Re: Please recover my document soon

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 28/9/18 4:40 am, Geoffrey Hartwell wrote: Can regular backup be automated? I fact there are options under Tools -> Options -> Load/save There you set the Auto Recovery time interval and to create Backups, backups are created when you close your document always allow some time to finish thi

Re: Please recover my document soon

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 28/9/18 4:55 am, Jenny wrote: Is there a way to recover my document? Thanks. Depend on your Options set under the Tools menu. Check your settings under Load/save When you have set the option you find the directory of the backups under OpenOffice -> Paths On Friday, 28 September 2

Re: documents

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 28/9/18 6:41 am, Barry wrote: I made a flyer under documents and it is very important to me I need to edit it and cant can you please help me. Probably we could help if you are more specific about the error message and tell us what Operating System and version you have as well as the vers

Re: Filter selection

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 27/9/18 7:34 pm, Cecily Henry wrote: HelloRecently I have been unable to open any open source documents as a Filter Selection dialogue box comes up. First of all your documents are not open source as you don't share it with the rest of the world. Secondly the Filter Dialogue box appears o

Re: Open Office dialog box colors hard to read

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 28/9/18 4:05 am, Phil McMahan wrote: The dark blue background with black letters in dialog boxes is very hard to read. Hard to know which dialog box you had the problem with, we don't have a clue which module of OpenOffice you use. Most of the time it will be helpful to know your Operat

Re: how to password protect a file saved as .doc

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 27/9/18 6:29 am, wrote: Is there any way to save a .doc (Word) file and have it be password protected? Yes there is a way, assuming you use OpenOffice and use the Save As function at the bottom of the menu there is an option to Save with password. But I don't unders

Re: Open Office dialog box colors hard to read

2018-09-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
n the System Settings and select Accessibility uncheck Increase Contrast. When I look at the Community Help board, I see that several others have had the same problem. Phil McMahan <> On Sep 27, 2018, at 8:52 PM, Martin Groenescheij

Re: Surface Go

2018-09-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 30/9/18 8:55 am, Lindsay Docherty wrote: Can Open Office be installed on the new Surface Go product? It can be installed on any product if the Operating system is supported. Go to the website and check  if your Operating system is on the download page. ---

Re: Was saving now it does not

2018-10-02 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 3/10/18 9:14 am, Kathi Holmes wrote: Message I get; Regarding Open Office 4. Did you do something? We can't do something on your computer. It is now saving. Than your problem is solved. Once before it saved and then quit. That's history. History: when I went to save documents in

Re: Have a question please

2018-10-21 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 21/10/18 12:33 pm, Cindy Wardle wrote: Hi, I have Openoffice and have loved it for several years now.  But just recently when I went to open up my saved document spreadsheet it takes about 5 minutes to open up my saved copies.  They are just stand spreadsheets with a description line, c

Re: won't print

2018-11-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 13 Nov 2018, at 5:05 am, > wrote: > > I'm having problems with my OpenOffice4.1.5 not printing.. everytime I try, > it just prints out blank pages. Deborah Blair Possibility could be that you haven’t defined a Print Range. If you have a Cell selected and start printing it assumes that

Re: OpenOffice lässt sich weder öffnen noch deinstallieren

2018-11-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Sent from my mobile device. > On 13 Nov 2018, at 6:41 am, Ulrike Overhagen > wrote: > > Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, > > ich habe folgendes Problem, nach der Erstinstallation Ihres Open Office > konnte ich keine Dokumente öffnen. Die Fehlermeldung lautet das Open Office > bereits geöffne

Re: Bold text displays in back instead of selected color

2018-11-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Sent from my mobile device. > On 18 Nov 2018, at 8:43 am, Bobbie Omps Harper > wrote: > > Hello, > I am using Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 on a Mac running Safari 12.0. Safari is a browser and has nothing to do with OpenOffice. > When I bold text it only appears in black and not the color I sel

Re: Read only ? Why can't I use open office ? Thanks

2018-11-26 Thread Martin Groenescheij
The subject line is for the subject, your questions should go in the body. Why you can’t use OpenOffice is hard to guess as you don’t tell what the problem is. Are there any error messages ? Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 26 Nov 2018, at 2:14 pm, "


2018-12-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij
find then in the explorer or finder or can’t you find them from within OpenOffice? And by the way don’t use all CAPITALS as this is perceived as shouting. Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 2 Dec 2018, at 9:10 am, Therese Moschino > wrote: > > i WENT TO OPEN MY LABELS OR D

Re: Word Doc format

2018-12-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 2 Dec 2018, at 7:03 am, vivian ellison > wrote: > > In the past I could start a new document and type like a letter. > Now a small white page in left side of open document is there, can't make it > go away? Have you tried to change

Re: Need Help

2018-12-03 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 4 Dec 2018, at 9:16 am, Robin Phipps > wrote: > > Hello,Can you explain if there is a way that I can look up previous documents > that I wrote & printed on Open Office? OpenOffice has only a record of the last 10 recent documents. You

Re: New folders

2018-12-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 8 Dec 2018, at 12:03 am, E BLACKBURN > wrote: > > I have recently installed open office and having completed a document wanted > to create a new folder.I clicked on "Save As" clicked on new folder but > nothing happened, I the

Re: Fragen

2018-12-08 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Google Translate: > I'm just downloading your open office. it is good too. > I ask, I also want to * design dark * select? Is it possible? Could you explain what you mean with *Design Dark* ? In which module do you want to do it? > On 8 Dec 2018, at 11:17 pm, H-U Brück wrote: > > Hallo > > Ic

Re: importing

2018-12-09 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 9 Dec 2018, at 3:16 am, > wrote: > > To whom it may concern; > > > > Presently, I am using Microsoft Access as my database for my men's club > roster. I have approximately 300 records. I would like to use Apple Open > Office Base in lieu of Access. First of all, you should be awar

Re: Apple Computer Error

2018-12-11 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 12 Dec 2018, at 6:01 pm, 許哲崇 wrote: > > If there is no bug, I suggest not to upgrade OpenOffice. > Because if you upgrade OO, yoou may have new problems. It’s alway good to get the facts before you draw conclusions. > > Larry Gusaas 於

Re: Options/choices at bottom of all pages are blacked out.

2018-12-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 20 Dec 2018, at 15:31, John J Kennedy > wrote: > > I am using OO 4.1.3 and lately find that my selection (choices e.g., save, > discard, ect.) at the bottom of all relevant pages are “blacked out.” Normally there options are for the whole document not just for one or more pages. > T

Re: Read microsoft documents in Open Office

2018-12-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 21 Dec 2018, at 01:21, D Murray wrote: > > Since updating my Mac with the latest OS (Mojave) I am informed that my > Microsoft docs and spreadsheets will not be recognised after a certain > period. Who did inform you? Your Microsoft docs and spreadsheets will always be recognised, the q

Re: My computer restarted and I lost important document

2018-12-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 21 Dec 2018, at 10:18, Kate Ponomarenko wrote: > > > Hi. I really need your help. I was working in Open Office and didn’t save the > document. My computer restarted and now I can’s restore the information. I > use iMac. It didn’t show any error message. When your system shut down or r

Re: Options/choices at bottom of all pages are blacked out.

2018-12-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij
y with the user community we are not aware what or even that he replied. > JJK > <> > > > >> On Dec 20, 2018, at 5:14 PM, Martin Groenescheij > <>> wrote: &g

Re: PDF form text input font/size

2019-01-23 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 23/1/19 05:08, Craig Russell wrote: Hi David, On Jan 22, 2019, at 6:33 PM, David Belina wrote: In Design mode if you left double click the field, about 2/3ds of the way down you can find font and colors/etc. I'm using a Mac and don't know how to left double click the field. This means

Re: Base database

2019-01-24 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 24/1/19 13:03, Miriam Labrador wrote: Hi, I use Mac, and I would like to edit and export an Access file with my computer. Is possible to edit and to export an access file (.mbd) using Base? Have a look at this extension:


2019-01-24 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 24/1/19 14:47, Yvonne Jue wrote: Some years ago after discovering Open Office, I downloaded and *enjoyed* using this site. I know my files were .odt Although I might not have had a command of the writer, this was my preferred site. NEVER RETURNED TO MICROSOFT WORD. Something must have happ

Re: Open Office

2019-01-24 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 24/1/19 21:21, Kathy wrote: Sent from Mail for Windows I recently downloaded the 4.1.6 update to Open Office and can no longer access any of my word or excel files. Cn you help in this matter? Open the Control Panel, click on Programs an d Open the Default Programs here you can update

Re: help with your program

2019-01-26 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Sent from my mobile device. > On 26 Jan 2019, at 12:00, Constantine wrote: > > can you add select-all command in the right-click menu? > thanks This should be under the Edit menu. Otherwise use Control+A - To unsubscribe, e

Re: System Compatibility Information Request

2019-01-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 30/01/2019 11:06, TAYSIDE, Itservicedesk (NHS TAYSIDE) wrote: In NHS Tayside we are currently migrating all endpoints to Windows 10 (Version 18/09) and remaining on Internet Explorer 11 with the ability to use Edge as a secondary browser. The reason for contacting you is that you supply

Re: can I download open office onto a netbook using windows 10s

2019-01-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
You can downloads OpenOffice on any system. The real question is will it run on my Netbook? Check it on: On 30/01/2019 11:51, james allen wrote: Sent from Mail for Windows 10 --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antiviru


2019-01-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 01/01/1970 01:00, wrote: At 13:23 30/01/2019 +0100, Martin Groenescheij wrote: On 30/01/2019 11:51, James Allen wrote: can I download open office onto a netbook using windows 10s You can downloads OpenOffice on any system. The real question is will it run on my Netbook? Check it on

Re: can I download open office onto a netbook using windows 10s

2019-01-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 30/01/2019 14:49, Brian Barker wrote: At 14:26 30/01/2019 +0100, Martin Groenescheij wrote: On 30/01/2019 (and not on 1 January 1970, as claimed!), Brian Barker wrote: At 13:23 30/01/2019 +0100, Martin Groenescheij wrote: On 30/01/2019 11:51, James Allen wrote: can I download open

Re: Calc lentissimo

2019-01-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Google Translate: Hello, I'm using your program version 4.1.6 with Windows 10 operating system but when I have to open a calc document with macro, it takes several minutes. Is there a way to speed things up? It's hard to tell, because I don't know what the macro does. If it does complex calcul

Re: recovery/problem

2019-02-02 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 01/02/2019 21:04, Leslie B wrote: I start entering data & them after a while it starts jumbling all the letters(cant read what u put) then I move to the next box & it corrects itself but then after while it will close & not save my data I entered & when I log on again it has to recover but

Re: Putting a typed letter from openoffice on the internet

2019-02-28 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 28 Feb 2019, at 14:06, Galen Thompson wrote: > > How do I transfer a letter I’ve typed to the internet? What do you mean with to the internet? You only can transfer via the internet to a destination for example sending an email to a person or putting your letter on a website. > > ---

Re: Multiple column filter

2019-03-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Try filter 1: F = Irity 2: N = 0 3: F = Irity 4: N = 10 > On 1 Mar 2019, at 13:20, Sudha Bharathan wrote: > > Hi > I am unable to get the desired result after the third filter is added on open > office calc.(open office 4.1.6) > 1. filter in col

Re: Multiple column filter

2019-03-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij
I mean > Try filter 1: F = Irity > AND 2: N = 0 > OR3: F = Irity > AND 4: N = 10 > On 1 Mar 2019, at 16:13, Martin Groenescheij wrote: > > Try filter 1: F = Irity > 2: N = 0 > 3: F = Irity >

Re: OO 4.1 Print

2019-03-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 12 Mar 2019, at 8:42 pm, wrote: > > Where is OO Writer for Print preview and margains and Portrait or Landscape? Print preview is called Page preview in OpenOffice, and margins and and page orientation are part of Page format. I’m pretty sure you

Re: OO create label

2019-03-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 12 Mar 2019, at 9:06 pm, wrote: > > Where do I find Print Label on OO 4.1.? Under the File menu are different options, just navigate a bit and your able to find it. > > Envelope and Label app?

Re: Printing a Spreadsheet in Open Office Calc

2019-03-13 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 09/03/2019 00:26, Valli Horner wrote: Hello, I can’t seem to get the printer to use the entire page when printing my spreadsheet. There is always 2.75” inch margin on the right side of the page when I print my spreadsheet. Can you help please. Format Page Valli Horner 613726-7325

Re: OO description?

2019-03-14 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Seeing all the questions you raised last weeks I have the feeling that you haven’t done any effort to dig in the available documentation. > On 14 Mar 2019, at 13:34, wrote: > > > > I may need to know what words of OO description similar Microsoft Word, > Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publis

Re: Is there a way to change the assigned attributes when using Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?

2019-03-14 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 14 Mar 2019, at 6:33 pm, WA.TWORSX via AOL > wrote: > > > Hi David: > > I do not think you understand what I am attempting to do, so I'll try to > clarify what my goal is. > > In my spreadsheet cells I have typed a word, e.g., Goes,many times. I meant > to type that word in Bold fo

Re: Is there a way to change the assigned attributes when using Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?

2019-03-14 Thread Martin Groenescheij
27;s a better way then using search&replace. Kind regards, Joost Am 14.03.2019 um 19:44 schrieb Martin Groenescheij: On 14 Mar 2019, at 6:33 pm, WA.TWORSX via AOL wrote: Hi David: I do not think you understand what I am attempting to do, so I'll try to clarify what my goal is


2019-03-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 18 Mar 2019, at 11:18 pm, George Porto > wrote: > > MY PRINTER WILL PRINT ANYTHING OTHER THAN OFFICE. Which Office? > WHAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM. Not sure but most time the user. > NEVER HAD A PROBLEM BEFORE It will be useful if you give us more information. Nice to know your Operati

Re: open office won't open a pdf

2019-03-21 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 21 Mar 2019, at 6:18 pm, brian wrote: > > When I try to open a document, it opens up in jibberish unreadable language. > I installed Java. What else do I need to do ? OpenOffice doesn’t open PDF files. There is an extension that allows m


2019-03-25 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 25 Mar 2019, at 8:58 am, sameer deen wrote: > > Hi Sir/Mam, > > I used your OpenOffice 4 for past 1Week, > Here i found one bug that is, I opened same file in both MSExcel and > OpenOffice, > In that Openoffice shows multiple number of copies in a single cell that is > wrong , > I uplo


2019-03-25 Thread Martin Groenescheij
of our (limited) knowledge. The picture you send me can’t be seen by others, hence you limit the number of users who can help you. And again the picture shows only the output not the underlying data and formulas. > >> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 4:45 PM Martin Groenescheij >> wrote: >&g

Re: How do I open a document when I forgot the password?

2019-03-25 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 24/03/2019 22:18, Marilyn LeBaron wrote: How do I open a document I forgot the password to? The same as you open your safe when you forgot the code. It will not let me make a new copy. The instructions are to open the document and save a copy of it to begin editing it. But, I cannot

Re: Printing Open Office spreadsheet

2019-04-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Forwarded to OP as he is not subscribed On 04/04/2019 23:58, Alan B wrote: In your spreadsheet try the menu option Format > Print Ranges > Clear. This is just in case a print range was inadvertently specified. Then, File > Print..., make certain the desired printer is selected and click Print. T

Re: Printing Open Office spreadsheet

2019-04-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Forwarded to OP as he is not subscribed On 05/04/2019 00:14, Girvin Herr wrote: Todd, Do you have a Print Range specified? OpenOffice Calc will default to printing nothing if no print range is set: Format > Print Ranges > Edit And if under "Print range" you see "none", then change it to "En

Re: Publish the extension.

2019-04-09 Thread Martin Groenescheij
It doesn't make sense to me to sent this question to users of OpenOffice. This question should be sent to On 09/04/2019 09:51, Jerzy Moruś wrote: "This extension is currently not published. Please contact the system administrator at to

Re: ? can any outside computer enter my OpenOffice document ? Thanks !

2019-04-11 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 12 Apr 2019, at 05:15, Irish Man wrote: > > ? can an outside computer enter my OpenOffice document on my desktop ? Thanks > ! Yes and No, it all depends if your computer is connected to the internet and you your computer and network is configured. So it has nothing to do with OpenOffic

Re: Help Saving

2019-04-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 19 Apr 2019, at 16:20, Robert Yanok wrote: > > I am unable to save my documents. I have tried to save them in all the ways > suggested, but nothing works. The only way I can close the program is to > chose discard on the selection when it

Re: Hilfestellung

2019-04-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 26 Apr 2019, at 11:27, Anita Krisch wrote: > > Meine XLS Dateien die ich über Email erhalte, werden nicht automatisch von > open office geöffnet. This is a setting on your mail tool > Können Sie mir helfen. > > Mit freundlichen Grüßen > > Peter Schäfer > Wien/Österreich > Mail: schae

Re: XLSM file

2019-06-01 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 30/05/2019 11:24, Sudha Bharathan wrote: Hi I have received a xlsm extension file. When the same is opened on open office calc, there are changes in text and figures from the original.The changes done in the file doesn't seem to save either. I had set the marco security to low too. Found

Re: Help on the Applications

2019-07-09 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 09/07/2019 08:55, Jerviz Jimenez wrote: Good Day Ma'am/Sir I would like to ask if you could tell me about the useful application of Office Writer for solely for research purposes. The application is only useful for users that are willing to invest some time to learn the application. There

Re: csv file

2019-07-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 12 Jul 2019, at 07:52, Sudha Bharathan wrote: > > Hi > > I need the csv (Ms Dos) version file to upload on to my software, but Open > office supports on text csv. Is there any solution for this in open office? You can open a csv file with OpenOffice Calc, you then need to specify how th

Re: Trouble downloading update please help

2019-07-16 Thread Martin Groenescheij
I guess you need an internet connection. > On 17 Jul 2019, at 05:50, Ruth Deerfield wrote: > > > > Sent from my iPhone > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Themes

2019-08-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 07/08/2019 22:07, Sarah Lane wrote: I know this seems trivial, but you have NO themes. Think of themes like music, or a widow view. High prices are paid for good window views in real life. There are also facts supporting “good” themes: Green symbolizes nature and thus promotes a ser

Re: Running OpenOffice and Microsoft Office at the Same Time: Issue

2019-08-31 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 31 aug. 2019 om 12:31 heeft Juliana het volgende > geschreven: > > Hi Team, > > I have been using Open Office. Yesterday, I installed Microsoft Office 365 > Personal. Now I have the following issue: > > I cannot open xlxs files. I have to use Open Office and cannot open with > Micros

Re: spellcheck

2019-09-03 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Groet, Martin > Op 3 sep. 2019 om 04:55 heeft tina 00 het > volgende geschreven: > > Hi I can’t get it to work when I right things Never click on things, you should be specific in describing your problem and the actions you have done. It will help us to help you. > > Sent from Mail<


2019-09-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 4 sep. 2019 om 19:06 heeft John Becker > het volgende geschreven: > > DO NOT ATORELY - SEND TO HUMAN WEBMASTER > > I have been unable to delete my name from your BLAST email listserv You’re the one that subscribed to this listserv > because I do not have my exact sign-up email The em

Re: lost info

2019-09-06 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 06/09/2019 16:36, anthony yates wrote: When I try to open a document it says it dosnt exist help please all my personel details are lost A document that doesn't exist can't say anything, if it exist it say something else. If you can tell us exactly what is say than we probably can help

Re: lost document

2019-09-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 7 sep. 2019 om 19:29 heeft Steven Leitman > het volgende geschreven: > > Hello > I was having to shut down so I hit save and yes then shut down now I > cannot find that document, When you save a document OpenOffice need to do some housekeeping, therefore always allow some time befo

Re: lost document

2019-09-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Resend due to email address problem > Op 8 sep. 2019 om 08:13 heeft Martin Groenescheij > het volgende geschreven: > > > >> Op 7 sep. 2019 om 19:29 heeft Steven Leitman >> het volgende geschreven: >> >> Hello >>I was having to shut do

Re: Is Open Office Going Away?

2019-09-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 19 sep. 2019 om 15:04 heeft Kerryn Gunness > het volgende geschreven: > > hey can u all send me the link again to down load open office? Do you really need all (millions) of us to send you the link? > i may have lost it > > - Original Message - From: "M Henri Day" > To: "GUS

Re: !

2019-10-13 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 13 Oct 2019, at 13:31, > wrote: > > What a bullshit you have done with OpenOffice. I think > that it is not your busines what and how I am writing. I > want to the first letter in a cell not to be capitalized > but your idiotic system things that it is smarter than my > and "correcting

Re: Re{Re}: harassing underlining!

2019-11-26 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 26 nov. 2019 om 2:57 PM heeft Paolo Alberto Rismondo > het volgende geschreven: > > Hi, > > Many thaks for your quick answers. Some observation about them: > > 1. The document is for 'strictly personal' use; it is a list of other > documents etc. (so that the first document is a sor

Re: Labels

2019-12-16 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 14/12/2019 23:22, Jacquetta Ellinger wrote: I’m not a programmer/developer but I’m pretty competent at using software, however, OpenOffice is too tough. I like it generally, I like the concept of it, but every time I try to do something new, I spend hours first searching out instructions

Re: Update failures

2020-01-02 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Op 2 jan. 2020 om 08:43 heeft Alan Pearce het volgende geschreven: > > Sorry Andrea but that doesn't answer my question. What do you mean by > "actual"? Actual as opposed to what? Alan, try to understand that the majority of the users live outside the US, hence there is a big change their m

Re: open office did not install properly on windows 10 computer, will not let me uninstall , how do I get it off my computer

2020-01-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij
First you need to learn that you need to write your message in the body of your email. Secondly it will be nice if you give more information on what went wrong. Finally removing a software package is part of your operating system. On 4 Jan 2020, at 17:38, James REED wrote: > >  > > Sent fro

Re: American Spell Check problem

2020-01-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 18 Jan 2020, at 14:47, Chuck Spalding wrote: > > I, too, am not a regular Windows user, but I believe you're supposed to use > forward slashes ("/") instead of back slashes ("\"). You’re correct for the first half of your statement. For the second half you’re incorrect, under Windows us

Re: Saving files from email attachments

2020-01-23 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 22/01/2020 21:34, Steven Costello wrote: Hi. I have files in email I want to save in AOO but when I hit Save As, AOO doesn’t appear. Did I install it wrong? The Save As allows you to change the name of the document, but it doesn't make sense to change the extension because a OpenOffice

Re: Calc cell large

2020-02-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 04/02/2020 19:28, Alan B wrote: Dana, Try opening Calc and going through the menu View > Zoom... If 100% is not marked, click, it then click the "OK" button. If you find 100% already marked this certainly won't be the solution. If it is not marked it may be the fix that's needed. And if

Re: nice if you could make a Mail app to iOS connected to word open office?

2020-02-11 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 11/02/2020 08:50, aleksander kolås wrote: nice if you could make a Mail app to iOS connected to word open office? OpenOffice doesn't run on iOS, so what's the benefit? vat Aleksander Kolås - To unsubscribe, e-mail: use

Re: Found an issue in left indent in OpenOffice Writer

2020-02-14 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 14/02/2020 08:21, Binny James wrote: Hi, Found an issue in left indent. Steps: 1. Launch Open Office Writer 2. Read the manual 3. Learn to work with Styles 2. Type a text. 4. Type text 3. Click on 'Decrease indent' from toolbar button. Why do you need to Decrease indent if you already

Re: Using Open office

2020-02-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> > On 20 Feb 2020, at 13:05, David Hunt wrote: > > I have started using Open Office on my HP PC, with Windows 10. > Sadly any document I send out can be read by other windows users, but I phone > and some I pads complain that all documents are scrambled or Zipped.? All OpenOffice files are

Re: Using Open office

2020-02-20 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 20/02/2020 14:22, David Hunt wrote: Thanks, will try, but previously pdf files could not be opened many more colleagues. Adobe Reader is available for all Operating Systems and it's free Thanks again Dave On 20 Feb 2020, at 13:11, Martin Groenescheij wrote:  On 20 Feb 2020,

Re: Hello

2020-02-27 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 27/02/2020 16:26, wrote: Hi ive been using Microsoft Office Word for years and i could always copy the text to a photo program like to make a photo of it, i had to use your program witch is the best by far since i'm using Windows 10, but i cant seem to mak

Re: Optimum Row Height-Default

2020-05-05 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 04/05/2020 18:12, WA.TWORSX via AOL wrote: On 5/3/2020 1:44 AM, Brian Barker wrote: At 13:04 02/05/2020 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote: Optimum Row Height-Default In Calc, where can the default setting be reset/changed? I don't think it can - but do you need to? o You can easily select multi

Re: Email App from Openoffice

2020-05-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 12/05/2020 10:55, Anan Narang wrote: Hi I have been using open office for a while on my macbook, on most of the files i have client contact emails, usually when i click on these email address, the apple mail application open up for me to continue writing the emails to selected email addr

Re: Spreadsheet Formula Hiding "0"

2020-06-03 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Replacing an Number Field with text as in your formula will have impact on calculations like COUNT() or AVERAGE() Also your formula doesn't take into account negative numbers Suppressing the display of zeros in your Options works on your Display, but it will not suppress your it when you print

Re: Another spreadsheet formatting query

2020-06-11 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Optimal Row Height is not the same as Optimal Column Width On 10/06/2020 23:55, David Deeks wrote: Sorry, here’s attachment ! ... On 10 Jun 2020, at 22:53, Prof wrote: Having had my cell colours query sorted so quickly by you very helpful people, I’m gonna push my luck because I have discov

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-06-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Could you give some more details? What template did you download and from which site? Please give the name of the downloaded file and its extension. On 17/06/2020 05:07, Christopher chilson wrote: How can I use the templates that I downloaded from the website, after I download and I cant open

Re: Suggestion

2020-06-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 18/06/2020 07:27, Piet Fox wrote: Firstly, I want to say that I love OpenOffice and it is the only program I use for all my Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents. As I am Afrikaans speaking, I'm often using Special Characters such as "ê" and "ë". It is really an effort for me to go to the Spec

Re: OpenOffice Problems

2020-06-19 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 16/06/2020 17:03, Adam Branca wrote: Dear OpenOffice, I spot so many problems when I was using OpenOffice. On the text document of the same file, some of the incorrect spelling is detected by a red, squiggly line below the incorrectly spelled word, but on the same file, some

Fwd: Re: Suggestion

2020-06-21 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Forwarded Message Subject:Re: Suggestion Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2020 06:47:40 +0200 From: Piet Fox To: Martin Groenescheij Thanks Martin, that is a great solution! Regards/Groete, *Piet Fox *(Dip.Electr.Eng.; Mem.SAIEE) Cell.: +264 81 169 6340 foxp

Re: Base error message

2020-06-26 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 26 jun. 2020 om 06:23 heeft John Pojman het volgende > geschreven: > > Using OO 4.1.7 on Win 10. I’ve created a table in Base and a corresponding > form for data entry. I make data changes and additions and, on saving, get > the error message: Value too long in statement. How do I cle

Re: Calc Crashing

2020-06-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 29/06/2020 20:54, Jason Menendez wrote: My ods files crash nonstop. I can’t even use the product anymore. Every 2 minutes it starts recovery. There is an outstanding bug for over 6 years: *Issue 125006* - Calc Consistently crashing, usua

Re: Base error message

2020-06-30 Thread Martin Groenescheij
response. I’m new to this. What structure information would be helpful? Should I send the form? The entire error message? The entire project? I appreciate your help. John Pojman On Jun 26, 2020, at 1:53 AM, Martin Groenescheij wrote:  Op 26 jun. 2020 om 06:23 heeft John Pojman het volgende

Re: openoffice calculator not working

2020-07-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> Op 4 jul. 2020 om 02:28 heeft "" > > For years I have been using the open office calculator to access an xls > file to get to a spreadsheet that I update almost daily. You can access a xls file with creating a link, but you probably mean that you open a xls fil

Re: what's that( symbols or marks as shown in the attachment) ? 07102020

2020-07-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Go to View in the top menu and uncheck the View non printing character On 10/07/2020 08:37, t.ichiko wrote: Dear, Thanks for your free open office for some years. May I ask you just now why is it occurred to be illegally operational in OpenOffice 4.0.1?(under wind

Re: New Mirror Information (London, UK)

2020-07-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Strange to receive this important information from someone who isn't subscribed to the list. Sounds like a Phishing email Should such information not come from Apache OpenOffice. How can I trust this? On 09/07/2020 11:24, Get Hosted Online - Accounts, Billing and Technical Support wrote: Hi

Re: Open Office Spreadsheet question

2020-07-10 Thread Martin Groenescheij
> On 10 Jul 2020, at 21:50, Glenn Little WB4UIV > wrote: > > How can I display non printable characters? Top menu select View than select View non printable characters > > Thank you > Glenn > > -- > --- > Glenn Little

Re: Question for Tech Support

2020-07-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 11/07/2020 23:49, Steve Marder wrote: Dear Tech Support, I am a new user of OpenOffice, having become increasing frustrated with Microsoft Word (for the Mac) over the years. As such, I am still very much in the learning stage but what I’ve seen so far of your program I like very much. On

Re: Open Office Spreadsheet question

2020-07-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 10/07/2020 21:50, Glenn Little WB4UIV wrote: How can I display non printable characters? So my first reply was wrong? Now the real question here should not be how to display non printable characters, but how do non printable characters came in the first place into your spreadsheet. U

Fwd: Re: Question for Tech Support

2020-07-12 Thread Martin Groenescheij
Just for the record Forwarded Message Subject:Re: Question for Tech Support Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 07:13:42 -0400 From: Steve Marder To: Martin Groenescheij Martin, The purpose of my question is this: I am working on the next edition of my two-language

Re: Presentation due tomorrow

2020-07-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij
On 18/07/2020 01:05, Chanie Weiss wrote: 917-693-0607 I was nearly done with my presentation, but it interrupted me & stopped working. Then it restored the document, missing almost half of my work. Sure, I can redo it. But how can I restore what's lost? It's a good habit to regularly saving yo

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