I wank to VNC to my home PC from work over the internet, My dial-up modem
connection is occasionally dropped and the IP address will change every time
the PC reconnects. Any suggestion for obtaining my IP address remotely?
Steve Godfrey
WAN Team
Isn't that illegal ?
Simon Howlett
NT Server Team
-Original Message-
From: Steve Godfrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2001 07:44
Subject:Obtaining IP address over internet
I wank to VNC to my home PC from work over the internet, My d
My typo or obtaining an IP address?!? I hoped no-one would notice that one
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/17/01 10:01am >>>
Isn't that illegal ?
Simon Howlett
NT Server Team
-Original Message-
From: Steve Godfrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 May 2001 07:44
How on earth could that be illegal?
Okay, the quick solution:
Obtain one of those free subdomains (like cjb.net and the likes of it). You
could then VNC to that address and wouldn't have to worry about the ip. Of
course you would need a client that refreshes the domain IP every now and
From: Alex
> [demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream
> which had a name of DOVNC]
From: "Seth Kneller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Argh! HowTo inetd ...
> Nice Instructions, however, you should have pasted the script into the
> body of the message.
Sigh ... here
Hi all,
I'm using the latest windows vncviewer to view a linux desktop (Xvnc)
Everything works fine, except the asciicirum (^) key. When I press the
^ key it shows up twice (^^).
Now the strange part:
For testing I remap the keycode to x:
xmodmap -e "keycode 23 = x"
>From then on I get two cap
Go to http://www.no-ip.com there you can register and they are exactly your
solution (dynamic ip address). You can then download their client and he'll
update you're ip automatically.
-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von Steve Godf
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 01:11:38PM +0200, oan wrote:
:Go to http://www.no-ip.com there you can register and they are exactly your
:solution (dynamic ip address). You can then download their client and he'll
:update you're ip automatically.
On a similar note, I use http://www.dhs.org for my home m
> For scripting it, I borrowed the password-encryption of the server code
> wrote a small command-line registry-setting program that will set a
> password in the registry (regedit can't do the correct data types for a
> .REG import), which is really handy.
where can it be found ?
>I wank to VNC to my home PC from work over the internet, My dial-up modem
>connection is occasionally dropped and the IP address will change every time
>the PC reconnects. Any suggestion for obtaining my IP address remotely?
Personally, I use the Tzolkin "dynamic DNS" service (http://w
We are building something similar for a training application. The clients
(there will be many) are viewing the single server. So, we are changing the
server to update without the client update request message.
Normally, the client runs a continuous loop that requests update, processes
update, t
> > For scripting it, I borrowed the password-encryption of the server code and
> > wrote a small command-line registry-setting program that will set a
> > password in the registry (regedit can't do the correct data types for a
> > .REG import), which is really handy.
>where can it be found ?
Okay, I've seen many references to the two suites, but I'm looking for
something more conclusive.
I see that Tridia has more encoding options (adding compression), but AT&T
VNC is ported to more platforms. Fine. But as my primary use is 100%
"wintel" << yeah, yeah, *nix is much better, but I'm
I've been successful running WinVNC and omnithread_rt.dll in the same
directory, rather than copying the DLL to %winroot%\system or
Is there a good reason why the installer still insists on putting the DLL
in the system directory?
Jim Millard
Kansas City, MO USA
I'm looking for a way to run VNC in stealth mode so it doesn't appear on the
I'd rather not turn off the entire system tray. Is that possible?
We are in an all Windows environment (win 95 clients and Win NT servers)
Joe Campbell
Express-1, Inc.
Buchanan, Michigan 49107
Hi !
Sorry for my english, i' m swiss-french !
I' ve a question, i start vncserver ok !
i start vncviewer for windows, and i see only the terminal and not my
x-windows ?
Have you a idea for me ?
Thanks, Nicolas Sciboz
Look for x2vnc. It's fairly old, but it works fine. I am using it right now
to use the same (Unix) keyboard for a Solaris system and a Windows NT system
sitting on my desktop.
According to minou@ife:
> Hello
> At our institute we are interested in a version of vnc which does NOT
> the sc
I use them both and since they interoperate very well, it does
not seem to be a pain to have them both around.
On my Windows box, for instance, both versions of the client
share most of the same config and register settings so I can
pop back and forth between both versions with little hassle.
Hello! I'm sorry that my suggestions don't sound
appealing to you. It sounds like you found a potential
weakness in a VNC system, but are dis-inclined to gather
more data about the particulars. My experience with open
source projects over the years is that the person who calls
in the
VNC is a great programme!
But: how can I connect to my office network? I have 3 computers,
permanently connected with ethernetcards and to the internet (an ADSL
connected). According to WIN VNC, my IP-address is,, (the first computer in the network, that is). I a
>> I see that Tridia has more encoding options (adding compression), but AT&T
>> VNC is ported to more platforms. Fine. But as my primary use is 100%
>> "wintel" << yeah, yeah, *nix is much better, but I'm a corporate IT guy
>> that has to support an infrastructure of wintel boxes---cut me some
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Scott C. Best wrote:
> Hello! I'm sorry that my suggestions don't sound appealing to
> you. It sounds like you found a potential weakness in a VNC system,
> but are dis-inclined to gather more data about the particulars. My
> experience with open source projects over th
>But: how can I connect to my office network? I have 3 computers,
>permanently connected with ethernetcards and to the internet (an ADSL
>connected). According to WIN VNC, my IP-address is,
>, (the first computer in the network, that is). I am
>not able to co
Thank you!
But how do you find out what the right address is?!? According to my
provider, it is But if I enter this address, VNC doesn't
find it.
That's progress for you!
At 12:36 PM 5/17/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>But: how can I connect to my office network? I have
>But how do you find out what the right address is?!? According to my
>provider, it is But if I enter this address, VNC doesn't
>find it.
>That's progress for you!
Which machine/device/host has the 194.109.x.x address? If your provider is
giving it to you, then that's ON
Mike Miller wrote:
> On Wed, 16 May 2001, Scott C. Best wrote:
> > > If I run nmap on another machine as follows:
> > >
> > > nmap -p 6001 host.machine
> >
> > Instead of running nmap on all those ports (the -p ,
> > without the number, scans all the low numbered ports <1024, plus any
> >
> But how do you find out what the right address is?!? According to my
> provider, it is But if I enter this address, VNC doesn't
> find it.
If you have DSL, there is a very good chance you have a DSL modem/firewall.
And this device is probably performing NAT: Network Address tra
Lee Allen wrote:
> > But how do you find out what the right address is?!? According to my
> > provider, it is But if I enter this address, VNC doesn't
> > find it.
> If you have DSL, there is a very good chance you have a DSL modem/firewall.
> And this device is probably per
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Michael Procter wrote:
> Mike, I did against a couple of my Linux boxes and had no problems,
> whether the viewer was open or not.
Thanks. I tried a different Sun and it did *not* crash. That Sun is
running Solaris 2.5.1 while the others were running Solaris 2.6. All
Harmen van der Wal wrote:
> Jan, I think you should bind WinVNC to the dial-up interface.
Sorry, that is probably incorrect. Please ignore.
To unsubscribe, send a message with the
TridaVNC does this..
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html
600x is the X server port. It has known vunerabilities (XFree86, for example
had a simple one-packet DoS attack on its port; this is probably still
present in Xvnc, since it's based on XFree86).
The X security is not very strong, either; what's more, people often turn it
off (the command 'xhost +
I need to install a GUI interface to a W2000 Pro machine so I can administrate
it remotely.
I think that VNC will be possible to use, since I cannot use Terminal Server
because the machine is a workstation and not a server.
The problem I have is that it is 6000 miles away and I can only get to it
The problems continue ...
I've managed to get VNC running on Solaris 8 and RedHat 6.2 and still have
Solaris 2.6 and RedHat 7.0.
I haven't started the Solaris 2.6 yet, but the RedHat 7.0 machine is giving
me quite the fits.
RedHat 7.0 is running xinetd and I converted my inetd.conf entr
Try a free e-mailing client that can sent a e-mail message to you with your
ip address. you can have your pc create a text file with the ip address by
using the command /? at the end of the winipcfg or ipconfig command.
Use the > symbol followed by the file name you want created:
for example
>So my question is:
>Is it possible to install the VNC server on that machine without physically
>travelling overseas to its keyboard?
>If so, how is it accomplished??
1) install the package to your own local machine
2) start the WinVNC server with the password you want on the remote machine
3) c
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Rob Cornelius wrote:
> Try a free e-mailing client that can sent a e-mail message to you with
> your ip address. you can have your pc create a text file with the ip
> address by using the command /? at the end of the winipcfg or ipconfig
> command.
> Use the > symbol follo
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