***apologies for cross posting***
Call for papers
Special Session on
to be held at the
17th International Conference on Information Processing and Management
of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2018)
Cádiz (Spain), June 11-15, 2018
Session topic and goal
This session is devoted to Imprecise Probability Theory. This theory
encompasses all the mathematical models that can be used as more
flexible tools than usual Probability Theory when the available
information is scarce, vague or incomplete. It includes lower
previsions, n- monotone capacities, belief functions and possibility
measures, among others.
We would like to attract papers that discuss and solve foundational
questions, or clearly demonstrate the usefulness of imprecise
probabilistic models in an application. We would particularly welcome
papers going from theoretical advances to the solution of an associated
applied problem.
Note also that Imprecise Probability Theory is connected to other topics
within the scope of IPMU, such as Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory, Fuzzy
Measures and their connections to Game Theory. Papers in these topics
emphasizing the role of Imprecise Probabilities are also welcome.
Theoretical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* (coherent) uncertainty models
* non-additive set-functions
* qualitative reasoning about uncertainty
* limit laws for imprecise probabilities
* philosophical foundations
* elicitation and inference
* robust statistics
* decision making
* algorithmic issues
Applications include (but are not limited to):
* data mining
* classification and machine learning
* risk and reliability analysis
* finance
* life sciences
* system control and design
Paper submission: 22 November 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 1 February 2018
Conference: 11-15 June 2018
We would be obliged if you would let us know in case you intend to
submit a paper to this session, at your earliest convenience. Any
questions or remarks can be addressed to:
Enrique Miranda (mirandaenri...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain)
Ignacio Montes (imon...@uniovi.es), University of Oviedo (Spain)
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