[UAI] Call for Papers: 2010 AAAI CAS Fall Symposium

2010-04-08 Thread Ted Carmichael
**Please note: in order to avoid bothering you all with unwanted email (or, at least, to minimize this), this message - and subsequent updates - will not be sent again to this particular email list. Please sign up through our website if yo

[UAI] UniDL'10: Deadline extension to 11th of April

2010-04-08 Thread Thomas Lukasiewicz
--- Final Call for Papers New submission deadline: 11. of April --- UniDL'10 First International Works

[UAI] FLoC 2010: Call for Participation

2010-04-08 Thread Nicole Schweikardt
2010 FEDERATED LOGIC CONFERENCE (FLoC'10) Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. July 9-21, 2010 http://www.floc-conference.org Early registration deadline: 17 May 2010. * The fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10) will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. (www.edinburgh.org), in July 2010,

[UAI] Second CFP: IVA 2010

2010-04-08 Thread Timothy Bickmore
Second Announcement and Call for Papers ** Deadline extended to 4/30 ** ** Keynote Speakers Announced ** *** 10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents IVA 2010 20-22 September 2010 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA http://iva2010.org I

[UAI] 2nd CfP: Workshop on Computational Spatial Language Interpretation (CoSLI)

2010-04-08 Thread Joana Hois
= Workshop on Computational Spatial Language Interpretation (CoSLI) In conjunction with Spatial Cognition 2010 Mt. Hood / Portland Oregon, Aug 15 2010 http://www.cosli.org =

[UAI] ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge 2010 on Web Content Quality second call

2010-04-08 Thread Andras A Benczur
[apologies if you receive multiple copies] The focus of the ECML/PKDD Discovery Challenge 2010 is Web Content Quality. The goal is to develop automatic site-level classifiers including aspects such as trustworthiness, authoritativeness, neutrality, etc. as well as genre classification (editorial,

[UAI] 2nd CfP: The Second Workshop Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC-2010) (ECAI workshop)

2010-04-08 Thread Annette ten Teije
Second Call for Papers: The Second Workshop Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC-2010) in conjunction with ECAI-2010 http://banzai-deim.urv.net/events/KR4HC-2010 Description --- As computerized health-care support systems are rapidly becoming more knowledge intensive, t

[UAI] DEADLINE EXTENSION: Machine Learning and Games workshop at ICML 2010

2010-04-08 Thread Kurt Driessens
(Apologies for multiple postings) MACHINE LEARNING AND GAMES workshop at ICML 2010 DEADLINE EXTENSION to Monday April 12th! June 25th, 2010- Haifa, Israel http://www-kd.iai.uni-bonn.de/icml2010mlg/ SCOPE: The primary goal of this workshop is to bring researchers working on various aspect

[UAI] Call for Participation: 2010 KDD CUP

2010-04-08 Thread Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil
2010 KDD Cup Competition Educational Data Mining Challenge https://pslcdatashop.web.cmu.edu/KDDCup/ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The KDD Cup is the annual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery competition in which some of the best data mining teams in the world compete to solve an important practical da