Look for x2vnc. It's fairly old, but it works fine. I am using it right now
to use the same (Unix) keyboard for a Solaris system and a Windows NT system
sitting on my desktop.

According to minou@ife:
> Hello
> At our institute we are interested in a version of vnc which does NOT
> the screen on the client side.
> This because we have different machines sharing the same screen. As there
> are no switchboxes for unix
> and window keyboards we use VNC to share mouse and keyboard.
> Hence we looked in the source files of WinServer and Unix/Linux-Clients.
> Here we need some help.
> Who can advice us, which part to change to disable the screen update. Where
> would be the right
> address to get some assistance?
> Actually we are trying to figure out if we better change the WinServer of
> the UnixClient. Is it right, that
> the client triggers the screen update, so we could stop the triggering, or
> does the server automatically
> send screen update upon reception of keystrokes and mouse movements?
> (of course we disabled all polling and use 8bit colors only)
> Help would be very appreciated!
> thank you
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Grant McDorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sr. Software Design Consultant
Cedara Software Corp.  <URL:http://www.cedara.com>
  (formerly I.S.G. Technologies Inc.)
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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