Second Announcement and Call for Papers
   ** Deadline extended to 4/30 **
  ** Keynote Speakers Announced **

10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
IVA 2010

20-22 September 2010

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) are interactive characters that
exhibit human-like qualities and communicate with humans or with each
other using natural human modalities such as behavior, gesture and
speech.  IVAs are capable of real-time perception, cognition and action
that allow them to participate in a dynamic social environment.

IVA-2010 is an interdisciplinary annual conference and the main forum
for presenting research on modeling, developing and evaluating
intelligent virtual agents with a focus on communicative abilities and
social behavior.  The conference encourages a spectrum of presentations
from theoretical issues to working applications.  Research on
human-human and human-robot interaction adapted to intelligent embodied
agents is also welcome.

Special topic for 2010: Virtual Human Communities

IVA-2010 particularly encourages submissions on this year’s special
topics of virtual human communities.  IVA achievements to date lead
naturally to studies involving the formation, simulation and
understanding of ever widening social, cultural and cognitive
interactions among humans and virtual humans.  Computer
graphics techniques now permit the visual simulation of large
collections of individual agents, offering real-time visualization
platforms for expanding social units to families, co-worker teams,
building inhabitants and even an entire virtual populace.  Mobile
interactive devices and emergent human interests in real-time social
networking provide some additional economic incentives and a growing
industry presence.  This special topic also builds on the special theme
of IVA 09, games, in that participants in virtual environments will need
to interact not just with the space or with individual IVAs, but perhaps
with a community of IVAs in order to achieve desired situations or goal
states.  IVA 2010 offers the opportunity for further interdisciplinary
cross-fertilization between the IVA and virtual populace simulation

Keynote Speakers (see for details)
* Paul Debevec - Associate Director, Graphics Research, ICT, USC;
  Research Associate Professor, ICT, USC
* Ruben Gur, Ph. D.-  Professor of Psychology, University of
  Pennsylvania; Director of the Brain Behavior Laboratory; "The
  Neurobiology of Emotion Processing by Humans and Computers"
* Lee Sheldon -  Anti-Linear Logic; Assistant Professor, Department of
  Telecommunications, Indiana University; "Virtual Agents in the Modular

Submission details

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (10-14 pages),
short papers (6-7 pages), or poster papers (1-2 pages) in Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. For details on how to
submit your paper, consult the IVA 2010 website:

GALA 2010

The Gathering of Animated Lifelike Agents (GALA) will once again take
place at IVA; please visit the website


Norman Badler: University of Pennsylvania, USA
Catherine Pelachaud: CNRS, Télécom ParisTech, France
Jan Allbeck: George Mason University, USA
Timothy Bickmore: Northeastern University, USA

Important Dates

30 April 2010: Paper submission deadline
1 June 2010: Notification of acceptance
15 June 2010: Camera-ready copies
1 June 2010: GALA submission
20-22 September 2010: Conference!


Design and modeling of IVAs
* design criteria and design methodologies
* evaluation methodologies and user studies
* ethical considerations and social impact
* applicable lessons from other fields (e.g. robotics)
* dimensions of intelligence, cognition and behavior
* models of personality and cultural awareness
* models of social competence
* models of multimodal perception and action
* models of emotional communicative behavior
Implementation of IVAs
* software engineering issues
* real-time integrated systems
* portability and reuse
* standards / measures to support interoperability
* specialized tools, toolkits and tool chains
* specialized modeling and animation technologies
Applications of IVAs
* future role and/or current experience in various fields, e.g.,
  computer games, art and entertainment, education and training,
  simulation and visualization
* delivery platforms: desktop, single/multi-user,
  virtual/augmented/mixed reality
Conceptual frameworks for IVAs
* learned, evolved or emergent behavior
* improvisational or dramatic interaction
* stages of autonomy (from avatars to agents)
Virtual human communities
* virtual populace simulation
* authoring tools
* cultural models
* spatiotemporal data

Best Paper Chair
Stacy Marsella, Univ. of Southern California, USA

Submissions Chair
Alla Safonova, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Poster and Demo Chairs
Chris Czyzewicz, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Daniel Schulman, Northeastern University, USA

Local Organization Chair
Catherine Stocker, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Senior Program Committee

Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg, Germany
Ruth Aylett, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Marc Cavazza, University of Teesside, UK
Stephane Donikian, IRISA, France
Stefan Kopp, Bielefeld University, Germany
Stacy Marsella, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Nuria Pelechano, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Helmut Prendinger, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Mark Riedl, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Thomas Rist, University of Augsburg, Germany
Zsofia Ruttkay, University of Twente , The Netherlands
Hannes Vilhjálmsson, Reykjavík University, Iceland

Timothy W. Bickmore, Ph.D.               
Assistant Professor     
College of Computer and Information Science      Office: (617) 373-5477
Northeastern University, 202 West Village H         FAX: (617) 812-2589
360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
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