On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 02:58:56PM -0500, Mike Coughlan wrote:
| > Has anybody created a rule for the MyParty virus?  It is trapped by our
| > virus scanner, but it would be nice to have a rule in SA to catch it.

| Maybe this is an old philpsophical debate, but I'd be afraid of code bloat
| in catching all mail viruses on top of spam.

True, but I suppose this time you can add the definition of 'spam' to
the argument list.  On the one had, virii are "unsolicited junk mail".

My view on this (here, now) is :
If it is trivially easy to flag the virus within the existing SA
framework, why not?  Just three more lines in the config file, and
easy enough for users to turn on/off.  (you can also argue - then add
it to my own configuration - and that is valid too)

| We too have an open source virus checker that works very well, and
| I'd prefer that each do its own specialized job.

Is this the same scanner Gene mentioned?



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