[I suggest a new rule]
> Here's a quick and dirty attempt:
> header TO_REALNAME_EQ_LOCALPART    To =~ /\"?(\w+)\"?\s+<\1\@[^<>]+>/i
> describe TO_REALNAME_EQ_LOCALPART  Real name in "To:" equals local part

[Craig responds]
> Sounds like a good rule -- even people like me who use their name as email
> address probably won't have many people using "Craig"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; if they're going to go to the trouble of setting
> the real name, they'll now what my last name is.

OK, what next?  Is that regex good enough?  I doubt it -- I cobbled it
together off-the-top-of-my-head, and consulted only the copy of RFC 822
which I carry around in my brain (not entirely infallible).  Do you want
me to take a crack at honing the rule, so eg. something more appropriate
than \w+ is used, or so it doesn't match when there are mismatched
quotes?  Or do you want to take over from here?

I'm not really clear on how strict SA's regexes should be -- ie. is the
goal to follow the grammar in the RFC, or to just do a good enough job
that most spam is caught?


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