"CertaintyTech - Ed Henderson" said:

> Perhaps devise a method for deleting really Spammy messages - say greater
> than 15.  All of the false positives that I have seen are 10 and under.
> Keep ones that are under 15 which makes it easier for scanning for legit
> messages.  What do ya think?

yep.  I was thinking this is the way to go forward; a good few people have
suggested including more "grey areas", so what I'm thinking is this:

  - score range 0-5: non-spam.  deliver as normal

  - score range 5-15: could be spam.  maybe, reply with a "reply
    with this password to be whitelisted" mail (this would have to
    be configurable), or file to a "gray" folder for later checking.

  - score range 15-30: more likely to be spam.  file to "probably-spam"
    folder for checking; can be checked less frequently than the "gray"

  - score range 30-999: definitely spam. auto-report to Razor, file
    to "definite-spam" folder.

The first and last items are already in there, with "required_hits" and
"auto_report_threshold".  It'd just need the other thresholds, and
possibly a bit of configurability, for example, something like these
config lines:

        range -5        deliver
        range 5-15      reply_asking_for_pwd
        range 15-30     deliver("probablyspam")
        range 30-       deliver("defspam"), auto_report

ie. the score range (to replace the existing threshold system), and a
simple command set which trigger actions.

Anyway, I'll be away so I wouldn't be implementing this, so this
mail is really moot unless C+M like the idea ;)


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