Hello Mark,

Disable verbose mode (-w or $VERBOSE) of ruby.
Or, you can cleanup ruby thrift library by yourself.

2011/4/12 Mark Lilback <mlilb...@stat.wvu.edu>:
> I'm trying to connect to Cassandra from a Ruby script. I'm using rvm, and 
> made a clean install of Ruby 1.9.2 and then did "gem install cassandra". When 
> I run a script that just contains "require 'cassandra/0.7'", I get the output 
> below. Any suggestion on what I need to do to get rid of these warnings?
> /Users/admin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/thrift-0.5.0/lib/thrift/server/nonblocking_server.rb:80:
>  warning: `&' interpreted as argument prefix
> /Users/admin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/thrift-0.5.0/lib/thrift_native.bundle:
>  warning: method redefined; discarding old skip
> /Users/admin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/thrift-0.5.0/lib/thrift/protocol/base_protocol.rb:235:
>  warning: previous definition of skip was here
> --
> Mark Lilback
> West Virginia University Department of Statistics
> mlilb...@stat.wvu.edu


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