vnc-list newcomer

2001-05-22 Thread Mark Harris
Greetings, I want to congratulate all contributors on a very nice project ! I run VNCserver for Linux(RH 7.1) on a local cluster that makes x3270 connections to an S390 system in Boulder. x3270 needs an X server, but I don't want to put the video hardware on the cluster.I have been us

Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-22 Thread Mark Harris
We also have noticed this same behavior between NT and W2K. I am interested in the feedback. Thanks. Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286

Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-23 Thread Mark Harris
James says, "This sounds like an issue with your network." - Nope. We have reproduced this behavior between two boxes (NT W2K) that are on the same ring... that is, we aren't even making two hops; we never hit a router or bridge. In our case the machines are using token ring; however, t

Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-23 Thread Mark Harris
> Over some time, something happens between the viewer and the server, and > one or the other will hang. In our case, closing the windows and > reestablishing the connection gets us going again. Time before the hang > varies, but is definitely not network related. Something else is going > o

RE: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-23 Thread Mark Harris
Jason, Where do you check "poll full window" ? Thanks Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910 -

RE: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-23 Thread Mark Harris
James, The VNCviewer that freezes (in our case) is a Windows 2000 box. VNCserver is running on an NT box.The symptom is that the cursor (mouse) freezes on the vncviewer window, only allowing us to move the dot. We can move up and close the vncviewer window and restart the viewer and continue

Re: Ghosting??

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Harris
What you are looking for is "Terminal Services". Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910 ---

RE: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Harris
Jason says, "Double click on the VNC server icon in the system tray. Check the box that states "poll full screen". --- I checked the "poll full screen" box and am testing now.What other boxes do you have checked.I have unchecked all other polling boxes and only have the "poll full sc

password file

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Harris
hi gang, I am trying to automate the vnc viewer attachment from my Linux box to my W2000 box with : vncviewer w2000box:0 -passwd passwordfile -fullscreen The question is how do I create the passwordfile ? Thanks Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software

Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-29 Thread Mark Harris
simply closing the window. Thanks much, Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910 -- Forwarded by Mark Harris/Rochester/IBM on 05/29

Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-30 Thread Mark Harris
James says, "This is very useful to know, but not entirely trivial to fix." --- One, possibly trivial, way to fix this would be to change the behavior (or display) of the 'fullscreen' checkbox on the viewer popup menu that results from a right click on the toolbar host session icon. Here a

Re: VNC Connection Freezes

2001-06-06 Thread Mark Harris
fyi I did not see this come through the list the other day, so I thought I would resend it. This code snippet corrects the vnc hand freeze on the windoze viewer. James, One of the folks in our lab, John Fuenning, fixed this problem by adding an additional line

No Subject

2001-06-07 Thread Mark Harris
Where can I find the server log file for WinVNC on W2K ?I would expect that there is a log file similar to the one that is posted on the Linux platform in ~/.vnc How do I run the WinVNC server in debug mode ? Thanks Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Soft

Log File for WinVNC?

2001-06-11 Thread Mark Harris
Where can I find the server log file for WinVNC on W2K ? Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910 -

Re: Automatically Accepting Connections

2001-06-15 Thread Mark Harris
Ben said, "One part of the documentation suggested that if no password was assigned, then acceptance was automatic... thanks, but I'd rather keep that password there if it's the only security available!!!" - VNC is a great remote support tool; however, it is mostly insecure. You will want

RE: Automatically Accepting Connections

2001-06-15 Thread Mark Harris
Check out Run openSSH under cygwin ! Mark H. Harris <>< Staff Software Engineer Software Tools Development - IBM Rochester, MN iSeries Dept EL8Y/664-3 E115 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8) 456-6910 1-507-286-6910 --

vncviewer socket error in java applet

2001-06-19 Thread Mark Harris
When running the java appet (vncviewer) from my W2K box (netscape 4.7 jre 1.3) to my Linux box, I receive the following errors on the java console after a short time and netscape has to be restarted. Sometimes I do not get the errors in the console, but the socket closes and the browser

RE: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-25 Thread Mark Harris
VNC is used in our shop as an Xvfb and for remote server support and maint (almost exclusively). For the masses (particularly IT managers and security folks) the primary application for VNC is going to be electronic monitoring.It doesn't really matter what emphasis you give to the web page e

Re: Xvnc screensaver

2001-06-26 Thread Mark Harris
Adrian said, "I was just reminded today of something I've been struggling with regarding Xvnc - that is the screensaver pattern (the 'gray' background with the big X). Is there a way to stop this coming up?" --- The grey pattern and the large X are annoying at first to most users of an X ser