People should be allowed to not-read or not-receive any or all of their
email.  Period.  It doesn't matter whether it's because they are
xenophobic morons, or because they don't know anyone outside the US -- It
doesn't matter because it's their mail and their spool.

On Sat, 2 Mar 2002, Rob McMillin wrote:

> issue of "getting our users in trouble", I would like to remind people
> here that there's this thing called the First Amendment. They can spam
> -- goody.

It isn't quite that simple -- At least not in the US.  There is 'free
speech' and there is 'commercial free speech'.  The commercial variety is
restricted.  You can't say whatever you want when advertising, and you
certainly don't have a right to advertise via spam.

> We can publish lists of TLDs we know to be leaving open relays
> out in the night. It's called a Free Press. It's a great example of
> something Oliver Wendell Holmes (IIRC) meant when he said that the
> solution to bad speech isn't censorship, it's more and better speech.

To pick another nit here, the technical term 'censorship' doesn't apply to
commercial speech in the US.  It applies to the US government when it
tries to limit the free expression of individuals.

Note that you can be sued for filtering email (eg MAPS) under certain
circumstances.  Probably you could win, but that's academic if you don't
have a lot of money for lawyers or help from the ACLU.

Those who are concerned about legality and/or ethics can install the
filter and set the site score to 0.00.  Let the recipient decide what
score he wants to set.


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