On 28 February 2002, Craig Hughes said:
> Greg, I think I'm going to be busy for a few days just with scoring
> refinements.  If you could solidify the regex I'd appreciate it.

OK, here's a patch relative to CVS:

--- rules/20_head_tests.cf      26 Feb 2002 12:04:21 -0000      1.33
+++ rules/20_head_tests.cf      1 Mar 2002 13:20:15 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 header TO_MALFORMED            To !~ 
/(?:(?:\"[^\"]+\"|\S+)\@\S+\.\S+|undisclosed-recipients:)/ [if-unset: 
 describe TO_MALFORMED          To: has a malformed address
+header TO_LOCALPART_EQ_REAL     To =~ 
+describe TO_LOCALPART_EQ_REAL   To: repeats local-part as real name
 header FROM_MALFORMED          From !~ /(?:\"[^\"]+\"|\S+)\@\S+\.\S+/ [if-unset: 
 describe FROM_MALFORMED                From: has a malformed address

> I think as a general guide, the rules should be RFC-compliant, unless
> there's a special reason not to be.  Also, 2822 should be your guide, not
> 822.

OK.  Note that the character classes used to recognize "local part" and
"domain" in the regexes are subsets of the character set allowed by RFC
2822; you see - + _ . in local parts all the time, but & ! { } etc. seem
pretty unlikely, and adding them all really bulked up the regex.

Implementation question: is the \s* at the front necessary?  Or does SA
strip whitespace after the colon before feeding headers to rules?

And do I need to modify any other file to make the GA pay attention to
this rule and evolve its score?

Greg Ward - software developer                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org

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