If your shared disk is super fast enough to handle IO requests from
multiple cassandra node, you can do it in theory. And the disk will be
the single point of failure in your system.
For optimal performance, each node should have at least 2 hdd, one for
commitlog and one for data.


2012/4/26 samal <samalgo...@gmail.com>:
> Each node need its own HDD for multiple copies. cant share it with others
> node.
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Benny Rönnhager
> <benny.ronnha...@thrutherockies.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am building a database with several hundred thousands of images.
>> have just learned that HaProxy is a very good fronted to a couple of
>> Cassandra nodes. I understand how that works but...
>> Must every single node (mac mini) have it's own external harddrive with
>> the same data (images) or can I just use one hard drive that can be
>> accessed by all nodes?
>> What is the recommended way to do this?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Benny

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