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On 28/9/18 2:43 pm, Phil McMahan wrote:
The dialog boxes I’m referring to are the ones where  you are ready to print and you have choices at the bottom of the page that give you choices for (HELP) (PRINT) or (CANCEL). *I am running Mac OS 10.13.6 on an iMac. and Apache Open Office  4.1.5

As far as I know (and that's not much) there is no setting in OpenOffice you can change.
The only possibility I can think of is your display settings on the iMac.
Open the System Settings and select Accessibility uncheck Increase Contrast.

When I look at the Community Help board, I see that several others have had the same problem.

Phil McMahan <>

On Sep 27, 2018, at 8:52 PM, Martin Groenescheij < <>> wrote:

On 28/9/18 4:05 am, Phil McMahan wrote:
The dark blue background with black letters in dialog boxes is very hard to read.

Hard to know which dialog box you had the problem with, we don't have a clue which module of OpenOffice you use. Most of the time it will be helpful to know your Operating System and version and the version of OpenOffice.

 This began with installation of new hard drive and OS 10.13.6    I’ve tried several options to no avail.

Phil McMahan <>

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