Has anyone successfully used the milter as a direct plugin yet?  My
procmailrc in /usr/local/etc/ is just invoking the spamc -f process.


On 17 Jan 2002, Craig Hughes wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 10:51, brad wrote:
>     Problem: CPU usage with procmail to high, MTA stops accepting email
>     because of load average / Sendmail 8.11 has problems with SA and
>     unexpected or long error codes.
>     Potential Resolutions and what I have learned thus far please feel free to
>     adjust:
>     Don't run your smtp server / pop3 server and SA on the same machine on
>     heavily loaded server. SA takes 5-7 seconds per message and can leave
>     hundreds of procmail processes running.
> Do you also see hundreds of spamc processes?  If not, the problem is
> procmail (maybe it's waiting on a lock?), not spamassassin.  I would
> recommend (if you don't need it) taking procmail out of the loop by
> getting sendmail to invoke spamc (or call out to spamd itself somehow,
> milter?); or at the very least take a good look at your procmail
> recipes.  Also, if those spamc processes are hanging around for a long
> time, and it's not just procmail, then you might want to do this anyway,
> since procmail is a much bigger process than spamc.
>     Perhaps this is the best way.
>     Case 1
>     ******
>     3 or more machines:
>     2 running your MTA / SA / and procmail for delivery via NFS to your "main
>     mail server"
> Generally I try to avoid setups where there's a lot of NFS writing going
> on.  It's just asking for trouble in my experience.
>     1 "main mail server" running pop3 / IMAP agents and providing the services
>     to your customers and supporting local file delivery via NFS from your
>     front end machines
>     I am thinking postfix for the front ends and then using courier pop/imap
>     on the main server
> Not sure why lots of people seem to think "courier" when they think
> IMAP.  Cyrus is so way much better in my experience, and the design
> seems like it should be much faster, more scaleable, and more
> recoverable.  But don't necessarily take this as solid advice, I've
> never really whaled on Cyrus, just used it in fairly low-volume setups.
>     Case 2
>     ******
>     1 or more head machine running a "multi threaded spam proxy" with SA which
>     then processes the mail and sends it to "main mail server" running no SA just
>     MTA / LDA / pop3 / IMAP
>     keep existing sendmail config + qpopper / imap
>     Case 3
>     ******
>     1 or more head machine running with SA which connects to a SPAMD machine
>     to do the scanning and then then processes the mail and sends it to "main mail 
>     running no SA just MTA / LDA / pop3 / IMAP
>     keep existing config + popper / imap
>     I would suggest this, under the KISS principle.

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