On 31 Jan 2002 at 11:53, Charlie Watts wrote:

> Having ways to integrate SA and an MTA is great.
> You can set the benchmark for rejection wherever you are comfortable. But
> you need an MTA that has Perl hooks to be able to integrate SA into the
> SMTP session.
> Or milter, I suppose. And I think there already is a milter w/ SA support.

Indeed. :-)  I've been using MIMEDefang (which is milter based) for 
attachment filtering and virus scanning for over a year now.  
SpamAssassin support was just added in the most recent release, which 
is how I was introduced to it.  MIMEDefang already includes all the 
functions one would need for dealing with spam (bouncing, dropping, 
quarantining, header marking, attaching a text report, etc.), so I'm 
all set.

> But this shouldn't be a "core" SA feature. If somebody contributes an SA
> wrapper module to integrate it into the SMTP portion of an MTA, that's
> where rejection should be implemented.

Totally agree.
> I'm just a fan of the Unix process model - lots of tiny components, all
> chained together. The alternative is to just turn SA into a complete
> MTA...

No thanks.  Lots of perfectly good MTAs already exist!
Nels Lindquist <*>
Information Systems Manager
Morningstar Air Express Inc.

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