dy before addressed this issue because this feature is not used.
> So I would suggest either to set it as deprecated and add v2 which will be
> flagged as experimental or change it on master because It might not be even
> functional.
> Best regards,
> Filip Varga
Hey Daniel,I had a quick look and it looks like the APIs in question are also not marked as experimental ?If I am right, then to me seems like a silent behavior change to a production API - something we have heard repeated complaints from the downstream consumers for….I had -2’d it for now - we sho
I noticed the same behavior when stress-testing the multi thread session
handling for the ACL plugin a while ago. I thought this trade off is there to
avoid having to do the hard locks in bihash code, rather than it being a bug.
As you say - the special value comes only if the deletion is
Hi all,
I’ve prepared the 23.06 release plan - and linked it off the usual place on VPP
Tl;dr: release the last Wednesday of June, RC2 two weeks prior; RC1 three weeks
prior to RC2. Looks like this schedule works well. Same logic as usual -
Hi all,
VPP release 23.02 is complete ! Artifacts are at their usual place at
Many thanks to all the contributors for their work that went into the release,
and thanks to Dave Wallace and Vanessa Valderrama for the help in the process !
Onwards to 23.06! :
Hi all,
The VPP RC2 milestone is done, the RC2 artifacts are available from the
packagecloud repository at https://packagecloud.io/fdio/2302
Now we accept only the fixes from CSIT testing in preparation for the release,
which is scheduled to happen in 2 weeks from now.
--a /* your friendly 23.
Hi all,
Just a kind reminder the RC2 milestone is tomorrow 12:00 UTC. After that on
stable/2302 branch we will be accepting only the fixes to issues found by CSIT
in preparation for the release.
Thanks a lot!
--a /* your friendly 23.02 release manager */
Links: You rec
Hi all,
Just a kind reminder that RC2 milestone will happen in two days at noon UTC as
per our release plan [0]; after that only the fixes to issues found in CSIT
will be accepted, in preparation for the release.
[0] https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_23.02
--a /*
Hi all,
23.02 RC1 is done, the master branch is open for all commits, the
stable/2302 branch is created and is open for the cherry-picks of the bug
fixes - which would need to first be merged into master branch.
The deadline for the fixes is RC2 milestone, which is 3 weeks from now, as
per the re
Hi all,
Just a kind reminder that tomorrow at 12:00 UTC i will create the branch
stable/2203, in preparation for the upcoming 23.02 release.
--a /* your friendly 23.02 release manager */
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#22473): https
Hi Pim,Thanks a lot! I merged it.A bit of a history: when creating the ACL plugin, I went a bit gung-ho on DRY, and since I had to write what is essentially CLI as part of a vat plugin for it, and since there was a way to call that from VPP, I never did the CLI. (Also, following the mantra that the
My naive impression looking at the change, seems like it’s still work in
progress with several comments open. Especially with the autumn DPDK release
IIRC being the “API-breaking” one, looks a bit risky to me… I think haste may
get us into places we don’t wanna be in. I would vote to merge this
Hi all,
Just a kind reminder that as per the release schedule [0], next Wednesday 18
January 2023 at noon UTC I will pull the stable/2302 branch. After that, only
fixed and pre-agreed low risk commits will be accepted on that branch in
preparation for the release.
[0] https://wiki.fd.io/view/P
Hi all and happy new 2023 for those who celebrate it!
With the holidays, the first milestone of the 22.03 release cycle is upon us
pretty quickly - 18th of January. At the RC1 mark I will pull the stable branch
which will be accepting only fixes and low risk commits in preparation for RC2.
I made a first rough cut of stat segment bindings for Rust - so wanted to throw
it in here and see if there is any interest/solicit feedback:
It has two examples - vpp-get-stats and vpp_prometheus_exporter, which copy the
functionality of th
Hi all,
It came up that the current time of the community meeting is extremely
unfriendly for our community members on China timezone - it makes it midnight
their time.
So, as per discussion on the call today, I would like to propose to move every
other of the meetings (the one in the second T
Hi all,It’s been there for a few days already, but just to make sure folks see it, it’s at its usual place:https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_23.02Projects/vpp/Release Plans/Release Plan 23.02wiki.fd.io--a // your friendly 23.02 release manager
> On 10 Nov 2022, at 16:49, filvarga wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Anyone willing to merge my maintainer address update patch ?
> https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/37581
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Filip Varga
Links: You receive all messages sen
Hi Jens,
Both changes are now merged so you can build VPP off the latest master branch
and test it.
Thanks again for the report! :)
> On 9 Nov 2022, at 10:16, Jens Rösiger via lists.fd.io
> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for the quick reply and the hints. I look forward to the offic
Hi Jens,
Thanks for the report !
There are two issues. First, if a parameter is omitted, it is implicitly
initialized to - as a shortcut for the debugging.
So even the “working” case is not correct - you end up with ipv6 source and
ipv4 destination, which may give you unpredictable
Hi Dave,
Very cool! I assume this change reflects only for the changes showing in
component maintainers’ lists, and not the authors ? (I saw one -2 change in my
list in this report, which is the “correct” behavior imo, so just making sure
it is a feature and not a bug :)
> On 4 Nov 2022,
Hi Elias,
No, there is no VPP LTS releases.
However, VPP FD.io infra retains the config to have Jenkins jobs for CI for the
current and the previous release, on a rolling basis - and the fixes may be
cherry-picked there by the community members wishing to do so.
> On 31 Oct 2022, at 10:15
Hi all,
VPP release 22.10 is complete !
You can have a look at the release notes at
The artifacts are available at the https://packagecloud.io/fdio/release
Thanks to Dave Wallace and Vanessa Valderrama for the assistance in prepari
Hi all,
Feel free to push the updates in case you have any edits.
As a reminder - the release will commence at 12:00 UTC on Wednesday 26 October
(in just less than a week).
--a /* your friendly 22.10 release manager */
Links: You rec
no risk for VPP 22.10.
> Best Regards
> Yulong Pei
> From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io On Behalf Of Andrew
> Yourtchenko
> Sent: Friday, October 14, 2022 6:04 PM
> To: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] VPP SSWAN plugin git cherry pick to stable 22.10
ps://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36552) for 22.10 stable ?
> This patches only update the plugin and test script itself, and no
> dependences on vlibapi refactor and library fix.
> Regards
> Kai
> From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io On Behalf Of Andrew
> Yourtchenko
> S
*release manager hat on*
we are past RC2 milestone - which means only critical fixes for CSIT tests go
if the commit was just the plugin itself, in principle might be possible to
entertain the idea, since a separate plugin is relatively low risk.
But https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36
Hi all,
VPP 22.19 RC2 milestone is complete, artifacts are available at packagecloud.io
This sets us on to the finish line to the release, which is supposed to happen
in two weeks.
We are now merging only the critical fixes into stable/2210 branch in
preparation for the release.
--a /* your
This is the *list* timeout, which is indeed set to be half the session timeout,
as you notice.
The logic in acl_fa_check_idle_sessions dequeues the sessions from the list
every list timeout (which as you note is half the session timeout) - regardless
of whether the session is active or not, and
Hi all,
Just a small reminder that the VPP 22.10 RC2 milestone is tomorrow.
After that only the critical fixes will be accepted in stable/2210 branch.
Thanks a lot!
--a /* your friendly 22.10 release manager */
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
it would depend on what are you looking to achieve ?
> On 27 Sep 2022, at 07:00, gopi.puligun...@gmail.com wrote:
> code is quite tough to understand as not sure of use cases and less
> documentation , and is taking time as a new enthusiast,
> any suggestion what's better way to approac
Lazily reclassifying the sessions which were created under a different policy
and thus potentially are not allowed anymore.
> On 26 Sep 2022, at 12:24, gopi.puligun...@gmail.com wrote:
> could you please provide some info on input_policy_epoch_by_sw_if_index
> purpose ?
Hi all,
VPP 22.10 RC1 milestone is complete!
The artifacts for 22.10 RC1 are available at packagecloud.io/fdio/2210
Now the master branch is open for all commits, and the new stable/2210 - for
low risk changes and fixes in preparation for the 22.10 release.
All changes destined to stable/2210
Hi all,
Just a small reminder about our upcoming 22.10 RC1 milestone tomorrow
(Wednesday 21th September).
I will be cutting the stable/2210 branch at 12:00 UTC, similar to previous
Please hold on merging risky changes to master branch until that step is
Thanks a lot!
Hi Ting,
i am sorry, indeed you are right! I compared the latest change# with the
previous one, not with the #16 which was there before the meeting. I was wrong
with my assessment.
So the final +2 word is for Dave/Damjan since the comments were theirs. From
release management PoV I am happy to
I think you might find the thread in
https://www.mail-archive.com/vpp-dev@lists.fd.io/msg16302.html useful.
> On 15 Sep 2022, at 17:39, yxm...@case.edu wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to evaluate the forwarding efficiency of VPP with large FIB/RIB,
> like millions of entries.
> H
Hi Ting,
I would classify this change as an "extremely low risk" one since
everything is in ~vpp/extras - so I am happy to have the deadline for it be
RC2 milestone. However, having just glanced at the patch, I see you
uploaded the new revision yesterday and it changes the commit message. When
Hi all,
We have a week left before the RC1 milestone,
during which I will pull stable/2210 branch in preparation for the release.
Please let me know if you have unmerged changes that you need to get in before
RC1 that i can help with.
Thanks !
--a /* your friendly 22.10 release manager */
Hi all,
With the first day of September being imminent, also it’s quickly approaching
the time of the VPP 22.10 RC1 milestone: in three weeks from today.
On 21st of September i will pull the branch stable/2210 which will be accepting
only bugfixes and low-risk commits in preparation to the 22.
Description: Binary data
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#21745): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/21745
Mute This Topic: https://lists.fd.io/mt/92689730/21656
Group Owner: vpp-dev+ow...@lists.fd.io
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Did you verify with the tcpdump/wire shark that your patch achieves the
intended result of setting the lifetime ?
>From my quick look it seems like this suggested change will not achieve the
>behavior you are looking for; but I am not very familiar with that part of the
>code so
Hi Amaresh,
Since I was the author of the change I should probably chime in :)
The change that you mention was aimed to simplify vppctl and remove its
dependency on the VPP libraries - there are a few use cases where the vppctl
would be in a different container - thus not having to install ext
talking about FEATURE.yaml, the file at src/plugins/linux-cp/FEATURE.yaml
> already lists the state as experimental. Maybe the formatting of the file is
> bad?
> Thanks,
> -Matt
>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 4:14 AM Andrew Yourtchenko
>> wrote:
>> Hi St
Hi Stanislav,
The api is marked as “Production” so the behavior of checkstyle is there to
protect the users (as for the duplication - it is a choice to do it once in VPP
or in each and every downstream consumer). As for the pure code exercise - I
just did it for the sake of a test, took a grand
Hi Dave,
You can not do operations in ACL plugin at an ACE level. By design. For a few
1) requiring to supply the entire ACL decreases the amount of transient state,
reasoning about the state of the system becomes easier - it is a “declarative”
model, which is easier to reason about.
FYI - in case you are not on csit-dev mail list.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Tibor Frank via lists.fd.io"
> Date: 13 July 2022 at 16:46:07 CEST
> To: csit-...@lists.fd.io
> Subject: [csit-dev] FD.io CSIT-2206 Release Report is published
> Reply-To: tifr...@cisco.com
> Hi All,
Hello all,
VPP 22.06 release is complete and the artifacts are available in packagecloud
release repository at https://packagecloud.io/fdio/release
Thanks a lot to all of you for the hard work which made this release possible!
Thanks to Vanessa Valderrama for the help with publishing the relea
Hi all,
just a kind reminder about our upcoming release - happening on Wednesday
29th June, starting 12:00 UTC.
In preparation for the release, the release notes are available for the
review at https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36486 - please review and feel
free to push edits before Tuesday EOB.
> On 20 Jun 2022, at 05:31, yichanglui wrote:
> pipe does not support vlan tag from this link
> https://s3-docs.fd.io/vpp/22.06/aboutvpp/featurelist.html
> my question is:
> 1. is any other method to implement the tag traffic between two bridge ?
what is different between the two bridges
Hi all,
The 22.06 RC2 artifacts are available on packagecloud. Now the stable/2206
branch will be accepting only the critical bug fixes in preparation for the
release, which will happen in 2 weeks.
--a /* your friendly 22.06 release manager */
Links: You receive all mess
Hi all,
Just a kind reminder that tomorrow 15th June at noon UTC we are having RC2
milestone for VPP 22.06.
After that, in preparation to the release, we will be only accepting the
critical patches like for for issues found in CSIT testing.
--a /* your friendly 22.06 release manager */
Hello all,
Just a kind reminder - the VPP 22.06 RC2 milestone will happen in one week from
now - on 15 June 2022, at 12:00 UTC.
After that only the critical fixes will be accepted into the stable/2206
branch in preparation for the release.
--a /* your friendly 22.06 release manager */
FWIW - I tested the “official” 22.02 artifacts using
https://github.com/ayourtch/vpp-relops/tree/master/docker-tests during the
release and it worked the same as the previous releases (I might not be loading
the dpdk plugin during the testing though)
> On 2 Jun 2022, at 14:28, Chinmaya Agg
Hi all,
The stable/2206 branch is there and the artifacts are at their usual location -
Both stable/2206 and master branches are open - with the former being for
cherry-picks bugfixes only, in preparation for the release.
The bugfixes need to be first merged i
Hi all,
Just a kind reminder that at 12:00 UTC i will start the VPP 22.06 RC1 milestone
--a /* your friendly 22.06 release manager. */
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#21455): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/21455
Hi all,
Just a gentle reminder that on the 25th May, or, less than in a week’s time, at
12:00 UTC I will be cutting the branch stable/2206 for the upcoming release and
preparing the RC1 artifacts. Please let me know by Friday if there is any
changes they you need merged that still are not in. T
> On 12 May 2022, at 14:21, Damjan Marion wrote:
> Inline..
> —
> Damjan
>> On 12.05.2022., at 09:06, Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko wrote:
>> Damjan,
>> it is true we do not “guarantee” the behavior of the CLIs, but it is also
>> true that a lot of people use them, that is why t
it is true we do not “guarantee” the behavior of the CLIs, but it is also true
that a lot of people use them, that is why this warrants a bit more discussion
and heads up.
This issue was there since day 1. What is driving the urgency of it ?
> On 11 May 2022, at 14:29, Damjan Mari
I have left the comment on the change itself - in short, given its blast
radius, it needs to wait at least until 22.06 RC1 is done.
> On 8 May 2022, at 19:39, Damjan Marion via lists.fd.io
> wrote:
> Guys,
> I just submitted following patch which fixes long standing issue i
Try “UNATTENDED=1 make install-dep install-ext-deps build-release” instead.
> On 5 May 2022, at 08:48, Sindhu Pitta wrote:
> Hi Team,
> We are trying to build VPP on ubuntu 20.04 with kernel version:5.4.x.
> We cloned the gerrit code: https://gerrit.fd.io/r/vpp
> When we try to bu
Hi all,
Just a small reminder we are 3 weeks away from RC1 milestone for VPP 22.06
--a // your friendly 22.06 release manager
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#21358): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/21358
Mute This Topic: https
Hi all,
It’s this time of the year again!
As per the release plan [0], today we are beginning to count down 4 weeks to
RC1 milestone on 25th May, when I pull stable/2206 branch in preparation to
22.06 release. So, please plan accordingly :)
[0] https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plan
hi all,
Is there anyone doing the truly “out of tree“ plugins ? I would like to take a
look a bit at the ergonomics of this process, and having another brain(s) to
discuss with would be useful.
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#2
Hi all,
the artifacts for the VPP 22.02 release are available at the usual place,
Many thanks to Vanessa Valderrama, Maciek Konstantynowicz, Dave Wallace,
Fan Zhang for the help with this release!
--a // your friendly 22.02 release manager
Hello all,
Just a kind reminder the VPP 22.02 release milestone is tomorrow. As such -
please ensure all the necessary fixes are cherry-picked today before midnight
Thanks a lot!
--a // your friendly 22.02 release manager
Links: You receive all messages sent to th
Hi all,
RC2 milestone is successfully complete, so now on stable/2202 we accept only
critical bugfixes during the next week.
The 22.02 VPP release so far is going according to plan and is scheduled to
happen in 2 weeks from now.
Thank you all very much for your contributions!
--a /* your frie
Hello all,
Just a gentle reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday 09 February 2022 at noon UTC)
is the RC2 milestone.
--a /* your friendly 22.02 release manager */
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#20850): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/mess
Have a look at https://github.com/ayourtch/vpp-relops/tree/master/docker-tests
which I use to test the installability of the releases from packagecloud, and
see if you can make it work in a clean docker container.
Then you have a known good setup to compare your local with.
> On
Hi all,
just a gentle reminder that the RC2 milestone of our upcoming 22.02
release is next Wednesday 9th February, starting 12:00 UTC. After this
milestone, we will be adding only the critical fixes to the
stable/2202 branch in preparation for the release.
--a /* your friendly 22.02 release mana
Hi Rene,
ACL plugin does something along the lines - by using a “permit+reflect” action
on an ACL that allows the packet from the initiating side, even if the packet
is denied by an opposite direction ACL on that interface, it will hit the
session entry and will go through.
The state tracking
Zach, Neale,
Just a thought from the “make test” PoV:
If understand this email thread well, this change adds a behavior, relying on
which can create security implications in case this new behavior gets broken -
so you think you could add a few negative tests as well ? (I.e. that the
packets i
Hi all,
I've had this little script sitting in my gerrit for a while, but keep
forgetting to send an email about it, so finally here we are...
If you run it on top of a change, it will look at the files that it
modifies, and scout the MAINTAINERS file based on the file paths, and
point out the co
ndrew 👽 Yourtchenko
> Cc: Zhang, Roy Fan ; vpp-dev ;
> Andrew Yourtchenko (ayourtch) ; Kinsella, Ray
> ; Oginski, GabrielX
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Is it too late for Wireguard patches getting in for
> VPP22.02?
> Asdfasd
> Hi Andrew,
> The change in crypto.h
Hi all,
the VPP 22.02 RC1 milestone is complete!
The master branch is open for all commits, the stable/2202 is open for
the bugfixes (other than the exception related to the wireguard that
was discussed in the other thread today).
The artifacts are available at the packagecloud.io/fdio/2202
Hi Fan,
With my release manager hat on:
the first three patches are solely contained (minus seemingly
whitespace change in 34660? can it be avoided ?) within wireguard
plugin, which has "experimental" status, with which I would be happy
to err on the side of keeping the velocity - so once the nit
Hi all,
Just a quick reminder I will be pulling stable/2202 branch tomorrow at noon
UTC, and building the RC1 artifacts.
--a /* your friendly 22.02 release manager */
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#20749): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp
Hello all,
It is this time again - with the RC1 approaching, scheduled for 19th
January, as per the release plan ([0]).
This reminder is a bit late due to the year-end break (and the RC1 is
somewhat close to the new year) but based on the previous couple of
releases having a relatively quiet pre-
Hi all,
VPP release 21.10.1 artifacts are available at packagecloud.io/fdio/release.
Thanks a lot to Dave Wallace and Vanessa Valderrama for the help!
Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
View/Reply Online (#20509): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/messa
Excellent idea. I think having a rigid agenda discourages participation.
Also, the scheduling of the call caused me to learn of some features of iOS
I thought it would be good to have it a weekly half-hour or so occurrence, with
a possible early finish; but biweekly is the step in th
Hello all,
VPP release 21.10 is complete!
The release artifacts are available at their standard location at
https://packagecloud.io/fdio/release .
I have verified the installability of the artifacts, please let me
know of you encounter any issues.
Thanks a lot to Dave Wallace and Vanessa Valder
Hi all,
just a kind reminder we are a week away from 21.10 release [0],
so far the stable/2110 was rather quiet, which I take is a good news.
Also, the 21.10 Release Notes is available for your review.
Feel free to push the edits accordingly:
--a /* your fri
Hi all,
just a note that VPP 21.10 RC2 images are available from the packagecloud repo.
Only the critical bugfixes can go now into the stable/2110 branch.
The release date is on the 27 October, according to the release plan [0].
thanks a lot!
--a /* your friendly 21.10 release manager */
Hi all,
As per previous announcement, I have pulled stable/2110 branch, laid
the tags and checked that the artifacts for 21.10-rc1 are available
from the usual location: https://packagecloud.io/fdio/2110
The master branch is open for all commits.
The stable/2110 branch is open for your bugfixes.
Hi all,
You might have seen the email from Dave yesterday about the outage. Thanks a
lot for everyone involved in fixing it. As per our discussion with Dave, the
RC1 milestone will happen 24 hours later than planned, to compensate for the
loss of access to the infra.
--a /* your friendly 21.1
Hi all,
just a gentle reminder: As per release plan [0], the 21.10 RC1
milestone is less than a week away - 22 September (Wednesday) at 12:00
The newly pulled branch will be only accepting the bugfixes in
preparation to the release.
So, if you have any feature patches that need to go into 2
Oh and even before that - could you see if the same issue occurs in the case of
no workers (so only a single thread scenario) ? That will help to narrow down
the area + focus my repro.
> On 13 Sep 2021, at 18:06, Andrew Yourtchenko via lists.fd.io
> wrote:
> Cool! Would
Cool! Would you be able to share the app + VPP startup config to see if I can
repro this locally ?
> On 13 Sep 2021, at 15:25, RaviKiran Veldanda wrote:
> [Edited Message Follows]
> This is reproduced with stand alone app, which just creates and deletes the
> ACL,ABF policies. No
Hi Ravikiran,
> On 13 Sep 2021, at 13:00, RaviKiran Veldanda wrote:
> This definition is way too vague to tell anything.
> Hi Andrew,
> Please find my answers below
> What is the setup ? (Cores and their config)
> Its 1U server, with 72cores available and 5cores for VPP. With 100G NI
Hi Ravikiran,
This definition is way too vague to tell anything.
What is the setup ? (Cores and their config)
What are the exact rules being pushed ?
What are the type of traffic that is passing ?
If you see the VPP stuck - what does looking at it with GDB tell about the
state of it ?
Is thi
Could you explain in more detail what you are trying to achieve ?
> On 28 Aug 2021, at 22:46, RaviKiran Veldanda wrote:
> HI Experts,
> We want to use API calls to create the ACL and ABF policies. We need a
> blocking calls because we need to decide next action on the return values
Hi all,
It’s this time of the year again!
A kind reminder that we are just under 4 weeks from the 21.10 RC1 milestone and
a stable/2110 branch pull - it will happen on 22 September at noon UTC,
according to the release plan at
Have a look at https://git.fd.io/vpp/tree/src/plugins/acl/acl_test.c#n565 to
check what you need to specify.
“T” in VAT stands for “test”, so there may be not enough TLC harness around.
Feel free to submit changes that improve the user friendliness :)
> On 23 Aug 2021, at 21:36, satish ama
Thanks for testing !
The l4 “port” values without l4 protocol value set do not make sense and thus
are ignored. (Since they mean totally different things for TCP and ICMP). So
your rule becomes “permit+reflect any any” which is what you observe in your
See function make_mask_and_match_f
Your first connection limit is 20million, now it is 300 million - so I am not
sure what your requirements are, nor what you are optimizing/testing for.
The memory consumption of bihash depends on how the connections are hashed into
secondary buckets.
If you know that precisely - then you can ca
Ah indeed, I missed that, sorry! Thanks! :-)
> On 18 Jul 2021, at 16:59, Damjan Marion wrote:
> That was already suggested to Jerome, see his first email in this thread.
> —
> Damjan
>>> On 18.07.2021., at 16:05, Andrew Yourtche
Naive question: if someone needs a lot of space to prepend in front of the
buffer, would it make sense to allocate an entire new buffer and place it as
the very first one in the chain ? That would save a recompile and also me more
generic and extensible (you can get 2,3,4,… buffers in the same f
> /neale
> From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io on behalf of Andrew
> Yourtchenko via lists.fd.io
> Date: Wednesday, 14 July 2021 at 23:53
> To: RaviKiran Veldanda , Jakub Grajciar
> Cc: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
> Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] ACL IPV6 rule additio
appears that the commit 2f8cd914514fe54f91974c6d465d4769dfac8de8 has
hardcoded the IP address family in the CLI handler to IPv4:
0490db79b src/plugins/acl/acl.c(Neale Ranns2020-03-24
15:09:41 + 2873) else if (unformat (line_input, "src %U/%d",
bf883bb086 src/plugin
without arguments, it uses the commit from the HEAD, if you supply a
hash it will use that to grab that commit.
This is what it looks like:
ayourtch@ayourtch-lnx:~/vpp$ ./extras/scripts/vpp-review
commit 4b18066a18f0129e2758d6b6f4f0126ac721e48f
Author: Andrew Yourtchenko
Date: Wed Jul 14
Hi Ashish,
We just discussed the 21.10 release plan yesterday in the VPP community meeting.
It’s now linked off the VPP project page in the usual place.
> On 14 Jul 2021, at 08:58, ashish.sax...@hsc.com wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> Can someone please let me know how can I get information rega
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