Hi all,

I've been upgrading to 2.11 recently and tried to figure out how the
AWL exactly works now since there seems to be somewhat of a lack in

From my experience it seems that AWL scores for certain senders are
being applied after 10 mails from that source have been parsed. Is
this right? Is there any way to customize this behaviour?

Also I'm assuming that the medium is calculated from the AWL-adjusted
scores. This may or may not be a good idea, I'm not quite sure (it
certainly makes it have a slower reaction/adjusting time).

When trying around with it and setting "auto_whitelist_factor 0" there
should not be an auto_whitelist adjustment to the calculated score if
the manpage is correct. Still there is. Possible bug in AWL?


P.S. This local test works pretty well for me and pushed some of the
previously uncaught spam beyond the limit, may be useful to include:

body     UNSUB_URL              
describe UNSUB_URL              Says: "to unsubscribe, go to URL" or similar
score    UNSUB_URL              1.5

Georg C. F. Greve                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Software Foundation Europe                  (http://fsfeurope.org)
Brave GNU World                            (http://brave-gnu-world.org)

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