Yeah, kerry_nice is part of [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Whatever company that does these particular spams,
they only address it To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'm
the only recipient, and the subject is something like
'hello kerry_nice, get free stuff'.  This one you can
match the to and the subject, because getting
something to kerry_somebodyelse won't feel as

But I would say this needs to be somewhat under user
control, because I have some addresses that are
kerry@something and kerry could show up as a
legitimate subject.  But if I see others like uniceka,
not a friend of mine.

And somebody else on this list wrote something sort of
like this and they skipped it if it had an entire
address.  This makes sense.  I get bounces sometimes
that have my entire address in the subject.


Greg Ward wrote:
> On 09 March 2002, Kerry Nice said:
>>#this one will only work for me, but if it there, it
>>is 100% GUARANTEED to be spam
>>#not sure how to make a general case for this
>>header KERRYSUBJECT       Subject =~ /kerry_nice/
>>describe KERRYSUBJECT     Personalized subject for
>>Kerry based on email address
>>score KERRYSUBJECT 4.00
> Is "kerry_nice" per chance the local-part of the
email address that
> receives this spam?  This sounds like another reason
to tell SA your
> email address(es): if the local-part of one of your
addresses is in the
> subject, it gets a point or two.
> Alternately, SA could look at the Envelope-to header
that some MTAs add.
> No, wait, that won't work because of forwarding...
it could look for the
> "for" clause of each Received header, which
(informally) records each
> envelope recipient along the way.  Then consider the
list of email
> addresses there as "your addresses", and use them to
look for things
> like
>   Subject: kerry_nice
> or, my pet peeve:
>   To: gward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> which is also a pretty sure spam marker for me.
>         Greg

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