Second Call for Papers: 
The Second Workshop Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC-2010) 
in conjunction with ECAI-2010

As computerized health-care support systems are rapidly becoming more knowledge 
intensive, the representation of medical knowledge in a form that enables 
reasoning is growing in relevance and taking a more central role in the area of 
Medical Informatics. In order to achieve a successful decision-support and 
knowledge management approach to medical knowledge representation, the 
scientific community has to provide efficient representations, technologies, 
and tools to integrate all the important elements that health care providers 
work with: electronic health records and health-care information systems, 
clinical practice guidelines and standardized medical technologies, 
codification standards, etc.

Synergies to integrate the above mentioned elements and types of knowledge must 
be sought both in the medical problems (e.g., prevention, diagnosis, therapy, 
prognosis, etc.) and also in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 
technologies (e.g., natural language processing, digital libraries, knowledge 
representation, knowledge integration and merging, decision support systems, 
machine learning, e-learning, etc.).

The second KR4HC workshop will  focus on electronic patient data. After many 
years of promise, we finally begin to see a widespread deployment of electronic 
patient records and dossiers.  

List of topics
Original contributions are sought, regarding the development of theory, 
techniques, and use cases of Artificial Intelligence in the area of health 
care, particularly connected to patient data, guidelines and medical processes. 
Special focus is on electronic patient data/record. After many years of 
promise, we finally begin to see a widespread deployment of electronic patient 
records and dossiers.  The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited 
to, the following areas:

Electronic health record related subjects: 
•       The use of ontologies, conceptual models and medical vocabularies for 
linking computerized guidelines and protocols to EHRs
•       Evaluation of quality and safety of computerized guidelines in the 
light of EHR data
•       Compliance of guidelines or protocols against EHRs
•       Data and knowledge integration and interoperability for health-care 
processes, guidelines and protocols 
•       Deployments of computerized guidelines and protocols with EHRs
•       Temporal knowledge representations and exploitation from patient data
•       Procedural knowledge extraction from health-care databases

Clinical-processes and guidelines related topics:
•       Knowledge representation and ontologies for health-care processes 
•       Formalization of medical processes and knowledge-based health-care 
•       The use of ontologies, conceptual models and medical vocabularies for 
representing descriptive and procedural
    medical knowledge 
•       Combining medical guidelines with care pathways, workflows, and the 
care delivery process 
•       Knowledge combination, personalisation and adaptation for health care 
•       Digital libraries and repositories of health-care procedural knowledge, 
guidelines and protocols
•       Methods and tools for change and version management of descriptive and 
procedural medical knowledge
•       The impact of evidence-based medicine on the development and 
representation of descriptive and procedural 
    medical knowledge 
•       Acquisition, refinement and exploration of the temporal aspect of 
guidelines and protocols
•       Knowledge-based learning of health-care processes (e.g., data mining 
form guideline construction) 
•       Techniques for simulating computerized guidelines 
•       Natural-language processing to extract medical knowledge
•       Verification of represented healthcare knowledge

If sufficient quality is available among the workshop submissions, we will 
invite those authors for publishing in the second KR4HC book which will be part 
of the LNAI Springer series.

History of KR4HC
The KR4HC workshop continued a line of successful guideline workshops held in 
2000, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Following the success of the first European Workshop on Computerized Guidelines 
and Protocols held at Leipzig, Germany, in 2000, the Symposium on Computerized 
Guidelines and Protocols (CGP-2004) was organized in Prague, Czech Republic in 
2004.  In 2006 an ECAI-2006 workshop at Riva del Garda, Italy, entitled “AI 
Techniques in Health Care: Evidence-based Guidelines and Protocols” was 
organized to bring together researchers from different branches of Artificial 
Intelligence. This ECAI-2006 workshop continued with a workshop on 
“Computer-based Clinical Guidelines and Protocols (CCG’08)” at the Lorentz 
Centre of Leiden University at the beginning of 2008, which resulted in the 
book “Computer-based Clinical Guidelines and Protocols: a Primer and Current 
Trends” edited by Annette ten Teije, Silvia Miksch, and Peter Lucas and 
published by IOS Press in 2008.

Running in parallel to the previous ones, there were a series of workshops and 
publications devoted to the formalization, organization, and deployment of 
procedural knowledge in health care. These previous workshops and publications 
are the IEEE CBMS-2007 special track on “Machine Learning and Management of 
Health Care Procedural Knowledge” held in Maribor, Slovenia in 2007; the 
AIME-2007 workshop entitled “From Medical Knowledge to Global Health Care” in 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2007; the ECAI-2008 workshop on “Knowledge 
Management for Health Care Procedures” in Patras, Greece, in 2008, and the 
Springer Lecture Notes Series books LNAI 4924 and LNAI 5626, both edited by 
David Riaño in 2008 and 2009, respectively.

These initiatives joined in the first KR4HC workshop that was organized in 
conjunction with the AIME conference in Verona, Italy, in 2009.

Submission guidelines
There are two categories of paper submissions:
1.      Full research papers (up to 10 pages)
2.      Short papers (up to 5 pages) that are
    - short research papers
    - demonstration of implemented systems

All papers must be in Springer LNCS format 
( and 
submitted with Springer’s OCS ( 
before deadline.

•       Deadline for paper submissions: 7 May 2010
•       Notification of acceptance: 7 June 2010
•       Final camera-ready manuscripts: 24 June 2010
•       Workshop date: 17 August 2010

ECAI registration rules
•       The workshop attendants are required to register to the main conference 
•       People presenting a paper in a workshop are required to register by the 
EARLY registration deadline.
•       All registrations should be done through the ECAI registration website.

Workshop Organising Committee
•       Silvia Miksch, Danube University Krems, Krems, Austria
•       Mor Peleg. University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
•       David Riaño, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
•       Annette ten Teije, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The 
contact person: Annette ten Teije,

Program Committee  
Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Dalhousie University, Canada
Ameen Abu-Hanna, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Roberta Annicchiarico, Santa Lucia Hospital, Italy
Luca Anselma, Università di Torino, Italy
Fabio Campana, CAD RMB, Italy 
Paul de Clercq, University of Maastricht, The Netherland
John Fox, University of Oxford, UK
Adela Grando, University of Edinburgh, UK
Robert Greenes, Harvard University, USA
Femida Gwadry-Sridhar, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tamás Hauer, CERN, Switzerland.
Jim Hunter, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
David Isern, University Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia, Spain
Katharina Kaiser, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Patty Kostkova, City University London, UK
Johan van der Lei, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Peter Lucas, University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Mar Marcos, Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
Stefani Montani, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy
Silvana Quaglini, University of Pavia, Italy
Kitty Rosenbrand, Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement (CBO), The 
Yuval Shahar, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Brigitte Seroussi, STIM, DPA/DSI/AP-HP, France
Andreas Seyfang, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Robert Stevens, University of Manchester, UK
Maria Taboada, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Paolo Terenziani, Univ. del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, Italy
Samson Tu, Stanford University, USA
Dongwen Wang, University of Rochester, USA
Jeremy Wyatt, National Institute of Clinical Excellence, UK

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