Could you be more specific? What Operating System and version are you running. You don’t tell what application you use if it is OpenOffice which sound logical then tell us what version you are running. Has anything on your system changed since you last seen your Labels or Documents? Cant you find then in the explorer or finder or can’t you find them from within OpenOffice?
And by the way don’t use all CAPITALS as this is perceived as shouting. Regards, Martin Groenescheij > On 2 Dec 2018, at 9:10 am, Therese Moschino <> > wrote: > > i WENT TO OPEN MY LABELS OR DOCUMENTS AND EVERYTHING WAS GONE. I ALSO TRIED > TO REDO ADDRESS LABELS AND IT WOULDN'T LET ME DO THAT EITHER. > PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW TO GET THEM BACK. > > THANK YOU --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: