
What is the size of the file you are trying to save?
Where are you trying to save the file? On what device are you trying to save 
the file?
What is the size of that device?
How much memory is available on that device?
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> On Mar 14, 2022, at 3:13 AM, Marvin Vann <> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I’m having difficulty saving the file I’ve been working on for some time.   
> When save attempted, the progress bar at bottom progresses about half-way 
> then starts over.  Keeps repeating until program force terminated.  
> 1.  Have, of course, tried repeating with failure.
> 2.  As experiment, loaded last good saved version; document looks correct.  
> Then 1) added a space and 2) deleted said space.  Office now thinks document 
> has been modified.  It should save-as identical to the source it was loaded 
> from.  Instead the progress bar behaves as described above and keeps trying 
> forever, and displays the following message:
> Error saving the document Suitland 58 Deceased b:
> Write Error
> Error in writing sub-document content.xml.
> 3.  Thinking the program might be corrupted, I deleted and reinstalled Open 
> Office.  Same problem persists.
> 4.  This happened once before several months ago.  Workaround was to open a 
> new file and to copy the unsaveable file piece by piece and when complete 
> document had  been moved the Save As command worked. Even this now fails.
> 5.  Looked at your help files, found nothing relevant.
> 6.  Forgot to mention in previous msg:  Running on iMac with OS = 10.14.6 
> Sierra,  24GB memory.
> Marvin J. Vann
> <>

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