Hi Dan,

Yes, there were a lot of us who specifically contributed to make the Community 
version possible
as open source.  One of the justifications was that if the company went under 
we would still have
the Community version available to us. The promise that the company would also 
support it was
equally appealing. While the original intent was to use the Community version 
to widen the user
base, and get more paying customers, it apparently didn’t get enough of them to 
be able to
justify sustaining the Community version. 

I can understand why there are users who feel betrayed by the company 
especially with the new 
pricing structure, and the discontinuance of support for the Community version 
which was even 
paid for in a marketing campaign in advance of it’s release.

It can seem that the company keeps increasing it’s prices while taking away 
functionality by
forcing users to select which specific platforms to be able to deploy to. That 
seems to go against 
the idea of coding once and being able to deploy to all platforms in one 
affordable package.

Access to the Community version is still very important as that is how many 
users were first 
introduced to LiveCode who then became paying customers. I believe the try it 
before buying 
model is still very important for helping users to make the purchase decision.

It would be nice if the company were willing to provide the final version of 
the Community 
version under an MIT license instead of GPL since they will no longer be 
supporting it at all, and 
it marks a true fork in the road from the codebase going forward.  That might 
make the transition
easier to accept for some users. Continually making users of your product feel 
or angry isn’t a good marketing strategy.  The happier you can make your 
customers the better
your business will be!

I think it’s great that the CEO is interested in negotiating with those users 
who feel they can’t
afford the new pricing structure, which is certainly something one would never 
see with
large companies like Disney.

The LC community is going through a shock with so much change that had no 
gradual hints
about it. Acceptance of the changes will take time as it always does, but we 
will adjust.

Just my 2 cent observations for the day.


> On Sep 1, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Dan Brown via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> That's a bit harsh, are you forgetting the amount of money that was
> contributed by users to the fund raisers over the years?  > $600k

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