On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 01:12:28AM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 17:20, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> > Is  spamassassin actually  giving  a combined  3.5 score  to  any mail  that
> > originated from  a dialup  IP, even  if it was  properly relayed  through an
> > ISP's mail server?
> The problem is not so much with SA, as with the RBLs you're using.

Ok, I'm confused.
Granted, the IP seems to be in DUL from MAPS and relays.osirusoft.com

SPAM: Hit! (1.5 points)  Received from dialup, see                              
SPAM:                    [RBL check: found]      
SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points)  Received via a relay in relays.osirusoft.com           
SPAM:                    [RBL check: found]

Turns out:
gandalf [mc]$ host     A

So both RBLs agree that the IP is on a DUL.

Sure, you can argue as to whether to  BLs should be used or not. I don't see
this as a problem, _except_ when the  lists are being applied on all the IPs
in the received lines.
Again, if this is really what's  happening, I don't understand why a message
is being  penalized because  it originated  from a  dialup modem. If  it was
properly relayed through the ISP's mail server, where's the problem?
Received: from maynard.mail.mindspring.net ([])                   
        by mail.vasoftware.com with esmtp (Exim 3.31-VA-mm2 #1 (Debian))        
        id 16q0IX-0007Fw-00                                                     
        for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:24:13 -0800              
Received: from sdn-ar-001casfrmp092.dialsprint.net ([] helo=apex) 
        by maynard.mail.mindspring.net with smtp (Exim 3.33 #1)                 
        id 16q0IS-0008CZ-00                                                     
        for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 26 Mar 2002 18:24:09 -0500

I may be missing something, but if this were really happening, it should affect
many more messages.

I guess my  main question is: is SA  supposed to look at all the  IPs in the
received lines?
If so, why?

Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
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