Lars Hansson wrote:

>On Sun, 03 Mar 2002 00:08:41 -0800
>"Rob McMillin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Let me get this straight -- we have ignorant and the willfully abusive 
>>people in these countries creating or abetting spam for others to deal 
>>with, and *we're* supposed to be concerned about public relations?
>The willfully abusive are usually not in those countries. On the contrary,
>they're usually either from the U.S or Europe.
Oh, granted. But that doesn't change the fact of open relays.

>>The one I submitted *does*.
>It only works for *you*
I would imagine it would work for others similarly situated. And I would 
seem to be in good company, with some US ISPs now taking the even more 
drastic step of disabling port 25 for Chinese subnets (203/8, for instance).

> nd that's mostly because you are not anywhere
>near those countries or doing business with people there.
Granted, also.

>Maybe there could be a page on the spamassassin site that contains contributed
>rules that might be usefull but arent in the default distribution?
Yes, that might be useful.

>Isnt this exactly what the RBL's are for anyway? Catch the servers that actually 
>ARE open relays as opposed to catching those that, well, might be depending
>on where you are.
Except that open relay lists are notoriously spotty; how many times have 
you been spammed through an open relay with no reverse lookup -- perhaps 
a malconfigured, unprotected MS box directly connected to the Internet?

 | Dog is my co-pilot.


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