Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
Over on the forum Kevin has been encouraging people to contact support with any issues. Some are refusing to do so, making ridiculous demands in response. Yesterday I had a look at the historical prices to see if LC was significantly more expensive than Metacard: 2001 - Metacard ($995) [$288] 200

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Pi Digital via use-livecode
You will still be able to use the current Community Edition. It just won’t get updated any further or receive support from LCLtd. You are welcome for the fish. Sean Cole Pi Digital Productions Ltd eMail Ts & Cs > On 2 Sep 2021, at 09:38, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode > wrote: > > Over

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Kevin Miller via use-livecode
What she said. Get in touch and I'm sure we can work something out. Kind regards, Kevin Kevin Miller ~ ~ LiveCode: Develop Yourself On 02/09/2021, 04:36, "use-livecode on behalf of J. Landman Gay via use-livecode" wrote: This situation is the

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Heather Laine via use-livecode
I'd just like to reiterate that, please get in touch on if you have questions about your license or need help or don't think you can afford the new pricing. Please also bear in mind that we are *exceptionally busy* and while I will definitely get back to everybody, as fast a

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
Hi Kevin I've read your various interactions with people here and on the forum and I think you're handling this superbly In the last 5 years my house insurance has doubled in price (the house has remained the same size and the insurance offers no more features). At no point has my insurance compa

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Kevin Miller via use-livecode
Thanks Devin, I do appreciate the words of support. Change is always hard, and this particular one was something we were not looking forward to. But it had to be done and we will find our way through it. Kind regards, Kevin Kevin Miller ~ ~ LiveCode:

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Kevin Miller via use-livecode
I meant Bernard of course, apologies. Kind regards, Kevin Kevin Miller ~ ~ LiveCode: Develop Yourself On 02/09/2021, 11:22, "use-livecode on behalf of Kevin Miller via use-livecode" wrote: Thanks Devin, I do appreciate the words of support. Ch

Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
Sorry to drag us off the interesting topic of licensing :-) into some Livecode question. I know little or nothing about Unicode, text encodings, etc. - so my question is indeed naive. I have a text file (War & Peace from Project Gutenberg), about 3.4Mb. The Mac describes it simply as "Plain

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread Keith Clarke via use-livecode
I may be wrong but I thought Mac’s ‘Plain Text’ just meant it’s a ‘text.txt’ MIME type file, which could be encoded as ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32, rather than a 'text.rtf’ rich text MIME type file, with the embedded markup for styling, such as bold, italic, etc. The '’ at the start of the d

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Keith Martin via use-livecode
Unless someone’s hoarding gold that’s an interesting but not all that useful pricing comparison. I prefer the Big Mac Index (

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread David Bovill via use-livecode
Thanks for the question Alex, I’m wrestling with the same issues - but so far got no responses from encoding gurus here :) This is my understanding: 1) Yes its recommended to textEncode text that comes from outside into Livecode’s internal native format (which is utf16).  Livecode handles ever

Calling all fish!

2021-09-02 Thread David Bovill via use-livecode
Don’t go , we love you :) The open source version, is alive. It just needs maintainers. Personally I think this move by LiveCode is healthy. We now have two choices a free open source edition maintained by the community, and a closed source version maintained by LiveCode LTD. If you want to use

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Mike Kerner via use-livecode
@keith ok, so run the numbers On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 7:56 AM Keith Martin via use-livecode <> wrote: > Unless someone’s hoarding gold that’s an interesting but not all that > useful pricing comparison. I prefer the Big Mac Index ( >

Re: Calling all fish!

2021-09-02 Thread Drs Mark Schonewille via use-livecode
David, I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Maybe in your spam box. Mark Schonewille Economy-x-Talk KvK 50277553 VAT NL002099948B21 Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Michael Kristensen via use-livecode
Hi there I suggest that there could be a Non-Appbuilding Community Edition That would be for personal use, and to learn coding. Michael ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and man

RE: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Ralph DiMola via use-livecode
This is a good idea. I sometimes use the IDE to do a quickie text manipulation task. A couple of buttons and some text file/db processing and BOOM! It's done in the fraction of the time of other languages. I have now done some text chunk coding that highlights many of LCs features. I can now buy a

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Kevin Miller via use-livecode
Thanks for the constructive suggestion. Unfortunately with a free non-app building version, everyone who needs to run an app can just download that. Kind regards, Kevin Kevin Miller ~ ~ LiveCode: Develop Yourself On 02/09/2021, 14:49, "use-livecode

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Keith Martin via use-livecode
I think this is (potentially) an excellent idea. Running stacks is more important in education use than building standalones, and the knowledge that a standalone CAN be made by simply ’trading up’ to a paid-for version of LC might be an interesting sell. But I would be surprised if this sort of

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Dan Brown via use-livecode
Everyone who needs to run an app can download an old installer to run (and build) it right now. There will always be a subset of people looking to game a given system but thinking in the positive, a non committal download that doesn't allow builds is a great way to reduce friction On Thu, Sep 2, 2

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Roger Guay via use-livecode
Sounds like a very cool idea to me, but I’m sure it’s complicated! I trust LC to do what’s best for its future. Roger > On Sep 2, 2021, at 7:34 AM, Keith Martin via use-livecode > wrote: > > I think this is (potentially) an excellent idea. Running stacks is more > important in education use

RE: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Ralph DiMola via use-livecode
True, true. There could be a small group of programmers that pass a stack around but you would not be able to convince/teach a civilian to install a programming IDE and explain how to run the stack along with any other supporting files, SW or plug-ins... Mobile would be a non-starter. I would n

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Kevin Miller via use-livecode
We *are* considering the length of the trial actively, we may well give a longer trial a shot at some point. Kind regards, Kevin Kevin Miller ~ ~ LiveCode: Develop Yourself On 02/09/2021, 15:51, "use-livecode on behalf of Ralph DiMola via use-livec

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Mike Kerner via use-livecode
I don't know how much of a difference the compiling/building makes. While it is true that anyone who wants to "run an app" (even that's obviously incorrect, since stacks <> apps) can just download the free version, there is no way for that author to protect the source. Is that enough of an incentiv

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread David Bovill via use-livecode
That’s an interesting idea. I’m wondering if a bit of terminology is helpful here - there seem to be two distinct things that have been put together previously - community and open source. The needs of the two are not always aligned - especially with LiveCode where an easy to use well document

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread David Bovill via use-livecode
A web only version however that allowed you to learn and experiment with the language and develop free and open source server side code would not suffer this limitation. You would not be able to use that to build apps. There are options to retain open source community versions that do not canab

Re: Bye, and thanks for the fish

2021-09-02 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
+1 > On Sep 2, 2021, at 01:38 , Bernard Devlin via use-livecode > wrote: > > Over on the forum Kevin has been encouraging people to contact support with > any issues. Some are refusing to do so, making ridiculous demands in > response. > > Yesterday I had a look at the historical prices to see

Re: Licensing model change

2021-09-02 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
I see that some of "the community" have now uploaded dozens of the installers from the old Livecode page to I don't know what LC Ltd's thinking was in deleting the old pages, but clearly some of "the community" are

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread Rick Harrison via use-livecode
Hi Dan, Yes, there were a lot of us who specifically contributed to make the Community version possible as open source. One of the justifications was that if the company went under we would still have the Community version available to us. The promise that the company would also support it was

Re: Licensing model change

2021-09-02 Thread Mike Kerner via use-livecode
I was not paying that close attention to all the details. Did LC take the current community installer down? If they did not, then this act seems odd. If they did, then I am not surprised. On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 12:07 PM Bernard Devlin via use-livecode <> wrote: > I s

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread doc hawk via use-livecode
Rick rumbled, > It would be nice if the company were willing to provide the final version of > the Community > version under an MIT license instead of GPL since they will no longer be > supporting it at all, and > it marks a true fork in the road from the codebase going forward. While it sou

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread Kee Nethery via use-livecode
I like the idea of a free version that does not compile into an app. Lets schools teach LiveCode and lets people learn it before deciding to buy it. My two cents Kee Nethery ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Keith Clarke via use-livecode
I came to Livecode from lightweight website hackery - cobbling together HTML & CSS as a non-coder (using W3schools guidance for every live of javascript). I was (and still am) relieved by the higher-level English-like language of Livecode. None of the (dozens of) utilities I’ve created for my

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread Mark Waddingham via use-livecode
On 2021-09-02 12:12, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote: Sorry to drag us off the interesting topic of licensing :-) into some Livecode question. I know little or nothing about Unicode, text encodings, etc. - so my question is indeed naive. I have a text file (War & Peace from Project Gutenber

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread Pi Digital via use-livecode
Rick has brought to mind an interesting point about the new pricing model. It’s one that I think of occasionally. Currently and in the new model we pay for each deployment. But it’s a bit odd. Surely what we should be paying for is the Core engine and then smaller amounts for each deployment mod

Re: Sorting text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows (Re: Accumulating text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows)

2021-09-02 Thread Mark Waddingham via use-livecode
On 2021-08-30 20:22, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode wrote: Thanks to Mark Waddingham's advice about using a buffer var when accumulating a large text variabel in stages, I've now got a script that took 8 hours under LC9, and (8 minutes under LC6) down by stages to just under 1 hour under LC9. H

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread Mark Waddingham via use-livecode
On 2021-09-02 18:34, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote: The character itself is the 'undefined/illegal codepoint' which has a different sequence of bytes for each of the main (UTF-8/16LE,BE/32LE,BE) encodings. If you do `hexdump -c | less` on the file, then if it is UTF-8 there will be three

Length of Trial for xAPI Cohort use

2021-09-02 Thread Brian K. Duck via use-livecode
 Kevin, I recently led a project where a group of programmers from this list stepped up and taught LiveCode to a group of Instructional Designers as part of the Spring xAPI Cohort. We were able to build a minimum viable product in a few weeks, share the code in GitHub and make multiple project

I’m a software engineer, not a platform engineer.

2021-09-02 Thread Pi Digital via use-livecode
Peace to all at this difficult time. My working structure doesn’t seem to fit in with the new ‘model’ that LiveCode have imposed on us earlier this week. I understand their need to change and up their methodology. And I’m sure their model probably does fit the vast majority of LC users and wil

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Tom Glod via use-livecode
Kevin, Keeping a short trial gives the impression of a lack of confidence in the platforms ability to prove and provide its value. a 90 day trial would allow people to really dive in, to start on their project, and help to ensure that decisions are not rushed. I just can't see how a short trial

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
>> I can understand why there are users who feel betrayed by the company especially with the new pricing structure, and the discontinuance of support for the Community version which was even paid for in a marketing campaign in advance of it’s release. << The vast majority of the money contributed t

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
On 02/09/2021 18:34, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote: On 2021-09-02 12:12, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote: Sorry to drag us off the interesting topic of licensing :-) into some Livecode question. I know little or nothing about Unicode, text encodings, etc. - so my question is indee

Re: Sorting text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows (Re: Accumulating text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows)

2021-09-02 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
Whilst waiting for a fix, would a temporary solution be to use sqlite to create an in-memory database and let sqlite do the sorting for you? Regards, Bernard. On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 8:23 PM Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode <> wrote: > Thanks to Mark Waddingham's adv

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread J. Landman Gay via use-livecode
On 9/2/21 12:34 PM, Pi Digital via use-livecode wrote: Here’s the calculations as it stands for the new Standard Plan. 1 platform = $300 2 platforms = $500 ($200 more) 3 platforms = $900 (another $400 more ??) 4 platforms = $1000 ($100 more ) 5 platforms = $1500 ($500 more [mind blown]) 6 pl

Re: Custom URLs

2021-09-02 Thread Dan Friedman via use-livecode
Keith, Thanks for the assist... In some cases a http call will open the mobile app if it's installed. For example, will launch the mobile app. However, now with further testing, I have a new problem. On android, if the app isn't installed it's not returning "no associa

Re: Custom URLs

2021-09-02 Thread Dan Friedman via use-livecode
Sean, Thank you! But, these solutions require that the Custom URL is added to the app at deployment. Not going to work for my client. I was looking to get an understanding as to why these URLs need to be in the pList. Not sure of the reasoning behind this... I need to be able to explain t

Re: Licensing model change

2021-09-02 Thread Mike Kerner via use-livecode
I'd also be curious how the new model compares to xojo On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 12:17 PM Mike Kerner wrote: > I was not paying that close attention to all the details. Did LC take the > current community installer down? If they did not, then this act seems odd. > If they did, then I am not surpris

Re: Licensing model change

2021-09-02 Thread Sean Cole (Pi) via use-livecode
Not even close it would seem. For $300 you will get Win/Mac/Lin (like we used to). But now we'll have to pay $300 for each with some weird-as discount applied (maybe). It's very out of whack. I like the model used by xojo that is based on Desktop, Web, iOS and Android. It makes much more sense. Bu

Re: LiveCode community edition is gone

2021-09-02 Thread Mark Smith via use-livecode
HI Kee, You do know the schools license gives you complete access to all 7 platforms and permanent standalones for $25 a seat per year and the apps are non-expiring? > On Sep 2, 2021, at 6:15 PM, Kee Nethery via use-livecode > wrote: > > I like the idea of a free version that does not compile

Re: I’m a software engineer, not a platform engineer

2021-09-02 Thread Mark Smith via use-livecode
Hi Sean, based on personal experience I would say, “Keep the faith”. I’m sure that you and Heather can come to a solution that fits your business profile. I don’t think they want to lose anyone in this transition, and are willing to “find a solution” that will work for you. All the best, Mark

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Lagi Pittas via use-livecode
Trials of 14 days or even 30 days are a waste of time. I can install something and use it for a couple of days - then life / work gets in the way so It sits on the computer for 31 days and then times out. You then have to waste your time and the companies to get an extension, and by the time they

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Tom Glod via use-livecode
Lagi, I wrote to Kevin earlier and gave the exact same advice. those exact 2 points needing to be addressed. Give long trial, fix the most obvious IDE issues ASAP. Without those two things how is any new developer going to join the platform? On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 5:34 PM Lagi Pittas via use-

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Tom Glod via use-livecode
I literally begged. LOL On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 5:59 PM Tom Glod wrote: > Lagi, > > I wrote to Kevin earlier and gave the exact same advice. those exact 2 > points needing to be addressed. > > Give long trial, fix the most obvious IDE issues ASAP. > > Without those two things how is any new devel

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Lagi Pittas via use-livecode
Sorry it's worse than I thought.It's 10th generation with 4 cores and 8 logical processors. Appleworks was blazingly fast on my 64K 1Mhz Apple 2 and so was Borland Turbo Pascal on my Microsoft Z80 card on said machine - software is going backwards speed wise. Lagi On Thu, 2 Sept 2021 at 23:00,

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Lagi Pittas via use-livecode
Tom, I have mentioned the IDE problem how many times in the last 3 years and nothing has come of it. They have been fixated on getting bought out by Apple or Claris (LCFM is on the Filemaker store) but I bet Apple has been stringing them along and learning their IP to bring out their own to compe

Re: Sorting text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows (Re: Accumulating text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows)

2021-09-02 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
I am going to say no, because you still have to traverse the file once to get it into sqLite, then do the sort, then write out the file when done. I might be mistaken, the subsequent SQL sort may make up for lost time. Using a memory SQL really shines when you need to make multiple passes at the

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
>> But the best way of selling it is to FIX the bloody IDE - I am running on a 16G 1 year Old 8th Generation CoreI7 processor and it STILL runs like treacle. << As I don't recognize this experience can you put a video of your experience on the cloud? I don't run on hardware anything like as bee

Put URL command

2021-09-02 Thread Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode
Is this supposed to work? I get a script error: put URL "binfile:" & sourceURL into URL "binfile:" & destinationURL Peter Bogdanoff ___ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage

Re: Put URL command

2021-09-02 Thread Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode
Actually, a compilation error. How is the command supposed to be structured when using a var for the URL? > On Sep 2, 2021, at 7:55 PM, Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode > wrote: > > Is this supposed to work? I get a script error: > > put URL "binfile:" & sourceURL into URL "binfile:" & desti

Re: Put URL command

2021-09-02 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
try put URL "binfile:" & sourceURL into URL ("binfile:" & destinationURL) or, if you're cautious like me, put URL ("binfile:" & sourceURL) into URL ("binfile:" & destinationURL) Alex On 03/09/2021 00:55, Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode wrote: put URL "binfile:" & sourc

Re: Put URL command

2021-09-02 Thread Mark Wieder via use-livecode
On 9/2/21 5:00 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote: put URL ("binfile:" & sourceURL) into URL ("binfile:" & destinationURL) I always use parentheses when specifying URLs. It doesn't necessarily keep me out of trouble, but at least then it's trouble of my own making. -- Mark Wieder ahso

Re: Put URL command

2021-09-02 Thread Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode
Thanks Alex! > On Sep 2, 2021, at 8:00 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode > wrote: > > try > > put URL "binfile:" & sourceURL into URL ("binfile:" & destinationURL) > > or, if you're cautious like me, > > put URL ("binfile:" & sourceURL) into URL ("binfile:" & > destinatio

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
On 02/09/2021 13:01, David Bovill via use-livecode wrote: Thanks for the question Alex, I’m wrestling with the same issues - but so far got no responses from encoding gurus here :) This is my understanding: 1) Yes its recommended to textEncode text that comes from outside into Livecode’s int

Re: Put URL command

2021-09-02 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
I said : try put URL "binfile:" & sourceURL into URL ("binfile:" & destinationURL) No. Don't. I was wrong. That avoids the error message, but gets the wrong result. It gives you the content of the URL "binfile:" (i.e. empty) plus the value of the variable sourceURL or, if you'r

Re: Suggestion: Non-Appbuilding Community Edition

2021-09-02 Thread Sean Cole (Pi) via use-livecode
Hi Lagi, I have the LC IDE running on a remote Windows Server with 1 core (2Ghz) and 2GB ram. It struggles at times but is still usable (truly amazingly). Otherwise, I run it on Windows through Parallels Desktop with VM 8 cores and 8GB on an 8core 32GB Macbook Pro. Saving a stack takes 15 times lon

Re: Text encoding.

2021-09-02 Thread J. Landman Gay via use-livecode
I made the same mistake at first. The concepts felt backward to me, it seemed like we should encode text into the format we were aiming for. So If I wanted UTF16 I should encode it that way. If I wanted UTF8 for outbound text I should decode the UTF16 that LC uses. When the receiving server sc

Re: Fix The Browser!

2021-09-02 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
9.6.4 They fixed the browser in iOS! Where do we get the release notes? The “break through” is not even mentioned… But, we look for to putting the books on line. On 8/30/21, 5:05 AM, "use-livecode" wrote: Well there is with mobileControlCreate. But it does NOT solve the bugs in iOS. In And