(Apologies for multiple postings)



Madrid, July 24-28, 2006


Imprecise probability is a generic term for the many mathematical or statistical
models which measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical
probabilities. These models include belief functions, Choquet capacities,
comparative probability orderings, convex sets of probability measures, fuzzy
measures, interval-valued probabilities, possibility measures, plausibility
measures, and upper and lower expectations or previsions. Imprecise probability
models are needed in inference problems where the relevant information is
scarce, vague or conflicting and in decision problems where preferences may
also be incomplete.

The school is intended as a wide and deep introduction to imprecise probability
topics, both theoretical and applied. Specifically, the school will focus on
coherent lower previsions and their behavioural interpretation, non-additive
measures and applications to decision theory, the imprecise Dirichlet model,
predictive inference with imprecise probabilities, and knowledge discovery from
data sets under weak assumptions. It will be an aim of the school to connect the
mentioned topics into an overall picture within the framework of imprecise

The Second SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities will take place in the
Headquarters of the Rey Juan Carlos University Foundation, in Madrid (Spain),
on July 24-28, 2006. It is an event organized by the International Society for
Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (SIPTA) and by the Group of
Statistics and Decision Sciences (GECD) from Rey Juan Carlos University.

You can find all the relevant information on

Schedule and topics

Each of the five days of the summer school will be devoted to a different topic,
and the time will be divided equally between theory and exercises/applications.
The topics covered will be:

•The Imprecise Dirichlet Model (Jean-Marc Bernard, Université Paris V).
•Predictive inference with imprecise probabilities (Gert de Cooman, Ghent
•Non-additive measures and applications on decision theory (Jean-Yves Jaffray,
Université Paris VI).
•Coherent lower previsions and their behavioural interpretation (Enrique
Miranda, Rey Juan Carlos University).
•Knowledge discovery from data sets under weak assumptions: the case of prior
ignorance and incomplete data (Marco Zaffalon, IDSIA).


If you would like to attend the school on Imprecise Probabilities, please fill
in the pre-registration form on http://bayes.escet.urjc.es/~emiranda/sipta no
later than March 31, 2006, enclosing a short CV (no longer than 2 pages).
Notification on acceptance will be made on April 15, 2006.


If you have any questions or remarks, please contact Enrique Miranda by e-mail,

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