> > machine locally, the Options are displayed as expected. I
> > just don't get
> > them in VNC. This would sound like a difference between the
> > default and user
> > Lars
> An update to this: The screen is diplayed, but I get
> refreshes like every 10
> mins. It gets horrible slow, like a 240baud connection. I
> even can't move
> the remote mouse... The whole thing happens only as longs as
> the Logoff
> Options are displayed, no idea why that is. I use Tight encoder.
> Lars
Found something else: when I connect to that machine (which is connected
over a simulated 64k connection with 2 cisco routers btw.) with the browser,
I can watch that phenomen: when I click Start/Shutdown, the screen gets
drawn in "lines", i.e. you can watch lines drawn from the upcoming Options
screen downwards, after it reaches the bottom of the screen it draws from
the Options menu upwards, until all the screen is redrawn. Then I can move
the mouse again, and everything seems normal. As I connected with the
browser, the Tight encoder version can't be guilty, since it doesn't get
used there... It must be something with the way Windows darkens the whole
background when displaying the Logoff Options.
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