Filetransfer Tool

2000-11-30 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, we currently plan to replace our Remote Control Tool (PC-Duo if anyone wants to know, quite cool, but also expensive) with VNC. Nearly all features of PC-Duo are also in VNC, though it is a bit slower. What I miss is a Filetransfer Tool, since our users need that (all on Win platform), and pe

RE: Filetransfer Tool

2000-12-01 Thread Oeschey, Lars
[stuff to do on each desktop] > Mike Babulic, Management Systems Analyst this could be quite_some_work with ~1 users/desktops... Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Filetransfer Tool

2000-12-08 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> I use Freeway > > on the server end and WS FTP on the client end. Works just fine. the download page says it works on Win95, what about NT? > Dan Lars - To u

disabling Background graphic

2000-12-11 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, is there a way to disable the desktop wallpaper with Winvnc to save bandwidth? Lars -- Lars Oeschey - Media Saturn GFI Projektleitung Tivoli visit WARKRAFT @

Tight Encoder

2000-12-13 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, did anyone use the Tight Encoder Version a lot? Is it stable enough? The author states on his homepage, that he didn't run or test it, and that there's no support for it availible. Bevor we deploy it to LOTS of machines, I'd like to know, if there are any known issues with that version. Since

RE: Tight Encoder

2000-12-13 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Alternatively, you could use TridiaVNC distribution. I'm not sure > about official stable releases, but development versions include > exactly the same tight encoding code that included in my Tight Encoder > 1.1 release. the official stable release has no tight encoder. > And another (maybe th

RE: Conection to client machine with VNC

2000-12-14 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> DHCP can be so configured so that DNS is notified and you can > connect using Oh, is that some new DHCP or did I miss something? I know that there are commercial DHCP Servers that do this, but the dafault NT IMHO doesn't... Lars

Tight Encoder and Win2K?

2000-12-14 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, is it possible that there is a problem with the tight-encoder version and Win2K? I copied the "tight"-files over the existing ones (which worked), and now I can't connect any more. Lars -- Lars Oeschey - Media Saturn GFI Projektleitung Tivoli visi

running 2 servers?

2000-12-14 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, is it possible to have two instances of te VNC-Server running on different ports? Could be good for demonstration purposes.. Lars -- Lars Oeschey - Media Saturn GFI Projektleitung Tivoli visit WARKRAFT @ --

Tight Encoder + Win2k -> no connect before Logon

2000-12-14 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, what I found out now, is that one can't connect to a Win2k Machine when there's noone logged on. I guess this is not a fault of the tight encoder version, but a generic VNC problem? Could anyone clarify this? Lars -- Lars Oeschey - Media Saturn GF

RE: VNC 3.3.3.r7 W32 on Windows NT4 Server with Service Pack 5

2000-12-14 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> client to login, but a browser. It looks like the service > isn4t started > until i log on at the console. Looks exactly the same here on Win2k. After I log in, everything's ok. > Dieter Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message

RE: VNC 3.3.3.r7 W32 on Windows NT4 Server with Service Pack 5

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Does that explain more. Or do you need to go back throught > the documentation > and faq to understand functionality? clear enough. Though, I've read the FAQ and documentation more than one time, perhaps it's not written that clearly? I never understood that part very well Lars --

RE: running 2 servers?

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> On with platform? On UNIX with XVNC no problem ;) > J.L. oh, no... Unfortunately I have to do all this on NT ;) Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://ww

RE: running 2 servers?

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> But you can run WinVNC in shared mode which will use the same > display and > port but allow multiple connections. > Simon. I know that, my intention was having run two different versions, like one with and one without compression. Just for comparison. Lars ---

RE: VNC 3.3.3.r7 W32 on Windows NT4 Server with Service Pack 5

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> k. before login the settings are being used from > local_machine. after login > it is using the settings from the current_user. ok, I got that working now. Just two questions for understanding: When I look at the port setting in the registry, it says 6600, shouldn't that be 5800? For automatic

RE: Tight Encoder + Win2k -> no connect before Logon

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Isn't it possible to install services that run even when > noone is logged in It hadn't been a problem of tight (or vnc at all ;)), the default port was set to something else... Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message with the

viewer options

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, Is there a way to set default Options for the viewer? Our ppl most time connect over 64k to remote machines, to we always need the Tight encoding. Therefore every time we need to go to Options and set this before connect... Lars -- Lars Oeschey -

RE: VNC 3.3.3.r7 W32 on Windows NT4 Server with Service Pack 5

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> unfortunately, i fear i still haven4t got it (using NT4). > what exactly have > you done to get it to work? I checked the "default Settings" from Start Menu, there was a different port set. Changing it to Auto resolved the problem. > ds Lars --

RE: viewer options

2000-12-15 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Not sure is it exactly what you want but Windows vncviewer allows to > save connection preferences in a file (there is an item in viewer's > system menu for that), and then it can be started with the "-config" > option to use saved settings. I guess this is the saving of _single_ sessions, incl

Win2k logoff disconnect

2000-12-18 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, I have a strange problem on my Win2k test machine: When I go "Start/Shutdown", usually the logoff options should be displayed, i.e. Log User off, reboot, shutdown. But as soon as I click the "Shutdown" Option in the start menu, I don't get any screen update any more. When I check the machine

RE: Win2k logoff disconnect

2000-12-18 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> machine locally, the Options are displayed as expected. I > just don't get > them in VNC. This would sound like a difference between the > default and user > Lars An update to this: The screen is diplayed, but I get refreshes like every 10 mins. It gets horrible slow, like a 240baud connectio

RE: Win2k logoff disconnect

2000-12-18 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> > machine locally, the Options are displayed as expected. I > > just don't get > > them in VNC. This would sound like a difference between the > > default and user > > Lars > An update to this: The screen is diplayed, but I get > refreshes like every 10 > mins. It gets horrible slow, like a 2

RE: Win2k logoff disconnect

2000-12-19 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> whole such screen update took about 2 or 3 seconds when I used tight > Constantin ok, bear with me... hit me on my head... after taking a sharp look at the icon in the tasktray, I noticed that it's not the tridia one. So actually I didn't use encoding. After changing the binaries, it works fine

RE: VNC Noise

2000-12-20 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> If you're using a Windows NT network/domain, I'll be happy to > share our > secrets. As far as I know, it will only work on an NT (or > possibly win2000) > domain. this would be something I'm also interested in. So far I have planned, to do a file-distribution, and run winvnc -install. Probl

RE: Silent install of VNC

2000-12-20 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> We use MS SMS here to push the install out, the script we use Uh... SMS... but I guess, Tivoli should as well be able to do that. Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-22 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> desktop and type the ip of a windows machine runing the server nothing > happens. But, if I run the vncviewer from another windows > Vidal what happens to me sometimes, is that the password window is hidden behind the xterm from which I called ./vncviewer. This can look like "nothing happens".

who is connected?

2001-01-22 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, is there any plan, to implement a feature that tells you WHO is already connected to some client? What I mean is, if you connect to a client, where someone already is connected, you can set "CennectPriority" to "2" to deny the new connection, which is good. But since we have quite a few admin

RE: VNC Systray Icon

2001-01-22 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Another side-effect of disabling the service helper is that > only the default user password will work. Normally, WinVNC > can support a different password depending on which user is > logged in. this sounds cool. Exactly what we want, one password for the machine! Lars --

RE: VNC Systray Icon

2001-01-22 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Another side-effect of disabling the service helper is that > only the default user password will work. Normally, WinVNC > can support a different password depending on which user is > logged in. Another question on this: Does it also prevent different port settings for different users? Lars

RE: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-22 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> anyway, but feel a > newsgroup would suit our purposes better. I have to say that I prefer newsgroups too. Less traffic for our mail-servers. Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL

RE: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-23 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> firewall that blocks access to newsgroup. If everyone can > receive email and > not everyone has access to newsgroups then how would it be > available to a > wider audience? I'd guess it is rather usual that administrators and the like (which I think are the primary users of VNC) have access

RE: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-23 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> True but the proxy server blocks So what do You should talk to your administrator Lars - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also:

RE: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-23 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> I find that more and more companies to not support a USENET > feed, perceiving > that it is mostly used for personal purposes. It is seen as a > lot of clutter > for little benefit. It is mostly computer issues where there > is a strong > tradition of good USENET support, where USENET is cons

RE: Even more: RE: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-24 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> So, I would request that the email list *not* be somehow automatically > combined with the newsgroup. If news/nntp access is needed and should > be > linked to the email list, then I would prefer to have that news group > hosted on a private system *without* forwarding to the rest of Usenet. I

RE: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-24 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Perhaps other *nixes might be worthwhile having their own > identifiers (I - Irix, S - Solaris, D - Digital Unix, etc). hmm... then we would also have to split NT, W95, W98, ME, since they're sometimes as different as the Unix flavours. > One problem I can foresee is that, from the evidence I'

[OT] Methods of security

2001-01-25 Thread Oeschey, Lars
Hi, since there are abviously some poeple good at security on this list, I'd like to ask, if they could point me to some good literature (preferred online), about implementing security methods, or more specific, user authentication. Since we are in the process of developing a completely new Goods

RE: Logon script for VNC

2001-02-01 Thread Oeschey, Lars
> Has anyone created an NT logon script to automatically > install VNC to a Your biggest problem will be, that the installation needs administrative rights on the machine. Still couldn't manage that with a login script... Lars