?
> >
> > The problem is not so much with SA, as with the RBLs you're using.

The way I've done it here is to use the rblsmtpd program for accepting 
mail, which checks rbls against only the connected ip.  Since the RBL check 
is done at the gate (and mail rejected before it gets in), I have it turned 
off in SA.

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