*Apologies if you receive multiple announcements*

The Thirteenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: 
Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2023) Oviedo, 11-14 July, 2023.

In our call for papers we stated that there is

“Uncertainty modelling beyond probability”

and tried to convince you that ISIPTA 2023 is a good place for discussing such matters. The paper submission deadline has passed, but rest assured, you can still present your work at ISIPTA, because poster abstract submission is open. These poster abstracts are intended for discussing preliminary results and open questions, or for bringing published results to the attention of the ISIPTA audience.

Each accepted poster abstract will be announced in a short plenary spotlight presentation, and the accompanying poster will be presented at length during one of the discussion sessions. Given the prominent role of poster presentations at ISIPTA, these sessions provide you with a genuine opportunity for presenting your work to the ISIPTA audience.

The deadline for poster submission is May 1. You can submit at any time before that, though, and we will provide you with a decision within two weeks.

Not convinced yet? Then perhaps the following features can persuade you.

Basic info:ISIPTA 2023 will take place in hotel ACForum in Oviedo, from July 11 to July 14, 2023. Additional information is available on our website: https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fisipta23.sipta.org%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cuai%40engr.orst.edu%7C4028e64049a74d99855308db34586923%7Cce6d05e13c5e4d6287a84c4a2713c113%7C0%7C0%7C638161326546529536%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=lQFj8D5lSdKq3smvHxNiUYBidGKXN5eGXFXspNGrR7s%3D&reserved=0

Scope:The ISIPTA conferences are devoted to robustness and imprecision in uncertainty modelling, inference and decision making, focusing in particular on uncertainty frameworks that extend or replace the probabilistic one.

Invited speakers:ISIPTA 2023 will feature keynote talks by Gert de Cooman (Ghent University, Belgium), Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) and Michel Grabisch (Université Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne). In addition, a homage to the late Professor Terrence Fine will take place.

Concept: Each accepted contribution is presented anddiscussed, in two separate sessions. Presentations are short and always plenary. Detailed explanations and discussions will take place in a poster session.

Registration: Registration is open. The deadline for early registration is May 20, while the extended registration deadline is June 15. The early registration fees are 450 for regular, 250 for students and 150 for accompanying people.

Atmosphere: ISIPTA conferences are characterised by a friendly and cooperative style, a strong emphasis on in-depth discussion and openness to new ideas. We hope that you too will enjoy and contribute to this unique atmosphere.

Awards:ISIPTA 2023 will hand out an IJAR Young Researcher Award (for excellent research in the area of imprecise probabilities) and several poster awards.
The IJAR award is sponsored by the International Journal of Approximate 
Reasoning. The deadline for applying for the IJAR Young Researcher Award 
is May 20; the rules for application are available on our website.
Anyone who presents a poster (either for a paper or poster abstract) is 
eligible for the poster prizes.
In addition, Artificial Intelligence Journal is sponsoring 4 fellowships 
of 750 euros for PhD or master students.

We look forward to receiving your contribution.

The ISIPTA 2023 Steering Committee

F. Cozman (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)

J. De Bock (Ghent University, Belgium)

E. Miranda (University of Oviedo, Spain)

I.Montes (University of Oviedo, Spain)

E. Quaeghebeur (Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

B. Vantaggi (University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy)

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