On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, peter green wrote:
> * peter green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020204 07:23]:
>> * Daniel Pittman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020203 14:18]:
>> > X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC822 header formatting in Date: Sun, 3
>> > Feb 2002 14:31:08 +0000 (GMT)
>> > 
>> > Of course, that's /not/ an invalid RFC822 date, it's
>> > SpamAssassin[1] deciding that it's not really very happy.
>> 1) RFC822 has been obsoleted. SA should be doing a check against
>> RFC2822.
>> 2) That *is* an invalid RFC822/2822 date. The specification for the
>> time does NOT allow for the ``local differential'' (+0000) and the
>> timezone (GMT) to be specified simultaneously. Further, the zone
>> specification, whether in
>> +0000 or GMT format, should not be encased in parentheses.
> Following the rest of this thread, this obviously isn't precisely the
> problem you've encountered and that Craig, et al, have been trying to
> help solve. Sorry for the confusion.

Personally, I appreciate the correction on my reading of the RFC. :)

You are correct, though, that the date per-se isn't wrong, it's the test
for the well-formed header part that's failing, not any parsing of the
date itself.

Which doesn't make me correct in the assertion that it's 822 compliant,


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