[UAI] 2nd CFP ISIPTA’2023 (The Thirteenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications)

2023-01-17 Thread Enrique Miranda
** *News: extended deadlines and plenary speakers* *** IMPORTANT DATES (Extended!): *  Submission of title and abstract: February 12, 2023 (extended, final deadline) *  Paper submission deadline: February 19, 2023 (extended, final deadline) * Notification of paper acce

[UAI] ISIPTA 2023: Call for posters (deadline 1 May)

2023-04-03 Thread Enrique Miranda
*Apologies if you receive multiple announcements* *** The Thirteenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2023) Oviedo, 11-14 July, 2023. In our call for papers we stated that there is “Uncertainty modelling beyond probability” and tried to

[UAI] CFP: special session on imprecise probabilites at IPMU'2024

2023-12-18 Thread Enrique Miranda
r earliest convenience. Any questions or remarks can be addressed to: Enrique Miranda (mirandaenri...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) Ignacio Montes (imon...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) ___ uai mailing list u

[UAI] ISIPTA'2021: Call for Papers

2020-09-25 Thread Enrique Miranda
*The Twelfth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2021)* What if we told you that /“There’s more to uncertainty than probabilities.”/ Would you agree? Then come to Granada, Spain, 6-9 July 2021, to attend the 12th edition of ISIPTA: the world’s m

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities at IPMU'2022

2021-11-02 Thread Enrique Miranda
uld let us know in case you intend to submit a paper to this session, at your earliest convenience. Any questions or remarks can be addressed to: Enrique Miranda (mirandaenri...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) Ignacio Montes (imon...@uniovi.es), University of Ovi

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities- SMPS'2022

2022-02-28 Thread Enrique Miranda
se you intend to submit a paper to this session, at your earliest convenience. Any questions or remarks can be addressed to: Enrique Miranda (mirandaenri...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) Arthur Van Camp (arthur.vanc...@bristol.ac.uk), University of Bristol

[UAI] Call for papers: Thirteenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications- Oviedo, 11-14 July, 2023

2022-09-30 Thread Enrique Miranda
The Thirteenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2023) What if we told you that “There’s more to uncertainty than probabilities.” Curious? Then come to Oviedo, Spain, 11-14 July 2023, to attend the 13th edition of ISIPTA: the world’s main fo

[UAI] ISIPTA'15 second call for papers and posters

2015-01-12 Thread Enrique Miranda
*ISIPTA '15 SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS & POSTERS* 9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications 20-24 July 2015 Pescara, Italy Website with up-to-date information on all aspects of the conference: http://www.sipta.org/isipta15 Scientific program contact


2015-01-28 Thread Enrique Miranda
*ISIPTA '15 FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS & POSTERS* 9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications 20-24 July 2015 Pescara, Italy Website with up-to-date information on all aspects of the conference: http://www.sipta.org/isipta15 Scientific program contact:

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities and non-additive measures at IFSA'2017

2016-11-09 Thread Enrique Miranda
analysis -finance -life sciences -system control and design *Important dates * Submission of papers: January 15, 2017 Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2017 Final version due: April 30, 2017 Conference: June 27-30, 2017 *Organizers:* Enrique Miranda and Ignacio Montes University of Oviedo

[UAI] CFP: special session on imprecise probabilities at IPMU'2018

2017-08-01 Thread Enrique Miranda
r earliest convenience. Any questions or remarks can be addressed to: Enrique Miranda (mirandaenri...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) Ignacio Montes (imon...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) ___ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities at IPMU'2012- extended deadline: january 15, 2012

2011-12-07 Thread Enrique Miranda
, 2012 - Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 25, 2012. - Deadline for Camera-ready papers: March 31, 2012. Contact Details Enrique Miranda E-mail address: mirandaenri...@uniovi.es Department of Statistics and Operations Research University of Oviedo Tel.: +34 985102955 Fax: +34 995103354


2013-05-24 Thread enrique . miranda
EUROFUSE 2013 -- CALL FOR PAPERS (Apologies for multiple posting) The UNIMODE Research Unit of the University of Oviedo and EUROFUSE invite you to participate in the EUROFUSE 2013 workshop that will be hold in Oviedo, Spain from 2 to 4 December 2013. http://eurofuse2013.uniovi.es AIMS AND

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities at IPMU'2014

2013-10-05 Thread Enrique Miranda
school2014 *Organizers : * *Enrique Miranda: *University of Oviedo(mirandaenri...@uniovi.es) *Sébastien Destercke: *CNRS, Heudiasyc Lab.(sebastien.dester...@hds.utc.fr) *Kevin Loquin: *LIRMM - IMNC Labs.(kevin.loq...@gmail.com) ___ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST

[UAI] 8th SIPTA school on imprecise probabilities: first announcement

2017-11-21 Thread Enrique Miranda
on the main concepts and techniques associated to their area of expertise, in a friendly environment favouring interaction between participants. Topics and lecturers -Introduction to imprecise probabilities (Inés Couso, Enrique Miranda). -Graphical models and machine learning (Cassio de Campos

[UAI] SIPTA school on imprecise probabilities: second announcement

2018-03-05 Thread Enrique Miranda
lecture on the main concepts and techniques associated to their area of expertise, in a friendly environment favouring interaction between participants. *Topics and lecturers* -Introduction to imprecise probabilities (Inés Couso, Enrique Miranda). -Graphical models and machine learning (Cassio

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities at SMPS'2020

2020-02-24 Thread Enrique Miranda
rks can be addressed to: Arthur Van Camp (arthur.van-c...@hds.utc.fr), Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France) Enrique Miranda (mirandaenri...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain) ___ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST

[UAI] 2nd SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities

2005-11-06 Thread enrique . miranda
, Université Paris V). •Predictive inference with imprecise probabilities (Gert de Cooman, Ghent University). •Non-additive measures and applications on decision theory (Jean-Yves Jaffray, Université Paris VI). •Coherent lower previsions and their behavioural interpretation (Enrique Miranda, Rey Juan

[UAI] CFP: Special Issue on random sets and imprecise probabilities

2005-11-20 Thread enrique . miranda
to both special issue editors: Hung T. Nguyen Dep. Of Mathematical Sciences New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001-USA e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enrique Miranda Dep. of Statistics and O.R. Rey Juan Carlos University C-Tulipán, s/n 28933 Móstoles, SPAIN e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

[UAI] 2nd announcement: SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities

2006-03-03 Thread Enrique Miranda
nce with imprecise probabilities (/Gert de Cooman, //Ghent// //University/). * Non-additive measures and applications on decision theory (/Jean-Yves Jaffray, Université Paris VI/). * Coherent lower previsions and their behavioural interpretation (/Enrique Miranda, //Rey//

[UAI] call for papers: SIPTA session on imprecise probabilities at IPMU'2010

2009-11-27 Thread Enrique Miranda
. --- IMPORTANT DATES Jan17, 2010: Deadline for paper submission Mar 07, 2010: Notification of acceptance Apr 4, 2010: Final camera ready copies due --- SESSION ORGANIZER Enrique Miranda University of Oviedo (Spain

[UAI] CFP: ISIPTA'15, July 20-24 2015, Pescara, Italy

*ISIPTA '15 CALL FOR PAPERS* 9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications 20-24 July 2015 Pescara, Italy Website with up-to-date information on all aspects of the conference: http://www.sipta.org/isipta15 Scientific program contact: isipt...@easyc

[UAI] special session on imprecise probabilities at smps'2016

Call for contributions Special session on Imprecise Probabilities to be held at the 8th International Conference in Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics (SMPS'2016) Rome (Italy), September 12-14, 2016. Session topic and goal This session concerns imprecise probability in the wide sense