On 17 Jan 2002, Sidney Markowitz wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 13:01, brad wrote:
> > Are you recomending spamd -d -L -D is ok and then call it with the
> > procmailrc of spamc -f
> Well, "recommend" is too strong a word, since I don't run a large volume
> mailserver to lots of customers.But I do know that I run spamd -d -L -c
> and put spamc -f in my procmailrc and it takes a small fraction of a
> second per message, and spamassassin doesn't do noticeably better at
> filtering spam when I slow it down by adding the razor and RBL checks.

My understanding is that the rules are tuned -without- the network tests
included, anyway.

I don't use Razor (found it slow), but do use some of the DNS blacklists.
I've got local copies of the blacklist zones for the ones that will do
AXFR ... that helps latency lots.

Charlie Watts
Frontier Internet, Inc.

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