It's a question on jconsole rather than cassandra, how can I invoke
getNaturalEndpoints with jconsole?
I want to run this method to find nodes which are responsible to store
data for specific row key.
I can find thi
y as a parameter and jconsole doesn't
> provide a way for inputting a byte array. You might be able to use the
> thrift call 'describe_ring' to do what you want though. You will have
> to manually hash your key to see what range it falls in however.
> On Wed, May 11, 2011
Add a new faq:
2011/5/11 Nick Bailey :
> Yes.
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> So my options are:
>> 1. Write a thrift client code to call describe_ring wit
HH will be stored into one of live replica node. It is just a hint,
rather than data to be replicated.
2011/5/12 Anurag Gujral :
> Hi All,
> I have two questions:
> a) Is there a way to turn on and off hinted handoff per keyspace rather
> than for multiple keyspaces.
> b)It looks
2011/5/11 Jonathan Ellis :
> Thanks!
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> Add a new faq:
>> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#jconsole_array_arg
>> 2011/5/11 Nick Bailey :
>>> Yes.
I use correct name, the tool runs fine.
2011/5/13 Alex Araujo :
> On 5/13/11 10:08 AM, Maki Watanabe wrote:
>> I wrote a small JMX client to invoke getNaturalEndpoints.
>> It works fine at my test environment, but throws NPE for keyspace we
>> will use for our a
It depends on what you really use which CL for your operations.
Your RF is 2, so if you read/write with CL=ALL, your r/w will be
always consistent. If your read is CL=ONE, you have chance to read old
data anytime, decommission is not matter. CL=QUORUM on RF=2 is
semantically identical with CL=ALL.
Just FYI for beginners like me: I've also write it with jython.
Getting attributes are more easier than invoke Operations. I feel
jython will be a good option to create custom monitoring/management
# *** This is JYTHON script. You can't run it on CPython. ***
import sys
d, expecting that to be sufficient.
> I will try both set to ALL and see if I get better consistency.
> -Ryan
> On May 14, 2011, at 4:41 AM, Maki Watanabe wrote:
>> It depends on what you really use which CL for your operations.
>> Your RF is 2, so if
I assume your question is on that "how CL will affects on the throughput".
In theory, I believe CL will not affect on the throughput of the
Cassandra system.
In any CL, the coordinator node needs to submit write/read requests
along the RF specified for the KS.
But for the latency, CL will affects
Did you read Jonathan's reply?
If you can't understand what README says, please let us know where you
are stack on.
2011/5/31 Amrita Jayakumar :
> can anyone help me how to start with cassandra??? starting from the
> basics???
> Thanks and Regards,
> Amrita
> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 6:4
> bin/cassandra -f ???
> If so then which all are the that i should change???
> Thanks and Regards,
> Amrita
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> Did you read Jonathan's reply?
>> If you can
- Consistency Level
- Distributed Delete
- Compaction
before going farther.
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> You can just start
>> bin/cassandra -f
>> .
>> Readme.txt says:
>> > Now that we&
How much replication factor did you set for the keyspace?
If the RF is 2, your data should be replicated to both of nodes. If
the RF is 1, you will lose the half of data when the node A is down.
2011/5/31 Preston Chang :
> Hi,
> I have a cluster with two nodes (node A and node B) and make a
They also have mailing list and irc channel.
2011/5/31 Amrita Jayakumar :
> I have log files of the format . I want to load these
> files into cassandra using PHPcassa.
> I have installed Cassandra 7.
>at org.apache.log4j.Category.info(Category.java:666)
It seems that your cassandra can't write log by device full.
Check where your cassanra log is written to. The log file path is
configured at log4j.appender.R.File property
in conf/log4j-server.properties.
2011/6/1 Bryce Godfrey :
I recommend you to take a bit more time to investigate, think, and
struggle on the problems by yourself before posting questions.
It will increase your technical skill, and help you much when you will
face on really serious problem in future.
For the current problem, if I am you, I'll make
You may be able to do it with the Order Preserving Partitioner with
making key to node mapping before storing data, or you may need your
custom Partitioner. Please note that you are responsible to distribute
load between nodes in this case.
>From application design perspective, it is not clear for
getNaturalEndpoints tells you which key will be stored on which nodes,
but we can't force cassandra to store given key to specific nodes.
2011/6/6 mcasandra :
> Khanh Nguyen wrote:
>> Is there a way to tell where a piece of data is stored in a cluster?
>> For example, can I tell if Last
You can find useful information in:
sstables are immutable. Once it written to disk, it won't be updated.
When you take snapshot, the tool makes hard links to sstable files.
After certain time, you will have some times of memtable flushs,
But decreasing min_compaction_threashold will affect on minor
compaction frequency, won't it?
2011/6/10 Terje Marthinussen :
> bug in the 0.8.0 release version.
> Cassandra splits the sstables depending on size and tries to find (by
> default) at least 4 files of similar size.
> If it canno
A little addendum
Key := Your data to identify a row
Token := Index on the ring calculated from Key. The calculation is
defined in replication strategy.
You can lookup responsible nodes (endpoints) for a specific key with
JMX getNaturalEndpoints interface.
2011/6/24 aaron morton :
> Vario
Cassandra has authentication interface, but doesn't have authorization.
So you need to implement authorization in your application layer.
2011/7/11 David McNelis :
> I've been looking in the documentation and haven't found anything about
> this... but is there support for making a node re
I'll write a FAQ for this topic :-)
2011/7/13 Peter Schuller :
>> To be sure that I didn't misunderstand (English is not my mother tongue) here
>> is what the entire "repair paragraph" says ...
> Read it, I maintain my position - the book is wrong or at the very
> least strongly misleading
Consistency and Availability are in trade-off each other.
If you use RF=7 + CL=ONE, your read/write will success if you have one
node alive during replicate data to 7 nodes.
Of course you will have a chance to read old data in this case.
If you need strong consistency, you must use CL=QUORUM.
These 0 byte files with "-Compacted" suffix indicate that the
associated sstables can be removed.
In current version, Cassandra delete compacted sstables at Full GC and
on startup.
2011/7/14 Sameer Farooqui :
> Running Cassandra 0.8.1. Ran major compaction via:
> sudo /home/ubuntu/brisk/r
Offset represent different "units" for each columns.
On SSTables columns, you can see following histgrams:
20 4291637
24 28680590
29 3876198
It means your 4291637 read operations required 20 SStables to read,
28680590 ops required 24, so on.
In Write/Read latency columns, Offset r
This kind of information is very helpful.
Thank you to share your experience.
2011/7/27 Teijo Holzer :
> Hi,
> I thought I share the following with this mailing list as a number of other
> users seem to have had similar problems.
> We have the following set-up:
> OS: CentOS 5.5
> RAM:
The book is a bit out dated now.
You should better to use cassandra-cli to define your application schema.
Please refer to conf/schema-sample.txt and help in cassandra-cli.
% cassandra-cli
[default@unknown] help;
[default@unknown] help create keyspace;
[default@unknown] help create column family;
You have a chance to write it by your own. I'll buy one :-)
2011/9/22 Sajith Kariyawasam :
> Thanks Maki.
> If you came across with any other book supporting latest Cassandara
> versions, pls let me know.
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
Hello aaron,
I raise my hand too.
If you have to-do list about the wiki, please let us know.
2011/10/10 aaron morton :
> Hi there,
> The dev's have been very busy and Cassandra 1.0 is just around the corner
> and full of new features. To celebrate I'm trying to give the wiki some
> loving t
Hello, I'm writing CassandraCli wiki page draft (sorry to late,
aaron), and found 2 problems in schema-sample.txt shipped with 1.0.0
cassandra-cli prints following warning and error on loading the schema.
WARNING: [{}] strategy_options syntax is deprecated, please use {}
You can modify the RF of the keyspace with following command in cassandra-cli:
update keyspace KEYSPACE_NAME with storage_options = {replication_factor:N};
When you decrease RF, you need to run nodetool clean on each node.
When you increase RF, you need to run nodetool repair on ea
Hello, I'm writing CassandraCli wiki page draft (sorry to late,
aaron), and found 2 problems in schema-sample.txt shipped with 1.0.0
cassandra-cli prints following warning and error on loading the schema.
WARNING: [{}] strategy_options syntax is deprecated, please use {}
I missed the news.
How the "nodetool move" work in recent version (0.8.x or later?)
Just stream appropriate range of data between nodes?
2011/11/10 Peter Schuller :
> Keep in mind that if you're using an older version of Cassandra a move
> is actually a decommission followed by bootstrap - so neig
How about to use "File->Import..." rather than "File->New Java Project"?
After extracting the source, ant build, and ant generate-eclipse-files:
1. File->Import...
2. Choose "Existing Project into workspace..."
3. Choose your source directory as root directory and then push "Finish"
2012/1/6 bob
Sorry, ignore my reply.
I had same result with import. ( 1 error in unit test code & many warnings )
2012/1/6 Maki Watanabe :
> How about to use "File->Import..." rather than "File->New Java Project"?
> After extracting the source, ant build, and ant ge
Jan 6, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Yuki Morishita wrote:
>> Also note that Cassandra project switched to git from svn.
>> See "Source control" section of http://cassandra.apache.org/download/ .
>> Regards,
>> Yuki
>> --
>> Yuki Mor
Small correction:
The token range for each node is (Previous_token, My_Token].
( means exclusive and ] means inclusive.
So N1 is responsible from X+1 to A in following case.
2012/1/11 Roland Gude :
> Each node in the cluster is assigned a token (can be done automatically –
> but usually
Are there any significant difference of number of sstables on each nodes?
2012/1/18 Marcel Steinbach :
> We are running regular repairs, so I don't think that's the problem.
> And the data dir sizes match approx. the load from the nodetool.
> Thanks for the advise, though.
> Our keys are digits
The current trunk limit the value of phi_convict_threshold from 5 to 16
in DatabaseDescriptor.java.
And phi value is calculated in FailureDetector.java as
PHI_FACTOR x time_since_last_gossip / mean_heartbeat_interval
And the PHI_FACTOR is a predefined value:
PHI_FACTOR = 1 / Log(10) =~ 0
How to find the right commit SHA for specific cassandra release?
For example, how to checkout 0.8.9 release on git repository?
With git log --grep=0.8.9, I found the latest commit mentioned about 0.8.9 was
commit 1f92277c4bf9f5f71303ecc5592e27603bc9dec1
Author: Sylvain Lebresne
> On 02/12/2012 10:39 PM, Maki Watanabe wrote:
> Hello,
> How to find the right commit SHA for specific cassandra release?
> For example, how to checkout 0.8.9 release on git repository?
> With git log --grep=0.8.9, I found the latest c
I found I can get the info by "git tag".
I should better to learn git more to switch...
2012/2/13 Maki Watanabe :
> Perfect! Thanks.
> 2012/2/13 Dave Brosius :
>> Based on the tags listed here:
>> http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=cassandra.git
Updated http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/HowToBuild .
2012/2/13 Maki Watanabe :
> I found I can get the info by "git tag".
> I should better to learn git more to switch...
> 2012/2/13 Maki Watanabe :
>> Perfect! Thanks.
>> 2012/2/13 Dave Brosius :
The link is wrong.
Should be:
2012/2/21 Sylvain Lebresne :
> The Cassandra team is pleased to
I've verified it in the source: deliverHintsToEndpointInternal in
Yes it add random delay before HH delivery.
2012/2/24 Todd Burruss :
> if I remember correctly, cassandra has a random delay in it so hint
> deliver is staggered and does not overwhelm the just restarted no
take ~1 to get propagated to all apache mirrors).
> --
> SYlvain
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 2:46 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> The link is wrong.
>> http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/cassandra/1.1.0/apache-cassandra-1.1.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz
>> Shou
If you have 3 nodes of RF=3, you can continue the service on cassandra even if
one of the node will fail ( by hardware or software failure ).
One other benefit is you can shutdown one node for maintenance or patch up
without service interruption.
If you run your service with 2 node and RF=2, your
> If you run your service with 2 node and RF=2, your data will be replicated but
> your service will not be redundant. ( You can't stop both of nodes )
If your service doesn't need strong consistency ( allow cassandra returns
"old" data after write, and possible write lost ), you can use CL=ONE
er initially..
> Could you guys also recommend some minimum memory to start with ? Of course
> that would depend on my workload as well, but that's why I am asking for the
> min
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:40 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
DataStax has not recommend to run major compaction now:
But if you can afford it, major compaction will improve read latency as you see.
Major compaction is expensive, so you will not want to run it during
high traffic hours. And you should not
Fixed in 1.0?
2012/3/2 Radim Kolar :
> Can be something made to remove these empty delivery attempts from log?
> Its just tombstoned row.
> [default@system] list HintsColumnFamily;
> Using default limit of 100
> ---
> RowKey
According to the wiki, it is not included in the binary distribution.
2012/3/14 Xaero S :
> Hi,
> When i start Cassandra 1.0.7 with authentication enabled. i get this
> following exception -
> org.apache.cassandra.config.ConfigurationEx
snapshot files are "hardlink"s of the original sstables.
As you know, on windows, you can't delete files opened by other process.
If you try to delete the "hardlink", windows thinks you try to delete
the sstables in production.
2012/3/14 Jim Newsham :
> Hi,
> I'm using Cassandra 1.0.8, o
Have you build and installed SimpleAuthenticator from the source repository?
It is not included in the binary kit.
2012/3/14 Sabbiolina :
> HI. I followed this:
> To set up simple authentication and authorization
> 1. Edit cassandra.yaml, setting
> org.apache.cassandra.auth.SimpleAuthe
Do you use same storage_port across 3 nodes?
Can you access to the storage_port of the seed node from the last (failed) node?
2012/3/14 Rishabh Agrawal :
> I was able to successfully join a node to already existing one-node cluster
> (without giving any intital_token), but when I add another machi
Fixed in 1.0.9, 1.1.0
You should better to avoid to use cleanup/scrub/upgradesstable if you
can on 1.0.7 though
it will not corrupt sstables.
2012/3/14 Thomas van Neerijnen :
> Hi all
> I am trying to run a cleanup on a column family and am g
% telnet seed_node 7000
on the 3rd node and see what it says.
2012/3/14 Rishabh Agrawal :
> I am using storage port 7000 (deafult) across all nodes.
> -Original Message-
> From: Maki Watanabe [mailto:watanabe.m...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 20
complete depends on data you have on the node.
hope this help.
On 2012/03/15, at 1:51, Thomas van Neerijnen wrote:
Thanks, good to know there's a fix on the way.
In the mean time is there any way to work around this? Or perhaps should I
move back to SizeTiered until 1.0.9 is relea
> user ---n:m--- role ---n:m--- resource
It can work, but Cassandra is not RDBMS as you know, so RDBMS-ish data
modeling may not fit in production. (depends on your requirement on
performance. I'm not sure.)
In general you should better to desgin schema from your access pattern.
auto_bootstrap has been removed from cassandra.yaml and always enabled
since 1.0.
2012/3/26 R. Verlangen :
> Yes, you can add nodes to a running "cluster". It's very simple: configure
> the cluster name and seed node(s) in cassandra.yaml, set auto_bootstrap to
> true and start the node.
What version are you using?
Anyway try nodetool repair & compact.
2012/3/26 Tamar Fraenkel
> Hi!
> I created Amazon ring using datastax image and started filling the db.
> The cluster seems un-balanced.
> nodetool ring returns:
> Address DC RackStatus State Loa
You can find it in the bin directory of the binary distribution.
2012/3/27 puneet loya :
> How do i use the cqlsh comand line utility??
> I m using cassandra 1.0.8.. Does cqlsh command line utility comes with the
> download of cassandra 1.0.8 or we have to do it separately.
> Suggest a
a way :)
> Reply
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> You can find it in the bin directory of the binary distribution.
>> maki
>> 2012/3/27 puneet loya :
>> > How do i use the cqlsh comand lin
for details, open conf/log4j-server.properties and add following configuration:
2012/4/10 Jonathan Ellis :
> CompactionExecutor doesn't have level information available to it; it
> just compacts the sstables it's t
Check your cassandra log.
If you can't find any interesting log, set cassandra log level
to DEBUG and run your program again.
2012/4/10 puneet loya :
> hi,
> sorry i posted the port as 7000. I m using 9160 but still has the same
> error.
> "Cannot read, Remote side has closed".
> Can u g
You can configure sstable size by sstable_size_in_mb parameter for LCS.
The default value is 5MB.
You should better to check you don't have many pending compaction tasks
with nodetool tpstats and compactionstats also.
If you have enough IO throughput, you can increase
hope this help.
2012/4/12 puneet loya :
> what is composite columns?
> super column under it can contain just multiple columns.. will composite
> columns be useful?
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Paolo Bernar
If you set trace level for IncomingTCPConnection, the message "Version
is now ..." will be printed for every inter-cassandra message received
by the node, including Gossip.
Enabling this log in high traffic will saturate IO for your log disk by itself.
You should better to inspect nodetool tpstats
If your shared disk is super fast enough to handle IO requests from
multiple cassandra node, you can do it in theory. And the disk will be
the single point of failure in your system.
For optimal performance, each node should have at least 2 hdd, one for
commitlog and one for data.
Hello folks,
I'm tranlating the Wiki pages to Japanese now.
I found all of images in MemtableThresholds are broken:
Can anyone fix the links?
Ok, I got it.
2011年2月21日13:37 :
> I think apache infra team is working on the issue...
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-3352
> -Original Message-
> From: Maki Watanabe [mailto:watanabe.m...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 21,
According to the Wiki/StorageConfiguration page, auto_bootstrap is
described as below:
Set to 'true' to make new [non-seed] nodes automatically migrate the
right data to themselves. (If no InitialToken is specified, they will
pick one such that they will get half the rang
2011/3/8 aaron morton :
> AFAIK yes. The node marks itself as bootstrapped whenever it starts, and
> will not re-bootstrap once that it set.
> More info here
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations#Bootstrap
> Hope that helps.
> Aaron
> On 8/03/2011, at 9:35 PM
Hello Bob,
1. What does lsof says on TCP:9160 port?
$ lsof -i TCP:9160
2. Have you try to change rpc_port in conf/cassandra.yaml?
ex. rpc_port: 19160
2011/3/12 Jeremy Hanna :
> I don't know if others have asked this but do you have a firewall running
> that would prevent access to those
According to Cassandra Wiki, best strategy is no swap at all.
2011/3/16 ruslan usifov :
> Dear community!
> Please share you settings for swap on linux box
Refer to:
You can specify the data directories with following parameter in
storage-config.xml (or cassandra.yaml in 0.7+).
commit_log_directory : where commitlog will be written
data_file_directories : data files
saved_cache_directory : saved
A client thread need to wait for response, during the server can
handle multiple requests simultaneously.
2011/3/22 Sheng Chen :
> I am just wondering, why the stress test tools (python, java) need more
> threads ?
> Is the bottleneck of a single thread in the client, or in the server?
> Thanks.
How do you define your Keyspace?
As you may know, in Cassandra, replication (factor) is defined as the
attribute of Keyspace.
And what do you mean:
> However replication never happened.
> I can't get data I set at other node.
What did you do on cassandra, and what did you get in response?
I'm trying to build and run cassandra 0.7.4-src on IntelliJ IDEA 10 CE
on OSX with reading
Though I need to omit interface/avro/gen-java, exclude
java/org/apache/cassandra/hadoop, and
download&add jna.jar into library path, I could ki
Woud you cassandra team think to add an alias name for nodetool
"repair" command?
I mean, the word "repair" scares some of people.
When I say "we need to run nodetool repair regularly on cassandra
nodes", they think "OH... Those are broken so often!".
So if I can say it in more soft word, ex. "syn
Not yet. I'll try.
2011/3/31 Tommy Tynjä :
> Have you assured you are able to build Cassandra outside
> of IDEA, e.g. on command line?
> Best regards,
> Tommy
> @tommysdk
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 3:56 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> Hello,
ant on my command line had completed without error.
Next I tried to build cassandra 0.7.4 in eclipse, and had luck.
So I'll explore cassandra code with eclipse, rather than IDEA.
2011/3/31 Maki Watanabe :
> Not yet. I'll try.
> maki
> 2011/3/31 Tommy Tynjä :
On reading O'Reilly's Cassandra book and wiki, I'm a bit confusing on
nodetool repair and compact.
I believe we need to run nodetool repair regularly, and it synchronize
all replica nodes at the end.
According to the documents the "repair" invokes major compaction also
(as side effect?).
tones in all sstable in
gc_grace_period, it is safe to run "nodetool compact" at least once in
gc_grace_period, isn't it?
2011/4/6 Sylvain Lebresne :
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On reading O'Reilly's
Hello Mark,
Disable verbose mode (-w or $VERBOSE) of ruby.
Or, you can cleanup ruby thrift library by yourself.
2011/4/12 Mark Lilback :
> I'm trying to connect to Cassandra from a Ruby script. I'm using rvm, and
> made a clean install of Ruby 1.9.2 and then did "gem install cassandra". When
> to are valid IP addresses. Those are just alias
addresses for your loopback interface.
% ifconfig -a is for loopback, so you can't connect this address from
remote machines.
You may be able configure SSH port forwarding from your monitroing
host to cassand
I made self answered faqs on seed after reading the wiki and code.
If I misunderstand something, please point out to me.
== What are seeds? ==
Seeds, or seed nodes are the nodes which new nodes refer to on
bootstrap to know ring information.
When you add a new node to ring, you need to specify at
node sends gossip message
> - To a known live node (picked randomly)
> - To a known dead node (based on some probability)
> - To a seed node (based on some probability)
> Thanks,
> Naren
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Maki Watanabe
> wrote:
>> I m
I found Gossipper is initiated with seconds from Unix Epoch
(=System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)
for HeartBeatState Generation.
Do we get same generation value at very quick restart? Are there any risk here?
storage_port: Used for Gossip and Data exchange. So in your word, it
is the port for the seeds.
You CAN change the storage_port, but all nodes in your ring need to
use same storage_port number.
That's why you need different IP address for each node.
rpc_port: Used for Thrift which the Cassandra c
Done. Thank you for your comment.
2011/4/24 aaron morton :
> May also want to add that seed nodes do not auto bootstrap.
> Thanks
> Aaron
Why don't you just add new node to ring and removetoken of the bad one?
2011/4/27 maneela a
> Hi,
> I had a 2 node cassandra cluster with replication factor 2 and
> OrderPreservingPartitioner but we did not provide InitialToken in
> the configuration files. One of the node was affected in the
94 matches
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