On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Greg Ward wrote:

> On 01 March 2002, Nels Lindquist said:
> > One caveat.
> >
> > E-mail of the form [ "Your Name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] is legal.
> >
> > E-mail of the form [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Your Name) ] is also legal.
> >
> > Not knowing much about regexp, I'm not sure if your proposed
> > expression handles the second case.
> You are correct; my regex doesn't handle the second case.  But it
> doesn't matter; I'm not trying to match on all legal "To" headers, I'm
> trying to match on a style of "To" header commonly seen in spam.  That
> is, I occasionally see spam like this:
>   To: gward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> but I don't think I've ever seen one like this:
>   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (gward)
> Hey, I just had another idea: I occasionally see spam with this in the
> body:
>   Dear gward:
> Perhaps
>   /^dear\s+$local_part/i
> ought to be worth a point or so.  But I don't see a good way to do
> *that* with a regex.  That sort of thing really should be done by fully
> parsing the message header, pulling out the local-part of the "To"
> address, and then looking in the body for that.

"Dear matt"

Doesn't work for me, sorry... I actually see the presence of "dear ..."
where "..." isn't sir or madam or any other generic term as a sign that
it's likely not spam. For certain most spammers aren't going to want to
send emails having: "Dear 42fudge82323" where the recipient is

But then I could be wrong, I haven't tested my assertion.

<:->get a SMart net</:->

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