: Re: Problem with subscription
Which is exactly what I responded with.
I didnt send the mail - I only responded.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h
Which is exactly what I responded with.
I didnt send the mail - I only responded.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.org
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 11:35 AM Joan Bagley
> wrote:
> >
> > I got an email from wadesmart@gmail with subject: Problem w ith
> Subscription. Do I have a problem? There was no body to the message.
> except =400-300
> > On Thursday, February 13,
Registered Linux User: #480675
Registered Linux Machine: #408606
Linux since June 2005
On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 11:35 AM Joan Bagley
> I got an email from wadesmart@gmail with subject: Problem w ith
> Subscription. Do I have a problem? There was no bo
I got an email from wadesmart@gmail with subject: Problem w ith Subscription.
Do I have a problem? There was no body to the message. except =400-300
On Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 09:07:42 AM EST, Wade Smart
To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.org
How do you enter the numbers to subtract one number from another example 400
Sent from my iPhone
To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.
احصل على Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
From: Bob Jaskela
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 1:23:55 AM
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Problem Restoring Spreadsheet File after update
I was able to open one of my spreadsheet fil
I was able to open one of my spreadsheet files but unable to open or restore
another file. I see the name of the file above the blank spreadsheet and I
tried to restore that file but nothing worked.
Please assist in restoring this file.
Robert H Jaskela
, 2024 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with PDF Files
You cannot open PDF files in Apache OpenOffice.
It is not designed for that.
You have to open it with a designated program, like PDF Reader or Adobe.
Most webbrowser, like Google Chrome, are able to open PDF files.
In OpenOffice you can
You cannot open PDF files in Apache OpenOffice.
It is not designed for that.
You have to open it with a designated program, like PDF Reader or Adobe.
Most webbrowser, like Google Chrome, are able to open PDF files.
In OpenOffice you can Export to PDF.
Probably you have made a document in AOO's .o
When I go to open a pdf file that was saved in Apache Office, I get a pop up
box, ASCII box and when I close it and try to open the file, it is in some kind
of code that I cannot read. I can open the same file in Google Chrome and it is
fine. What is going on and how do I fix it?
Thank you,
It's a bit dangerous to post your phone number like that. Anyone including
scammers can read this message of yours and calls impersonating to be
anyone "official sounding" and trick you into installing malware, remote
access tools and even if they "fix your problem"
Dear Sirs
I have a number of articles which for some reason have become corrupted. My
articles are single column and I always use Tahoma. Some of these articles
appear as multi-column and I do not know how it happened or how to fix it. I
have managed to create a couple of blanks.
Sometime duri
x27;m experiencing a problem with creating an account on
The activation letter does not come to my email address.
I've written a letter about this to their general support mailing list (
users@openoffice.apache.org) but it seems that nobody is there since I do
not receive
Hello, Bugzilla Admin Team, Development Team, L10N Team
I'm experiencing a problem with creating an account on
The activation letter does not come to my email address.
I've written a letter about this to their general support mailing li
Sent: December 15, 2023 13:21
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: PDF to odt problem
Try a free program called FoxIt Reader. If I remember correctly you can take a
pdf and save it as a word document. After it's in W
> - Robert
> From: Terence Warby
> Sent: December 15, 2023 10:38
> To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: PDF to odt problem
> I think the best thing to do is to run the pdf file through an OC
ract the text from a pdf. The Linux tool is called
pdftotext, and there are probably applications like it for Windoze and the
rotten Apple, but again, they only extract text.
If I were faced with this problem, I would try copying the text from the pdf,
if your pdf reader will allow it. (Again, I
ly applications like it for Windoze and the
rotten Apple, but again, they only extract text.
If I were faced with this problem, I would try copying the text from the pdf,
if your pdf reader will allow it. (Again, I am running Linux, so this usually
isn't a problem.) Then I would paste the t
, but the need for detailed proofreading and correction will still
exist. On the occasions I OCR long texts, I always reformat.
> From: Terence Warby
> Sent: December 15, 2023 10:38
> To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: PDF to od
depending on how complicated the formatting was.
- Robert
From: Terence Warby
Sent: December 15, 2023 10:38
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: PDF to odt problem
I think the best thing to do is to run the pdf file through an OCR program.
This will recover
ber 15, 2023 1:14:50 AM
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: PDF to odt problem
I am trying to change a PDF file to odt. I also take it to Best Buy and when
the techs converted it to odt and wanted to open it on Open Office --- it was
totally distorted. If I send you a PDF file can you conv
I am trying to change a PDF file to odt. I also take it to Best Buy and when
the techs converted it to odt and wanted to open it on Open Office --- it was
totally distorted. If I send you a PDF file can you convert it for me to odt,
please. It is a book my husband, who is an author, wrote, an
This reply came from David Robley.
I hope somebody can help me.
On 2023-11-07 05:56, Ian Kirby wrote:
From time to time I try to access an Open Office document and access is
denied. But I am the originator of the document. I reload the document
from my back-up drive and it then allows a
On 2023-11-07 05:56, Ian Kirby wrote:
From time to time I try to access an Open Office document and access is
denied. But I am the originator of the document. I reload the document
from my back-up drive and it then allows access. How can I avoid access
denied in the first instance? I am using
From time to time I try to access an Open Office document and access is
denied. But I am the originator of the document. I reload the document
from my back-up drive and it then allows access. How can I avoid access
denied in the first instance? I am using Windows 10 fully updated on a
Dell des
Natalia Lewkowicz | FINSEC wrote:
I have a problem with OpenOffice.
Every time when I open the program, a window pops up to enter data and initials.
What should I do to stop this window from popping up?
Please help
Z pozdrowieniami,
Natalia Lewkowicz
If you use version older than older than 4.1.7please downgrade your Java
Sent from AOL on Android
On Thu, 5 Oct 2023 at 16:02, Natalia Lewkowicz |
FINSEC wrote: Hi,
I have a problem with OpenOffice.
Every time when I open the program, a window pops up to enter data and
I have a problem with OpenOffice.
Every time when I open the program, a window pops up to enter data and initials.
What should I do to stop this window from popping up?
Please help
Z pozdrowieniami,
Natalia Lewkowicz
... hallo und guten Tag !
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich hier an der richtigen Adresse bin.
Aber ich habe ein Problem mit OpenOffice.
Seit ein paar Tagen kann ich die Dokumente, die mit OpenOffice erstellt wurden,
nicht mehr aufrufen.
Es erscheint die Meldung: "der angeforderte Vorgang erfo
r control-C) and then paste it into a
new document, either as a regular paste (control-V) or with Edit > Paste
Special > Paste Unformatted Text.
- Robert
From: Miguel Núñez Galindo
Sent: August 24, 2023 11:14
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Prob
Good morning:
I just downloaded Open Office again because one word
processor file closes down when I begin to scroll it. Can you help me so this
doesn´t happens '
Best regards,
Miguel Núñez
need to solve a
problem about saving files in Openoffice: can i ask here for help?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.org
gt; ha scritto:
> Hello, sorry; i was just added to the mailing list, I need to solve a
> problem about saving files in Openoffice: can i ask here for help?
> thanks
> Alice
Just ask your question. Make sure you include information about your
OpenOffice and operating system version, and the format in which you
save your documents.
On 19/08/2023 06:41, Alice Isnardi wrote:
Hello, sorry; i was just added to the mailing list, I need to solve a
problem about saving
Hello, sorry; i was just added to the mailing list, I need to
solve a
problem about saving files in Openoffice: can i ask here for help?
> Hello, sorry; i was just added to the mailing list, I need to solve a
> problem about saving files in Openoffice: can i ask here for help?
> thanks
> Alice
Hello, sorry; i was just added to the mailing list, I need to solve a
problem about saving files in Openoffice: can i ask here for help?
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Problem open office text
First, Ian you're not a dumbo. If you haven't closed your document, try Ctrl +
Z which is an undo command. You may also open the document and you will see a
size of font drop down, you can do a Ctrl + A which is for
On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:10:07 +
Ian Flretcher wrote:
> Hi
> A five page text document I was editing suddenly went to five pages at
> around 12.5% of size, I am unable to get it back to whole indidual
> pages. Sorry I am a 74 yr old compter dumbo.
> Thanks for your help.
Or try
On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:10:07 +
Ian Flretcher wrote:
> Hi
> A five page text document I was editing suddenly went to five pages at
> around 12.5% of size, I am unable to get it back to whole indidual
> pages. Sorry I am a 74 yr old compter dumbo.
> Thanks for your help.
Or try
August 17, 2023 12:16
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Problem open office text
First, Ian you're not a dumbo. If you haven't closed your document, try Ctrl +
Z which is an undo command. You may also open the document and you will see a
size of font drop down, you can do
First, Ian you're not a dumbo. If you haven't closed your document, try Ctrl +
Z which is an undo command. You may also open the document and you will see a
size of font drop down, you can do a Ctrl + A which is for "select all" on your
document then choose 14 font size from the drop down. Th
A five page text document I was editing suddenly went to five pages at
around 12.5% of size, I am unable to get it back to whole indidual
pages. Sorry I am a 74 yr old compter dumbo.
Thanks for your help.
To unsubscribe
Andropen Office, as its name suggests, is for Android only. There is an
iOS application AO Office
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ao-office/id1177936371 by the same person
who ported AndrOpen Office. The iOS version is free but apparently has
"in-app purchases" whatever that involves. Neither o
Dear Ray,
Can one not use free OO on an Android system?
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 3:01 PM
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Login problem
I have purchased Andropen office with my gmail account which I use with my
android mobile
I have purchased Andropen office with my gmail account which I use with my
android mobile and android tablet, I would also like to use AO office on my
iPad, but unfortunately my iPad is in a different email account, is there a way
I can access the app with my gmail account via iPad rather th
Am 11.03.23 um 01:50 schrieb gil clampett:
> The problem has been resolved.
> In system settings, I selected clipboard. Then I turned "suggested actions"
> to "off". Copy and paste now work. Thank you for the help.
Funny fact: I use Windows 11 Insider P
The problem has been resolved.
In clipboard settings I turned "suggested actions" to "off".
Copy and paste now work.
Thank you for the help
Sent from my Galaxy
Original message
From: Rory O'Farrell
Date: 3/10/23 12:19 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: us
The problem has been resolved.
In system settings, I selected clipboard. Then I turned "suggested actions" to
"off". Copy and paste now work. Thank you for the help.
Sent from my Galaxy
Original message
From: David Robley
Date: 3/10/23 3:38 PM (
/23 3:04 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: copy - paste problem
Try turning off off the Clipboard Manager *Suggested Actions*
On 11/03/2023 09:15, gil clampett wrote:
The program was restarted. Same thing.
The computer was restarted.
Same thing
Sent from my G
I am trying to figure out how to do that. Do I need internet access? I don't
have that at home.
Sent from my Galaxy
Original message
From: David Robley
Date: 3/10/23 3:04 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: copy - paste problem
Try turning of
Cc: gil clampett, Matthias
Subject: Re: copy - paste problem
On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 20:14:30 +
gil clampett wrote:
Clipboard history was disabled.
Same problem
After disabling Clipboard History, was the program restarted - that restart
paste problem
On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 20:14:30 +
gil clampett wrote:
> Clipboard history was disabled.
> Same problem
After disabling Clipboard History, was the program restarted - that restart
might be necessary for the change to take.
Rory O'Farrell
On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 20:14:30 +
gil clampett wrote:
> Clipboard history was disabled.
> Same problem
After disabling Clipboard History, was the program restarted - that restart
might be necessary for the change to take.
Clipboard history was disabled.
Same problem
Sent from my Galaxy
Original message
From: gil clampett
Date: 3/9/23 3:23 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Matthias Seidel , users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: RE: copy - paste problem
Shari Lynn Smith
> Date: 3/7/23 9:55 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: copy - paste problem
> Hi Gil,
> Have you updated to the newest version? You might want to try that and
> see if it fixes your problem.
> If it doesn't, could you sha
: copy - paste problem
Hi Gil,
Have you updated to the newest version? You might want to try that and
see if it fixes your problem.
If it doesn't, could you share what type of system you're on, and the
exact steps you're taking to copy.
On 3/6/2023 6:25 PM, gil clampett w
Lynn Smith
Date: 3/7/23 9:55 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: copy - paste problem
Hi Gil,
Have you updated to the newest version? You might want to try that and
see if it fixes your problem.
If it doesn't, could you share what type of system you're on, and
Hi Gil,
Have you updated to the newest version? You might want to try that and
see if it fixes your problem.
If it doesn't, could you share what type of system you're on, and the
exact steps you're taking to copy.
On 3/6/2023 6:25 PM, gil clampett wrote:
All was work
All was working for several months. Now, when I open a spreadsheet or start a
new one, all seems fine until I preform a copy. Even a single cell copy locks
uo the system. I need to close out the program and restart it. Then I am
prompted to recover the file I was workibng on and it lets me back
. I will have a deeper look later
after we released the new version of OpenOffice.
Even my time is limited... ;-)
> Michael
> An teachdaireachd a tha ’ga shìneadh air adhart
> Cuspair: Problem with an extension
> Ceann-là: Tue, 2
extension owners?
An teachdaireachd a tha ’ga shìneadh air adhart
Cuspair:Problem with an extension
Ceann-là: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 22:14:23 +
O: Michael Bauer
Freagairt gu: f...@akerbeltz.org
Buidheann: Akerbeltz
Gu: nore
still have the
problem. Also the current file that is open, I cannot save and I have to
restore it everytime I start Open office.
I could open all files with no issues until recently, when I unplugged the PC
for vacation.
Can you help me?
If Problem is unfixable, please install original English earlier version of
software by The Apache.org
On Tue, 7 Feb 2023, 14:45 Andrea Vt, wrote:
> Zuerst: Ein "OpenOffice Team" existiert nicht - hier lesen viele
> engangierte und zum Teil sehr erfahrene User mit.
Zuerst: Ein "OpenOffice Team" existiert nicht - hier lesen viele
engangierte und zum Teil sehr erfahrene User mit.
Die meisten sprechen aber nur englisch.
Also zum Thema:
Wieso Heise? (Da besteht im Allgemeinen die Gefahr, dass noch so einiges
mitinstalliert wird, was man eigentlich gar nicht
Sehr geehrtes OpenOffice Team,
ich hoffe, Sie können mir bei der Installation helfen.
Nachdem das installierte Libre Office auf meinem PC nicht mehr sauber lief,
habe ich das Programm incl. aller Dateireste (geek uninstaller) gelöscht und
Heise den Download Ihres OpenOffice heruntergeladen
My computer has a problem with Apache Open Office. Can you fix it?
Roy Scheel
Use Firefox instead.
I have no such problem when I use firefox.
Choose your platform:
On Wed, Dec
It is no longer working when you attach a .odt file to email through Gmail
in Google Chrome. I nor the person I sent the email to can open up the
attached .odt filewhich was created in Apache OpenOffice.
This just recently happened within the last week when I upgraded from
4.1.12 Open Office
On Tue, 18 Oct 2022 08:34:56 -0400
"Hugh McEachern" wrote:
> Attn: Open Office,
> We are unable to access our open office files on our computer. It keeps
> giving a error message.
> I have downloaded the latest open office but it still wont work.
> Microsoft word seems to have taken over all
or Windows they all do pretty much the same thing, they just go
> about it a bit differently, so what you can do on one you should be
> able to do on another.
> In the unlikely event that you discover that your problem actually is
> in OpenOffice rather than in the OS’s default app
nux, or Windows
they all do pretty much the same thing, they just go about it a bit
differently, so what you can do on one you should be able to do on another.
In the unlikely event that you discover that your problem actually is in
OpenOffice rather than in the OS’s default app configuration, y
Excusez moi.
Auth correctly find ".~lock.*.*#"
On Tue, Oct 18, 2022, 16:56 Amin Jack Pędziwiater
> Causing problem is much possible that your files created and saved by OO
> Suite are opened and not closed properly in OO applications then so too
> much versions
Causing problem is much possible that your files created and saved by OO
Suite are opened and not closed properly in OO applications then so too
much versions locked for edition.
Check on paths directly for files named ~*.#* and delete them all from hard
On Tue, Oct 18, 2022, 15:19 Dave
Original Message
From: Hugh McEachern [mailto:hugh.mceach...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 12:34 UTC
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Problem
> Attn: Open Office,
> We are unable to access our open office files on our computer. It keeps
Attn: Open Office,
We are unable to access our open office files on our computer. It keeps giving
a error message.
I have downloaded the latest open office but it still wont work.
Microsoft word seems to have taken over all our open office files and I have
absolutely no use
whats so ever for Mic
eric wrote:
I have been using Open Office 4.1.3 for many years---No problems
Recently,when I open a new document and start typing, every word and
line are underlined with a red squiggly line.
I can find no way to get rid of it---It prints out too!
Hope you may help
Eric Friedland
I have been using Open Office 4.1.3 for many years---No problems
Recently,when I open a new document and start typing, every word and
line are underlined with a red squiggly line.
I can find no way to get rid of it---It prints out too!
Hope you may help
Eric Friedland
-Original Message-
From: Regina Henschel
Sent: Friday, 16 September 2022 11:15 am
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Cc: RH Tasin
Subject: Re: Page background color problem
Hi RH Tasin,
RH Tasin schrieb am 16.09.2022 um 08:29:
> As you can see in the attached image that whe
please fix the problem and let us know
the update.
You can use a workaround:
Open the page style dialog, e.g. Format > Page.
Go to Tab 'Page'. Note the values in section 'Margins' and then set them
to zero. Ignore the printer warning.
Go to Tab 'Borders'. In
Hi, I have a problem with OpenOffice, can you help me?
Every time I type I get red underlining all the text, even if it is written
How can I solve this? I have the latest version of the program.
I need help to fix it, it's very annoying to write like that and it doesn't
+0100, David Deeks wrote:
>> I am using Calc on a MacBook Pro running OS High Sierra 10.13.6 (the highest
>> version this Mac will run). A long while back I had a problem sorting data
>> on Calc spreadsheets which boiled down to cell formatting being different,
>> solv
At 19:20 01/07/2022 +0100, David Deeks wrote:
I am using Calc on a MacBook Pro running OS High Sierra 10.13.6 (the
highest version this Mac will run). A long while back I had a
problem sorting data on Calc spreadsheets which boiled down to cell
formatting being different, solved by a friendly
On Wed, 11 May 2022 14:51:46 -0400
Daniel Sinto wrote:
> I just down loaded 4.1.12 and the spell check does not work.
> I have used 4.1.1 for a long time, and about a year ago the spell check
> stopped working. I thought that it was just because it was a old version.
> Please help
> Da
I just down loaded 4.1.12 and the spell check does not work.
I have used 4.1.1 for a long time, and about a year ago the spell check stopped
working. I thought that it was just because it was a old version.
Please help
Dan Sinto
Sent from Mail for Windo
As previously stated to fix: highlight the problematic cell(s) and choose
Format/Cells/Borders and set borders to what you want them to be.
This happens if you Copy (or Cut) and Paste. This action will pickup all
formatting and paste it into the target cell(s). To prevent this from happeni
Highlight the cell or cells affected and go to Format/Cells/Borders and
select your choice of borders.
Original message
From: s church
Date: 10/05/2022 16:08 (GMT+00:00)
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: open office problem
Greetings,My OO spreadsheet is adding
My OO spreadsheet is adding random borders to cells and I can't seem to remove
he document Suitland 58 Deceased b:
> Write Error
> Error in writing sub-document content.xml.
> 3. Thinking the program might be corrupted, I deleted and reinstalled Open
> Office. Same problem persists.
> 4. This happened once before several months ago. Workaroun
forever, and displays the following message:
Error saving the document Suitland 58 Deceased b:
Write Error
Error in writing sub-document content.xml.
3. Thinking the program might be corrupted, I deleted and reinstalled Open
Office. Same problem persists.
4. This happened once before
corrupted, I deleted and reinstalled
> Open Office. Same problem persists.
> 4. This happened once before several months ago. Workaround was to open
> a new file and to copy the unsaveable file piece by piece and when complete
> document had been moved the Save As command worke
forever, and displays the following message:
Error saving the document Suitland 58 Deceased b:
Write Error
Error in writing sub-document content.xml.
3. Thinking the program might be corrupted, I deleted and reinstalled Open
Office. Same problem persists.
4. This happened once before
> On Jan 20, 2022, at 4:30 PM, mclean7640 mclean7640
> wrote:
> I have tried to download and open the Open Office app and received the
> message below.
> macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
> I'm using a new iMac os12.1
> I had
message below.
macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
I'm using a new iMac os12.1
I had no problem downloading and using on my old iMac
I understand Apple can be jerks but it should be my decision to use
products I feel are save.
David Robley
How long will a flo
I have tried to download and open the Open Office app and received the
message below.
macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
I'm using a new iMac os12.1
I had no problem downloading and using on my old iMac
I understand Apple can be jerks but it should be my decision t
What kind of message you received: quit? Does quit message appear for few
seconds and if: what your eyes notice the?
Sent from the all new AOL app for Android
On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 13:28, Charlotte Burck
wrote: Hello
Hope you can help.
I have used openoffice for years on macs, currently
Hope you can help.
I have used openoffice for years on macs, currently macbook pro, with no
A few days ago openoffice documents started quitting unexpectedly and I
have not been able to reopen any documents since - they appear for a second
and then I receive the quit message. I hav
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