On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 04:48:40PM -0500, Mike Coughlan wrote:
| > Besides, why not block it with the content filtering rules of your MTA?
| I would also add that it is best to catch viruses based upon *the potential*
| for damage.  Otherwise you are always one step behind.

Hehe.  The only "damage" they can cause is the same annoyances (and
possible DoS) that spam causes.  (I don't use windows! :-))

| Our "promail sanatizer" does just that and has done a great job. IMHO, your
| request, and others like it, would be a duplication of resources, and can
| also lull others into a false sense of security.

For me it is just the convenience of not seeing those messages.  I
don't really care how (whether it is SA or my MTA or my filtering
rules).  It's also only significant (to me) for the ones that are
repeatedly received.  One-time receipt isn't enough annoyance to
automate filtering it.



"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
        --Jim Elliot

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