For these particular customizations, the To: and the Subject will have the same name, with my address being the only one in the To and no CC addresses.
These are the only two variations I find in my spam archive for these: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Hello, kerry_nice Absolutely Free Web-Cam Access To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: kerry_nice Your Friends Are Online and Want to Chat! Also, all of these were not caught by SA. After I added this to my personal it did, but not before. Probably the customization is causing them to squeak by. The first one would only get a 4.4. SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ---------------------- SPAM: This mail is probably spam. The original message has been altered SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future. SPAM: See for more details. SPAM: SPAM: Content analysis details: (7.4 hits, 5 required) SPAM: Hit! (0.6 points) From: does not include a real name SPAM: Hit! (3.0 points) Personalized subject for Kerry-added in SPAM: Hit! (1.8 points) 'Message-Id' was added by a relay (2) SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) Received via a relay in SPAM: [RBL check: found, type:] SPAM: SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results --------------------- >>Kerry Nice wrote: > > >>>#this one will only work for me, but if it there, it >>>is 100% GUARANTEED to be spam >>>#not sure how to make a general case for this >>>header KERRYSUBJECT Subject =3D~ /kerry_nice/ >>>describe KERRYSUBJECT Personalized subject for >>>Kerry based on email address >>>score KERRYSUBJECT 4.00 >> > >>Could be done some other way (allowing expressions?). > > _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]