On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 02:02:08 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/Monitor/MonitorWithDeadObjectTest.java line 75:
>>> 73:     private static void testDetachThread() {
>>> 74:         // Create an ObjectMonitor with a dead object from an
>>> 75:         // attached thread.
>> Unclear what the "Detach" in the method name has to do with anything. ??
> And why add these wrapper methods that simply call one other method?

> Unclear what the "Detach" in the method name has to do with anything. ??

This test case provokes the assert we hit when the monitor is visited inside 
DetachCurrentThread. I updated the comment to state that.

> And why add these wrapper methods that simply call one other method?

Because I find this structure more cohesive and better structured. I have four 
functions representing the four tests. The fact that two of them in turn only 
call one function is an implementation detail. I don't want to push the call to 
`createMonitorWithDeadObject` down into the main function, because then I also 
have to move the comment there, and suddenly the main function becomes more 
then just a super simple dispatch function.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16783#discussion_r1405871913

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