Trying this email address. Since I got this from the support email
suggested on the extensions site:
The following address failed:
multiple delivery attempts failed
Perhaps a different tech support email should be given to logged in
extension owners?
-------- An teachdaireachd a tha ’ga shìneadh air adhart --------
Cuspair: Problem with an extension
Ceann-là: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 22:14:23 +0000
O: Michael Bauer <>
Freagairt gu:
Buidheann: Akerbeltz
I was trying to create a separate version for our spellchecker for a
different spelling convention but it seems the extensions site does not
like the fact they both use the same file names for the .aff and .dic files.
I then tried to unpublish the new (empty) release I had been working on
but in the process, because the site was getting confused between the
two (I don't know why) I also unpublished our existing release.
Could an admin please
1) delete the new (empty) extension (now re-labelled DNU dearbhair-beag)
2 re-publish the Scottish Gaelic Spellchecker (GOC) extension?
Thank you
Michael Bauer
*Akerbeltz <>*
Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
*Tha Gàidhlig aig a' choimpiutair agad, siuthad, feuch e!*
Iomadh rud eadar prògraman oifis, brabhsairean, predictive texting,
geamannan is mòran a bharrachd. Tadhail oirnn aig www.iGà