You might want to try something like this:.
from gluon.sql import Expression
db("('%' || table2.field2 ||
Not very pretty, but it does work.
On May 8, 9:13 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Can you try
> from gluon.sql import Quer
If you look at the ReportLab example in chapter 9 of the book, it uses
the private folder to make the PDF file, which is then deleted. So I
guess that private is for temporary working stuff - a folder that can
be cleaned out if necessary. And, if such a file is worth keeping, I
guess it should be
I would create a form with all 10 rows, hide all but the first 2 rows,
and then use jquery to progressively display the rest of the rows.
Add something like this to each of the rows...
form.element(_id=this_reference_id).append( A(' add', _href='#',
_onclick="jQuery('#%s').show()" % next_reference
As an aside, the mixing of \\ and / is unsightly but does not seem to
cause a problem on widows. If you want to tidy it up, it's around
line 786 of
request.folder = os.path.join(request.env.web2py_path,
'applications', request.application) + '/'
On Jun 25, 11:15 am, Y
Just curious...The code shows the mail.send routine in a loop and the
whole thing could take some time to run. Should there be some limit
to the number of records that can be thrown into such a loop? About
how many records before this sort of thing should be handed off to a
On Feb 4, 4:
Try this if you want to make yourself a loading gif...
On Feb 6, 6:24 pm, Iceberg wrote:
> Elegant and universal! Exactly what I am looking for. Thanks!
> On Feb6, 1:35am, sveinh wrote:
> > If I understand you correctly, you want to indicate to the user that
> > i
luon\", line 281, in send
text = text.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8')
File "c:\Python25\Lib\encodings\", line 16, in decode
return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
What's changed?
You received this message because you are subscr
My experience with CSV import suggests that you need to delete the id
Also the lack of validation is a bit of a trap...once I edited an
exported CSV with MS Excel, which silently reformatted all the dates
to something like 1/2/2010. The edited file was 'successfully'
imported into SQLite
Would it be possible to start/stop/monitor such a background process
from admin? If so, it would seem to be generically useful and a
powerful compliment to cron. A plug-in perhaps?
On Feb 19, 10:06 am, mdipierro wrote:
> I would not use cron for this. cron starts a job at reguar intervals
> bu
You could use javascript for this. The command is 'top.close()'
For example, say you want the window to close as soon as the
controller has done it's work...
$(document).ready(function() {
Alternatively if you wanted more control, you could return top.close()
from the web2py
I have a local module in /web2py/applications/test/modules/
Which is imported like this:
h = local_import('helpers', reload=True)
This works on my windows box, but fails when I moved the application
to Linux:
File "gluon/", line 258, in
n Mar 9, 10:31 am, Russell wrote:
> > I have a local module in /web2py/applications/test/modules/
> > Which is imported like this:
> > h = local_import('helpers', reload=True)
> > This works on my windows box, but fails when I moved
You might need to import the DAL?
from gluon.sql import DAL, Field
etc. etc.
On Mar 10, 12:43 pm,
The number is stored in a dictionary called '_extra'. The top part of
what you are getting is the dictionary key. Do something like this to
get just the number...
row = db(...).select(db.some_table.amount.sum())[0]
answer = row.'_extra['SUM(some_table.amount) ']
See pg 169 of the book.
On Mar
s new feature - thanks.
> However my tables rely on auth, which relies on being passed globals()
> containing request, response, and session. Will I need to fake them?
> On Mar 10, 11:01 am, Russell wrote:> You might
> need to import the DAL?
> > Fromhttp://groups.g
le of how to do this with the DAL?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
27;Tiger Woods')
> > or
> > [p.update(product_name = 'Tiger Woods') for p in
> > db(>0).select()]
> > On Mar 16, 12:06 pm, Russell wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm trying to update some text fields in a da
ile "", line 1, in
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'Expression' objects
I have found a work-around, but it is pretty ugly:
>>> db(>0).update(name =[0:0] + "x" +
Does anyone have a better sol
"%s%s" % ("x",
> On Mar 24, 9:57 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> > Try this:
> > db(>0).update(name = "%s%s" % (,"x"))
> > On Mar 24, 9:52 pm, Russell wrote:
A bigger problem...
On further testing, it looks like db(>0).update(name = + "x") does NOT work.
The DAL seems to treat this as an integer addition and the field is
updated to 0 (at least on sqlite).
On Mar 25, 4:11 pm, Russell wrote:
> Thanks v
gluon.sql import Expression
> > db(>0).update(name = Expression(' || "x"'))
> > I'm almost positive there is a better way.
> > On Mar 24, 10:43 pm, Russell wrote:
> >> A bigger problem...
> >> O
Is there a reason not to simply place the constant in the args?
or if you want to be explicit...
On Mar 29, 4:24 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Normally if I want to pass a constant, I put it in a hidden field and
> then pass t
Just a thought...
It occurs to me that, as SQLFORM is a set of fields, wouldn't it be
better if SQLFORMs had their own widget class?
It would allow for customization and, potentially you could then
combine SQLTABLE with SQLFORM into one tidy concept. By this I mean
that SQLTABLE could deliver a
I've tried butting an ID on the loaded form but this doesn't seem to
Subscription settings:
how to. If you find out a way I would take a patch to
> support it.
> Massimo
> On Apr 23, 11:59 pm, Russell wrote:
> > Hi,
> > When I put an onchange submit into an {{=LOAD()}} it seems to submit
> > the main page's form and not the LOADed form.
table_user[username].requires = tmpvalidator
Subscription settings:
Okay, I've thought more about this and can see why you might want to
overwrite the don't want IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, validation on login! So maybe just a case-sensitive
On Apr 26, 12:01 pm, Russell wrote:
> Hi,
> Auth.login overwrit
auth.settings.register_onvalidation = login_email_lower
auth.settings.verify_email_onvalidation = login_email_lower
On Apr 26, 12:34 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I will look into this.
> On Apr 25, 7:26 pm, Russell wrote:
> > Okay, I've thought more about this and can see why you might want to
You might want to check any dynamic {{extend}} statements within your
views. When the app is compiled the views are 'extended' but any
paths based on run-time objects just don't work. For example this
works uncompiled...
{{extend os.path.join(request.controller, 'custom_layout.html')}}
But it w
Initially this example didn't run for me on postgresql. I assume that
this is because 'page' is a reserved word...changed the table name to
'webpage' and all was good.
On May 2, 7:04 am, mdipierro wrote:
> If you comment this line:
> db.document.page_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', '%(ti
auth.user_id and auth.user_group(auth.user_id)
On May 2, 12:37 pm, Sverre wrote:
> How can I retrieve current user_id and group_id? I need the to put the
> ownership of something into a table.
Use 'T' or 'F' rather than 'True' of 'False'. Web2py saves boolean
data as 'char' with length 1.
On Aug 19, 1:49 am, Narendran wrote:
> Hi,
> I added a new boolean field to a table. And I manually updated the
> value of the field outside web2py. Now, I get zero rows for any
> condition I put on
In my experience, it is a bit awkward to do this using SQLFORM. You
could try something like this:
rows = db(>0).select()
import random
asked = random.sample(rows, 3))
> form=SQLFORM.factory(*[Field('a%s'%i, label = a.question) for i,a
> in enumerate(asked)])
> if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
> score = sum((check(a.answer,request.vars.get('a%s'%i,''))
> for i,a in en
The example on the bottom of page 212 in the new book shows you how to
do it.
On Aug 27, 6:40 pm, ed wrote:
> Hi,
> It tried modifying the auth.register() form with the
> following code:
> def user():
> if request.args(0)=='register':
> response.flash=T('Register')
>', 'invalid email!')
In[1]: IS_EMAIL()('')
Out[1]: ('', None)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Personally, I like the way the widget renders the error by default -
it's pretty tidy and does what you want most of the time. If you want
to remove the error from the widget you could look at the section
called "Switch off errors" on page 220 of the manual.
On Oct 8, 5:03 am, Thadeus Burgess w
Upgrading to Version 1.68.2 broke the Auth in my applications. The
bug: when a user is visiting a controller other than 'default' and the
the login cookie expires, the ?_next parameter incorrectly bounces
them back to the 'default' controller.
I've narrowed it down to the new auth.settings.
The DAL Rows object returned by select is a list. But often a
dictionary with id as the key is what is needed (ie, a frequently used
lookup table). Typically I do this...
item_list = db( > 0).select()
item_dict = {}
for item in item_list:
item_dict[] =
return false; });
jQuery('.flash').hide().fadeIn(2000).animate({opacity: 1.0},
2000).animate({ opacity: 'hide' }, 2000);
This makes the response.flash fade in and then fade out. No clicking
It does seem that a nice solution would be to position or shrink the
flash message on the default layout so that it is unlikely to cover
text. But it maybe we are trying to do too much with the flash
message? There are some messages that only deserve a quick 'flash' -
like 'logged in'. But ther
Hi there,
This function works on the web2py server, but throws a syntax error on
def _test():
from gluon.sqlhtml import form_factory
return dict(form=form)
Here's the traceback...
ERROR2008-12-17 02:49:20,437] Traceback (most re
> db.define_field(...,db.Field(),...)
> so that you never import and use SQLField from
> On Dec 16, 9:22 pm, Russell wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > This function works on the web2py server, but throws a syntax error on
> > GAE.
You might want to look at this thread...
It shows how you can have several "submit" buttons and then use your
controller to dynamically determine the specific redirect.
On Apr 25, 6:24 pm, wrote:
>>> print table
When something like this would seem the preferable result...
I know the work-around is to split it into two steps with "table.insert
(0,TAG.colgroup())", but that does seem a little messy (and the
I've had this problem come up quite a few times. It appears to be a
migration issue and is usually fixed by this...
On Nov 17, 8:48 am, Carlos wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> I'll send you the requested files if/when I get
This JavaScript will refresh the page without reposting the data:
window.location = window.location;
On Jan 17, 4:04 am, weheh wrote:
> I'm using components, not typical web2py way of doing things.
> On Jan 16, 3:51 am, Kenneth Lundström
> wrote:
> > But isn t web2py taking care of this alr
I've just been struck by the same issue when upgrading to Version
1.94.6 (2011-03-27 18:20:38).
To be clear, this used to work, but does NOT work anymore:
form=SQLFORM.factory(Field('document', 'upload'))
This works on the current version:
form=SQLFORM.factory(Field('document', 'upload',
I think that a simple system cron is the most reliable (per minute,
per hour, per day). Then use some type of locking mechanism in your
web2py script (either database or file). For example:
locked = db((db.report_queue.status=='SystemLock')).select().first()
if not locked:
locked =
This works for me. I have a system crontab like this...
*/5 * * * * python /home/www-data/web2py/ -S init -M -N -R /
And runs just like it should. Here's a basic layout that you
can use to test it's working...
Yes, I have two lines in the crontab. A five minute one, and a daily
*/5 * * * * python /home/www-data/web2py/ -S init -M -N -R /
1 22 * * 1-5 python /home/www-data/web2py/ -S init -M -N -R /
Looks like the form.accepts is trying to update the database with the
is_administrator value. You may need to deal with the update
explicitly. Have you tried form.accepts(request.vars, session,
On Jun 14, 1:21 pm, Ross Peoples wrote:
> I am trying to provide an editor for auth_use
It works for me.
2011/11/5 Kenneth Lundström
> Hi Russell,
> Have you defined nyroModalRemove somewhere? I'm getting
> "parent.$.nyroModalRemove is not a function" when using your suggested
> three lines.
> Kenneth
> return_sc
Yes I was just reading and understood that the reason for my fields not
showing up was because the fields in many of the tables have the same
names. Changing that resolved that issue.
It's actually a great book too, just wished I could read faster.
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Richa
Yes I am using smartgrid elsewhere, very nice. I did do the 3 forms but
used the factory to do it. Works nicely so far.
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 1:24 PM, villas wrote:
> I don't believe you can use SQLFORM in that way, you'll have to create
> your own form - maybe try SQLFORM.factory. Better s
aha that would be it.
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Niphlod wrote:
> are you logged-in ?
> For security reasons any modification to tables in grids is prevented on
> anonymous access.
> You can still give "write permissions" using user_signature=False, but
> it's highly discouraged
> On We
I have a SQLForm and use the formset DIV for it but its not what I really
want. Rather than having just one column with all of the fields required to
be filled out, how do I set it so its like 3-4 columns?
For example:
Name Address City State
Instead of:
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 8:53:16 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> I have a SQLForm and use the formset DIV for it but its not what I really
>> want. Rather than having just one column with all of the fields req
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 9:35:31 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Thanks for the response. So now I am really confused because I have no
>> idea where to put this code if I am using a SQLFORM.factory?
>> Basically I just want to add row fluid to make t
LFORM(..., formstyle=myformstyle)
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 10:07:49 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Thanks for the responses.
>> The formstyle looks interesting but I cannot make heads or tails out of
>> the way to use it. Are there any examples
Ah, I see now.
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Anthony wrote:
> No, 3 columns means:
> Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
> label widget comment
> It's still one field per row. When in doubt, try it out. :-)
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 201
If I have a form factory with 3 tables, how would I define the fields I
wanted shown for each?
This is the code for my controller. I have tried to set it in several spots
but all of them throw an error.
def register_patient():
ctory() can take a list of specific fields rather than entire tables.
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 11:15:28 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> If I have a form factory with 3 tables, how would I define the fields I
>> wanted shown for each?
individual fields instead of entire tables:
> SQLFORM.factory(db.mytable.myfield, db.mytable.myotherfield, db.wholetable
> )
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 11:49:43 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> I tried doing the specific fields like:
>> f
Ah yes both readable and writable have to be defined. Thanks again
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Anthony wrote:
> Try writable=False.
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 6:04:43 PM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Thanks for the tip.
>> I did set one f
I have a form and I load a pre existing value that I generate internally
before I call the form. What I want to see on the form is the value shown
up but just as plain text so the user cannot modify it. If I do
readable-False then it just shows None for the value rather than the value.
How would I
readable at True in order to show the value but not allow it to be
> edited.
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 11:00:59 PM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> I have a form and I load a pre existing value that I generate internally
>> before I call the form. Wh
t; use the method I showed (i.e., set the default value for the field before
> creating the form).
> Anthony
> On Monday, June 24, 2013 11:23:01 PM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Yes I tried that:
>> Field('medical_record_number', label=
l submit
> a value for that field if they are determined, so you might want to check
> for that variable on the server and delete it if submitted.
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 12:15:04 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> I ended up doing this in the
> db.mytable.myfield.writable = False
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:02:40 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Yes I understand that. What would be the best way to handle this?
>> Seemingly, the couple of items suggested did not work for me s
So I took and modified the welcome app to my needs and added another app.
If I login with the welcome app and with a link, open the other app and
have it set with auth.requires_login(), it requires the user to login
again. How does one handle this stuff in web2py? Do I need another app the
way I ha
> Il giorno martedì 25 giugno 2013 07:51:08 UTC+2, Tom Russell ha scritto:
>> So I took and modified the welcome app to my needs and added another app.
>> If I login with the welcome app and
I have the following form that uses 3 different tables and when I submit
the data it all seems to submit correctly but when I view the data in a
smart grid with linked tables in the columns clicking on the link does not
show any record for the row of linked data.
My smartgrid code:
def manage_pat
did implement the CAS stuff but now I get an error saying 'DAL' object
has no attribute 'auth_user' for the app I have.
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Anthony wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:12:32 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Well agreed, but I set
ect has no attribute 'auth_user'
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Anthony wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:04:22 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Yes I customized welcome and then added a new app via the admin
>> interface. I did not directly copy the welc
I have a smartgrid with a link like so:
links = [lambda row: A(T('Create
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.patient, deletable=True, editable=True,
create=True, maxtextlength=64, paginate=25, links=links,
Ah, I forgot to add the following line to my consumer app:
auth = Auth(db,cas_provider = '')
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Tom Russell wrote:
> Well agreed, but I set that up in the welcome app so it would seem like
> that sho
("AppointmentManager", "yourcontroller", "appointment_create", args=[
> You can also used keyword arguments "a", "c", and "f" with URL().
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 12:08:57 PM UTC-4, Tom Russell wr
Another question on the smartgrid.
I have linked tables in my smartgrid like:
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.patient, deletable=True, editable=True,
create=False, maxtextlength=64, paginate=25, links=links,
links_in_grid=True, linked_tables=['emergencycontacts','dependents'])
When clicking on t
> ','%(patient)s')),
> On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 10:36:03 UTC+5:30, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Another question on the smartgrid.
>> I have linked tables in my smartgrid like:
>> grid = SQLFORM.smartgri
7;Son', 'Daughter', 'Other'])),
Field('patient','reference patient', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('em_first_name', label='First Name'),
"represent" attribute
> for any reference fields that reference this table.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 10:24:32 AM UTC-4, Tom Russell wrote:
>> db.define_table('patient',
>> # Since we
I need to add a button to the smartgrid but not like doing create=True
because I have a form factory that has 2 other tables associated with the
one. I know in html I can simply add a line for a button but since I am not
using html for this how would I add a button to that page to reference my
To group inside a field I do something like this with 3 different tables:
form=SQLFORM.factory(db.patient, db.emergencycontacts, db.dependents)
fs0=form[0][:26] #patient rows
fs1=form[0][26:37] #emergency contacts
fs2=form[0][37:41] #dependents
fs3=form[0][-1] # submi
How would I do this:
I need to create an appointment for a patient so from my list of patients i
have a link to call another app to do the appointment. I have the link set
so it looks like this:
links = [lambda row: A(T('Create
Saved mine too, got it originally from
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 12:39 PM, António Ramos wrote:
> That is a very clever solution.
> Saved my day.
> Thank you
> 2013/6/26 Tom
I am using the appointment manager from
I have tweaked it to my needs and works well so far but there is an issue
trying to use SQLFORM.grid.
I get an error
() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
by doing this:
>> a simple json feed function returning a well formatted json object with
>> simplejson dump.
>> Richard
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Tom Russell wrote:
>>> I am using the appointment manager from
>>> https://gith
Another solution can be:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
Education CV {{=education_form}}
Student {{=student_form}}
School {{=school_form}}
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Tom Russell wrote:
> Saved mine too, got it originally from
>> "{{=T('October')}}",
>> "{{=T('November')}}",
>> "{{=T('December')}}"],
>> dayNames: ["{{=T('Sunday')}}",
I cannot seem to get some jquery code to work right and not sure why.
Basically when I click a checkbox I want another field to appear below that
This is my form code:
def register_patient():
> });
> });
> On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:09:00 PM UTC-5, Tom Russell wrote:
>> I cannot seem to get some jquery code to work right and not sure why.
>> Basically when I click a checkbox I want another field to appear below that
k thanks I will try that
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Jim Steil wrote:
> I'd try putting some alert() messages in to try to trace the flow and
> check the values of variables.
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Tom Russell wrote:
>> Thats wei
So If I do something like:
jAlert('This is a custom alert box', 'Alert Dialog');
and nothing shows up, could it be that the jquery lib is not being made
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Tom Russell wrote:
> k thanks I will try that
> On
I have 2 apps and one I want to use the model/db from it in the other in a
SQLFORM.grid. I have read through and googled and cannot find a way to do
Is this possible and how?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" gr
on in
> your page (with javascript) that is preventing the execution of your stuff
> later on.
> -Jim
> On Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:26:56 AM UTC-5, Tom Russell wrote:
>> So If I do something like:
>> jAlert('This is a custom alert box',
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 5:31 PM, António Ramos wrote:
> Using this suggestion , my submit button is inside the last fieldset.
> How do i take it outside?
> 2013/6/26 Tom Russell
>> To group inside a field I do something like this with 3 different tables:
t; 2013/6/28 Tom Russell
>> Here's the rest of my code doing what I posted before...
>> if form.process().accepted:
>> id = db.patient.insert(**db.patient._filter_fields(form.vars))
>> form.vars.patient=id
>> id =
>> db.
I am confused about how I have my set up for tables etc.
At the top I have what is generated for me:
if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
auth in
> one database, then you stop using it and use another database, which has no
> auth set up. That can't work.
> Simply define db just once, not twice. Use the definition web2py has
> suggested for you and change the database name if you want to.
> Regards,
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