
>But how do you find out what the right address is?!? According to my
>provider, it is But if I enter this address, VNC doesn't
>find it.
>That's progress for you!

Which machine/device/host has the 194.109.x.x address? If your provider is 
giving it to you, then that's ONE address, although you mention 3 boxes in 
your first post. Is that address assigned to a broadband router, or your 
own machine (with a DSL "modem")? What's the IP of the other machines you 
mention? Are either one a machine you want to run the client from, or is 
there a 4th machine in the mix?

Before you worry about getting VNC to connect, you need to make sure that 
the machines in question can route to each other: can you ping from one to 
the other (and vice-versa)? Are there any firewalls or NAT/NPT'ing gateways 
that're filtering inbound traffic?
Jim Millard
Kansas City, MO  USA
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