Hi Craig,

>I agree that baseless discrimination is bad; however the goal here is
>not to punish evil country, or the people who live in them.  In fact,
>the score of 3.0 for ROUND_THE_WORLD means that even if you happen to
>have one of those TLDs, you still need to be sending something
>spammy-looking to trigger the rule.

Well I hardly receive any mail that is tagged with negative or zero
score. So I beleive it would be very easy to get the 2 missing points.

And as someone said, to be fair, one should consider all the TLDs.

>The simple fact is that in the corpus, there are 687 pieces of spam
>which triggered ROUND_THE_WORLD, and only 40 pieces of nonspam.

I'll prepare for a you a big bunch of non spammy .th email :)

Just need time to work on that, as well as translating the rules
description to French (I did about 60 rules once, since then had no
time to look back at it).


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