Miguel - I assume that you have other word-processor files that work OK in OpenOffice? If so, it's possible that something has become corrupted in this particular file. Are you able to do Edit > Select All (or just control-A)? If so, you could try do that and then Edit > Copy (or control-C) and then paste it into a new document, either as a regular paste (control-V) or with Edit > Paste Special > Paste Unformatted Text.
- Robert ________________________________ From: Miguel Núñez Galindo <m...@prodigy.net.mx> Sent: August 24, 2023 11:14 To: users@openoffice.apache.org <users@openoffice.apache.org> Subject: Problem Good morning: I just downloaded Open Office again because one word processor file closes down when I begin to scroll it. Can you help me so this doesn´t happens ' Best regards, Miguel Núñez